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  • Resource pack account bound.   Pretty Please
  • A couple of thoughts.   Starting town of Ocllo.  First character created, a mage, did fine with the quests.  However, the second time I created a mage there were less players in Ocllo.  She was actually the only player in Occlo most of the time.  U…
  • I now have 3 accounts, had 6 until we were able to place a second house on Siege.  I closed 3 accounts then simply placed another house on Siege with my remaining 3 accounts. All my accounts are paid accounts.  If we were able to place a second hou…
  • NPCs are acting out. Mage NPCs won't take my large BoD, states it's not completed.  (It is)  Rune and Spell book 20 ( Moonglow and Skara Mage) Taylor NPC lied.  Was suppose to give me cloth and leather, said my resource pack was full and I lost th…
  • Would like to give feedback also.  I am enjoying NL very much, each week I count the days until Friday.  Many players in game have expressed the same.  Great job Devs!  Found it hard to get started, however the DEVs listened to feedback and adjusted…
  • Just some ideas, I don't PVP.  Open Bucs Den to PVP housing only.  Lower cost of supplies in Bucs Den that are sold by NPCs.  Like regs, bandies, etc.  When a house IDOC and falls, throw all the assets from the house into Buc Den NPCs. For PVPers t…
  • The farming.  Not sure if it's a bug, or just me.  Anyway, the plants appear to go through cycles?  I water each day, several times.  Unable to harvest because they turn back to new sprouts. I am loving New Legacy, could there be more clear directi…
  • Great idea to make resource packs account bound.  Like the gold is.   My mage has all these feathers and nothing to do with them.  Crafter can't fight more than a turkey, haven't started tailoring yet, but wondering how she is going to obtain color…
  • Moresley said: If possible could we have an answer on whether Pawain is having an influence on the direction this server is taking? Most appreciated, thanks. A few days ago I was frustrated with my experience.  Then I gave it another try…
  • Yeah I was giving this every chance, but not for me.  Maybe when NL is released I'll change my mind if changes are made.  No way do I want to do quests all day.  Run around dungeons and get killed.  Start over, repeat.  As many years that I played U…