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- Arroth_Thaiel
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Just because I'm posting this information, does not mean I agree with the dev team's stance. Also, it was @ForeverFun that curated the list. Someone may have been having a glass of wine one evening while composing the newsletter after work...who mi…
script SendChat(ChatSettings.Channels[SystemData.ChatLogFilters.CUSTOM].serverCmd, L"Grimbeard is McDougle, he is, he is!") --
-- Parting thoughts: Ok I hope that helps people with fishing. You can expand the concepts presented in this thread to cover Deepwater, Dungeon, and Crab / Lobster fishing. The same type of macros and setup can also be used for anything else…
-- Using Actions>Commands to direct Organizers to non-default containers. When you are executing an organizer via macro, you do not have to use the default container. In fact, you do not have to have a default container set at all. The …
-- Writing long Macros. When writing a macro, you can make the instruction list as long as you would like. The longer the macro, the more time consuming and frustrating it is to build in the in-game UI. To write long macros you’ll probably e…
Let's take this one more step. Since we can run an organizer in our macro, let's run two and put our fish in the hold on each action as well. As we did with the Footwear Organizer, let's begin by writing a standalone Shallowwater Fish to Hold ma…
-- Now that we're fishing, a lot of things are appearing in our backpack. For Shallowwater fishing we likely have: 12 types of fish, 8 types of footwear, 4 types of messes of small fish, delicate scales, and white pearls. We have some choices o…
AmberWitch said: ...So maybe it's me and my normal lousy RNG when not getting equal amounts fishing up stuff. But I'm also getting hit with an abundance of orders calling for Rock Crab. It can't be just me. Having to stop doing quests so I c…
So, because I said I would, here is the final distribution update: If some type of rarity exists, for Shallow Water fish anyway, it's probably coming from the Monger quests. This was all done with the same character: Human Male 120.0 Fishing To…
Grimbeard said: ...I disagree with the assumption that all fish have an equal chance at being caught I don't know Grim. I've let the macro run a bit (19.25 hrs) for the past couple days and this is what I've got for shore fish: Doesn't l…
PlayerSkillFTW said: They should make it to where you can craft bait for specific fish, from messes of small fish. Give those damn things a real use. Oooh, that would be cool. Or have Cooking use the "messes" in fish pies. The fish pie buf…
Pretty sure I'm still doing fishmonger quests at 120.0. Yes, I earned that 120.0 fishing scroll myself doing the quests. Been a number of years now, but I've actually gotten a couple of them (120's). Why would you stop doing the monger quests ju…
Feigr said: You're making assumptions. Your macro won't work on crustaceans unless it's not allowed. What skill are you fishing at? Also, the timing of fish and traps are different. My macros (EC) work on crab/lobster just fine. 120 …
AmberWitch said: Just got this quest. Realistically, how long do you think it would take to fish / trap this order? Since my fishing macro is running on another monitor, I've had time to try to work through how long it might actually tak…
AmberWitch said: ...Smallmouth Bass: Has less chance of being caught than other shore fish and appears in fish monger quests more often than others. All fish aren't created equally.... Honestly, I don't think there is any rarity to the…
I took the time awhile ago, probably been a year or so now, to build out the rest of the boat command icons. All the standard speed icons are present in the default UI, but "Slow" and "One Tile" only have forward and backward. Here are the full ic…
Mariah said: The only reason I can see as a possible reason is that it is east/west rather than north/south. This is most likely the reason. -- Because Grim asked: Most of the items in game have a series of "id codes" associated with …
Yeah, there is some funkiness to it for sure. If you search for "III", three capital i's, you get all the level 3 primers. I do this with a least to most display to look for the cheapest primers. "III" will also get you Ultima III paintings, but no…
Vendor Search is searching by string, closest match to least closest, then displaying the results most to least expensive, or vice versa. Your string is "name token". I'm betting nothing matched that exactly, so you got the closest results vendor s…
Has Mervyn taken over Pawain's account, or is Pawain taking up Mervyn's torch?
Hey Vic, My apologies, but Vacuum does not push LootAll. Vacuum pushes the organizer agent. I was using LootAll, but didn't like the way it worked, so I wrote a catch-all organizer called "Loot", which Vacuum is executing. In answering you I confl…
Victim_Of_Siege said: ...what would the command be to press the loot all on an open container, say a corpse? Victim_Of_Siege said: ... i'm looking for the command to start it within a macro. ... Actions> Other> Vacuum Vacuum…
Question about slayers and damage - Ultima Online Forums (
Are the crossword clues for 16 Down and 20 Across hidden somewhere? Or did they just get cut off?
My reading/understanding of UserActionUseItem is that this is double left-click, whereas HandleSingleLeftClkTarget is single left-click. So, from my reading, the EC is literally taking possession of your mouse cursor (or the mouse thread) for a spl…
@shootgun, Ore was randomized with publish 46 in 2007. Wood and ore nodes now have a chance to randomly respawn with different resource types.Publish 46 9th August – Ultima Online ( When a resource chunk is consumed (i.e., you mine from it…
TimSt said: @ Arroth_Thaiel, Other than the inconvenience when creating a level 6 SW focus I have no other issue with the One IP so far. Subscribing another account just means I can get another house to store my pixel crack and another 5 6 o…
TimSt said: I wonder how they define One IP. My 5 computers are behind a NAT (Network Address Translation) firewall. Depending on how one looks at the network traffic my computers are either seen as 1 computer or 5 computers. They set th…
TimSt beat me to the post. I was busy creating my own made-up conversation. The anti-afk code is flagging legitimate players. That's really the core problem. It's not only those violating the TOS who are being affected. On top of that, you spend…
TimSt said: I got a drop for killing a hawk. I wonder what it's fame was. Hawk, Wren, Sparrow, etc. are all 150 Fame. At least according to UO Guide and Stratics. I just put them all under the "Bird" category. Mene_Drachenfels said…