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  • Every argument could have been understandable if they were not selectively applying the ToS enforcement. I think every excuse goes out the window when it is proven that they ban some players for minor stuff, yet they let others run bots/exploits uni…
  • McDougle said: You can't kill a scripter on fel? If I did not misunderstand Ben, they fight 5 vs 1.
  • Ben said: Well, how exactly does a housing script work? I do not mean give us a lesson, but this is the first time I have heard this. Just wondering how a script helps someone know a house plot is available? It can do that? Initially he w…
  • Ben, I will leave this here: This guy has been running house placement script for the last 2 years uninterrupted. As we are discussing at the other thread, …
  • I hope it is Luna invasion. I miss the old times when everybody would hang around WBB.
  • CovenantX said:  The rule enforcement hasn't been used against anyone other than maybe some random EJ account that's already been botting for months Rule enforcement has been used against me, and 4 other people I know of because we were in …
  • DolGorath said: What GM's? I have been trying to get a GM all day and just gave up after hours of no response. I can't even figure out if there are certain support hours or if anyone is on duty. Sometimes I look around and feel Mesanna…
  • BTW, I agree with others. IMHO, this CUO decision is just a knee-jerk reaction after more players started cancelling their accounts than they expected. Now, they are trying to bring those players back. I bet Mesanna has lots of regrets between the l…
  • CovenantX said: It's crazy the things players get away with in UO I think this really is the core of the issue. Players are allowed to get away with things.  And, I dont mean small things like "he is using auto bandage script in PvE". I am t…
  • All of these are bots. It seems like bots in the first pic are broken. So they keep getting back. For picture 4, if they have really been at it for 3 days, then it seems like GMs quit their job or they are in their winter sleep.
  • CovenantX said: Lord_Nythrax said: CovenantX said: If it's going to stay open-source, this is definitely going to have the reverse impact on cheating then everyone should be expecting. It's going to open the flood-gates far more…
  • creampie said: Psycoder said: Aye, most of my guild is excited and looking forward to this. If the rumor about the CUO client getting approved without being forked/chopped off is true then it is even better. who you change name a…
  • Aye, most of my guild is excited and looking forward to this. If the rumor about the CUO client getting approved without being forked/chopped off is true then it is even better.