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- Arroth_Thaiel
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- Pacific
There are a couple of overlapping bugs going on. 1. If you have logged all the way into the game, then go to switch accounts, if you type in the wrong password, the Login button disappears, the Login text becomes greyed out, and the login process f…
In this thread Kyronix said it was all RNG. They could have turned it down since that post, who knows, but with probabilities that low, you can get long streaks without a success even without them tur…
@keven2002 It's looks to me like you're right about where we would expect you to be. I've posted your data into the simple spreadsheet (middle section) rarity comparison below. Your numbers seem to line up pretty closely to what I've called "the…
Publish 118.1 Hotfixes: Treasure Hunters that help contribute to summoning the Manifestation of Evil will have a chance at a drop when they are present for the kill Kyronix, does the chance at a drop increase with the number of maps completed and/or…
Yesterday morning on Pacific, I used two accounts to help kill a Manifestation. There were a bunch of tamers and a couple throwers present, maybe 20 people total. Both my accounts used mages with EV's while casting Flamestrike with looping macros. T…
I agree with the general feedback in this thread. This event is just set up oddly. The t-hunters actually doing the maps get very little, if any, reward for their time and map investment. -- As an example: Last night I logged in just as Pacific wa…
Technically, mites are arachnids with 8 legs, beetles are hexapods with 6 legs. As such, mites should be subject to arachnid slayer rather than beetle slayer. (Are frost mites subject to arachnid slayer?) Arachnids and beetles aren't really that c…
Mickie D, my gear gets beaten down all the time. It'll get fixed eventually. -- For anyone actually following this, if you check through your characters, you'll find their base weight is not consistent. I have many characters with 14 stone base …
Yeah sorry, I meant Equipped Gear / Body Weight.
@LilyGrace I too am on the verge of having to buy a new computer. For the first time in my life, I'm not looking forward to the upgrade. I just don't want to go through the process and would much prefer if my current system would just run forever!…
Look at it this way, your character carries their own body weight, plus all their equipped gear, plus up to 550 stones in their backpack. Here is my fighter in a full plate suit, with 550 stones of crap in his backpack. I can run around just fine…
@KroDuK There doesn't appear to be any bug with your character's carry weight. Just a misunderstanding of how carry weight works. Backpack weight is capped at 550. At 150 Str, your Elf / Gargoyle characters can carry an additional 15 stones in …
As of the patch today, 28/08/24, in the EC both Broadsword and Longsword have unique, and correlating, graphics in the backpack and on the Paperdoll, and both appear in hand in the game window. -- @JohnKnighthawke What do you think? Looks good…
Good news everyone! As of the patch on 28/08/2024, both the Broadsword and Longsword appear as different graphics in the backpack, correlating different graphics on the paper doll, and both display a weapon in hand in the game window. I believe th…
Sorry Drakelord, It's been in Beta since 2019: MYUO , does it even work ? - Ultima Online Forums and broken since well before that: What is the status of MyUO? - Ultima Online Forums
Can we just massively speculate on something? I'm betting there is some bug related to broadsword and longsword graphics which dates all the way back to UO's launch in '97. When the team working on KR in '06 ish developed the high-res broadsword …
Well, one step forward! Post Pub 117 update on 23/08/24, when a longsword is equipped, a weapon appears in hand. However, the longsword graphic no longer appears on the paper doll. In fact, no weapon appears on the paper doll. Keep at it folks! …
Shoulder Raven. You could even name it Nevermore.
@JohnKnighthawke With some investigation, this is actually a bit more interesting. I have submitted a bug report.
You are correct, longswords no longer appear in the character's hand in game (EC, Pacific). Longswords do appear on the paper doll and in the backpack.
Victim_Of_Siege said: The alley behind the Cat's Lair in Britain of course . . . -- Victim_Of_Siege said: ...and have been getting sthis... -- If you'd just stay out of that alley...
mis What is your EC install language? German, Japanese, Korean?
@mis I just logged in, created an organizer with a Ruby, logged out, logged back in, and everything is fine. EC Install language is English. Is it Ruby or Fire Ruby you're suspecting is the problem? What EC install language are you having the …
No idea. It wasn't me doing the recording. I didn't really even play NL. Started a character but didn't even get past the point of choosing a house name. I did click on this thread though, and through the magic / villainy of "Google", "Quaderact" w…
Ultima Online: New Legacy Beta : Guild Encounter Attempt - Quaderact
@Cookie may be able to help you figure out the template / gear to fit a bunch of rogue skills onto the same character. -- However, over the last 14 years there have been a number of game mechanic build outs and added interactions. You will probabl…
Targeted stealing macro - Ultima Online Forums (
Object ID icon for this tool. Skill tracker toggle icon for this command.
Target individual cannons with: script HandleSingleLeftClkTarget(objectID) where objectID is the objectID of the cannon. If a cannon's objectID was 100100, the command would be: script HandleSingleLeftClkTarget(100100) You can find the objectID'…