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Member, Active UO Account


  • There were a lot of people that left an impact on me, many who are now gone, and even some on this forum. I have a lot of good memories playing this game.
  • Just finished the survey. Hopefully I will get a chance to try this out to see what it is all about.
  • Can not say I am saving up for anything. I have gone minimalist in my play, even dumping a castle and most of my veterans rewards. If my characters do not wear it to enhance their play, or use it to craft items, I usually do not keep it. I think my …
  • Atlantic, then Legends, then Formosa. And now, both Formosa and Atlantic.
  • I began our account so that my daughters could play sometime in late 2000. I think I created my first character on that account in 2001. I was 41 at the time. I do not think I started playing much on it regularly until they grew up and went on to co…
  • After more than 12 years away, I have moved back to Atlantic my main characters, all crafters, leaving only my thief and champ spawn runners on Formosa. Feel free to stop by and say hello. Just across the bridge from Luna on Malas.
  • Cinderella said: giant beetle because you can carry loot in it. (I still wish they had costumes... a lady bug would be awesome) It is a must have for a tamer t-hunter and for looting ships on the seas. Hmmmm, a ladybug. That would be swee…
  • A Nightmare named Nova. I have had her since first building up enough bard and taming skills over 15 years ago. She must have killed my character Cricket a handful of times before I finally got her. One of my best memories of the game. She is all tr…
  • I have 120 resist on all my combative characters. I have tried it both ways over the years, wanting to free up those precious skill points. I resigned myself to the fact I can not leave home without it. I hardly even notice anymore the message, "You…
  • I really appreciate all that you do, Takako. Thanks for making the game fun on Formosa. (aka, John Carter of Formosa).
  • Oh, and a picture of the event.
  • devetts said: I just want a feature where I can pay to have my own customized keep in the server.  I feel like there should be enough space these days to do something like that. I'm sorry...I just don't like the custom keeps there are availab…
  • I was happy to be able to attend with my character Uncle Buck. I did not ask any questions. It was good enough just listening to what was on everyone's minds. There was some griefing, but overall a good event. I love this game. Don't play any other …
  • The first day I stepped into Britannia I was killed by a Red player while mining outside Vesper. I believe that was when there was still only a Felucca rules set. I thought this would be a bonding event, playing this game with my daughters. Instead,…
  • My first house was a custom lot I bought off Ebay in 2003, since finding a place to put a house on Atlantic seemed impossible. My daughters had been playing our account since 2000, but never owned a house. So, I thought it was time. It was in Felucc…
  • I was asked a year or so ago to hold the Ranger of the Abyss house on Formosa. I used the above design to create this house you can now find in the Ranger side of the Abyss on Formosa. Feel free to visit. It is open to all, with caches for aides and…
  • I have not been on much these days, so only saw your message today. If you still need a fire beetle, I will see what I can do. Maybe I will open a pet vendor again. Meanwhile, I have a couple of Greater Dragons of reasonable ability I am holding in …
  • Merry Christmas, Queen_Mum, and to all of you everywhere in Britannia.
  • Yoshi said: "I reported myself for using third party program from another account, no action taken" I have wondered at times if I should do that. I did make my own GM once when they would not show up, dying bandages yellow and red, with…
  • Thinking back on the old Flash video, "A Dog," and the house when it decayed at the end, I was inspired to create this plot. I love it.
  • I would like to see the veteran reward system finally provide for Custom Castles or Keeps, say after 10 years of play.
  • I actually remember him while I haunted Europa briefly years ago. Very sad to hear.
  • Thinking that if everything on table is locked down, remove the table, then place the candles you want to add on the ground space to the left and right of the present candle, then raise up. Then place table back.
  • MacroPlanet said: It just blows my mind that this game--and this house to me--has so much history still packed in it. I love that some places still exist inside of the game that were player controlled. I have no idea if this player still play…
  • Victim_Of_Siege said: I’d prefer “Sir Not-Appearing-In-this-Film”   
  • Very nice.
    in unicorns Comment by Ben January 2023
  • I found the best place to stand in place and fish your way to GM level is off the pier in Magincia. That is deep water there, so you do not need a boat.
  • Before I started doing champ spawns a few months ago, my thief was always my funnest character to play. I still take him out now and then just to grab what is out there or to explore or observe others undetected.
  • There is still so much out there I have not discovered or tried that I can not even think of anything new to wish for. Last year was one of the best years I have ever had playing, having mastered champ spawns (with the input of a couple of you right…
  • I finally get vpn working and sign on after what, a couple of months, and after reading the titles of threads, figure I will go back into hibernation.