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  • Perhaps I don't find the idea of repairing gear as captivating as some people. I was really hoping for more. I guess I'm still holding out hope to see an overhaul and a new direction that makes crafting awesome.
  • Pawain said: Ort said: Bug: I used the autoloom on a pile of wool and it processed that pile but deleted a separate pile of wool I had in my pack without processing it. Stack issues are carrying over from UO.  If you trade someone a…
  • Bug: I used the autoloom on a pile of wool and it processed that pile but deleted a separate pile of wool I had in my pack without processing it.
  • I spent more time in this week's beta test and learned about the Congiarium. I contributed a few BODs and saw that some players were able to select enhancements that affected the whole shard. I find this interesting but there are a few issues I see.…
  • If possible, I'd like to bring this topic back to my original questions. If a community leader or dev has any insight here, I'd be interested to hear more.
  • Ended up getting access by adding the link for the server invite within Discord.
  • For some reason, I am unable to accept the invite.
  • Lord_Frodo said: Skill gains should be BOTH ways NOT an either or.  If I am doing  Blacksmith BODs Quests and I need to mine ingots then I should get gains from mining and from making the items for the BODs along with the gains from turning i…