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  • I tested Resisting Spells a lot and I think 85 is good middle ground. Of course it would be better to have 100 or 120 Resisting Spells but at current item stage it is not possible to include it without sacrificing other skills. The idea of this temp…
  • Here is video how this build works in current Treasures of the Shattered Sanctum event. Not the best run (low spawn due to traffic in Atlantic) but still 22 drops in 11 min. No Potion of Glorious Fortune and only 125 luck on suit. I really enjoy thi…
  • There is couple items I would consider as "best in slot" for some templates. And they work together pretty well, so there is A LOT to get from this event. New items: Vortha's Medallion - best in slot item for mages and for suit with highest SDI po…
  • For me Sampire is the most fun template to play in UO (like doing Champion Spawn). Game would not be the same if they nerf it. There is already a lot of content which is not possible on Sampire due to Tainted Life Force. If I would nerf it I would …
  • This event is about getting drops not items from corpses. It is as simple as that. Go farm gold in other places. 
  • I'm playing from Europe and have no lags today. Thanks for fixing this!
  • Solaria's Secret Poisons - expensive and hard to get, but reward is huge. 10 HCI helps removing it from Jewelry and makse more space for skill poins Sentinel's Mempo - perfect item for warriors. A lot of stats, good resists, LMC and thew most import…
  • Drowy said: Atm they dont have to. With 99 real Necro, wearing the gloves, you still keep Vampire form. If this is true gloves are perfectly fine for sampires. Waiting for developer comment if this works as intended (or it will be fixed).…
  • We have Conjurer's Trinket, An Bal Xen and In Corp Mani Xen -> would be cool to have another Talisman in the "series" with next Slayer type like Reptile / Repond or Arachnid. Maybe for next event?   About items being OP. When someone returns to …