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  • I disagree on that, i've meet a couple knowledgeable person on UO.. the dude just want a better cheat code for his gears.. he dislike the combination offered by the dev team or a "waste of good stats" on his BIS gears..
  • Mumbles said: Check some other shards and you’ll see the same setup . Take a couple screenshot/vid after reporting them, come drop them here. I'm surprised, 72 hours later, seeing them still going strong after yesterday intervention on the…
  • Cookie said: Ok, I am not understanding your point. I do want to achieve balance perfection with my builds, yes. (Without going above skillcaps, or property hardcaps). God damn u made me lied for playing dumb.. Your not asking to have 160…
  • Cookie said: I don't use massive skill-caps, and the point I am trying to make to you, is there are hard-caps all over the place, on pretty much every single property anyway. The hard-caps are fine? This is as far I could read this comment.…
  • Cookie said: Ok, to be helpful, a thread on how to make the loot system simpler, feel free to put in suggestions, as a first sweep, I am not going to pick up everything, but it is the concept. I understand some properties cannot be Imbued - …
  • I agree on everything he just said..give him everything he's asking for!! You just need more sexy HARDCAP  all around the board anyway.. give him that +1000 he's asking for.. just cap his WHOLE suit at x-K intensity his problem is solve he will jus…
  • PlayerSkillFTW said: "The Manticore LegendRumors are swirling about the legendary Manticore—a beast so fearsome that none who have encountered one have lived to tell the tale!"Then how does anyone know it exists? It'd require someone enco…
  • Cookie said: This is the effort players have to go to.. Shut the fuck up Edit: cheater
    in Mining BOT Comment by KroDuK September 6
  • CovenantX said: always sad to see. worse in pvp though, but neither should be going on, especially when GMs have been paged. to investigate it. All i know is yesterday while I was switching character i've seen an orange message with a …
    in Mining BOT Comment by KroDuK September 6
  • I mean I don't really mind who's fault it is.. the mod was like not sure how it can be wrong it come from the EC client, ignoring the rest and still is wrong (the gap example) Here it's shit paint skill but for the example: PS.. I did not paint o…
  • MORE than 24 hours after my report in game to a GM and this post: I think I got them all this time.. these bots are sponsored by Boardsword inaction. SHAMEFUL DISPLAY
    in Mining BOT Comment by KroDuK September 6
  • One of the first thing I did when I came back in june is delete a mule to make a gargoyle for imbuing.. The first things I was looking for going in Ter Mur royal city was the Queen's forge and the museum (i believe museum was for a quest) soulfor…
  • Mariah said: KroDuK said: No wonder why the guide people skipped the cooking bods.. they was like no way we wasting time on this shit "rework".. rename that apron the April's Food Apron.. make it make sense.…
  • If anyone wonder.. I did a report; paged a GM before doing this post, ~4 hours earlier.. the bots still going STRONG.
    in Mining BOT Comment by KroDuK September 5
  • Whitewolf said: Mariah said: Kyronix has said they will be adding them to clean up, so hang on to them until they do, when they'll be worth more than they are currently. i think they already did, when ya throw them away you get a f…
  • Pawain said: The dyes plum tree and wine barrel are the main rewards after you get the skill and exceptional items. Thanks for the guide on the useless bods profession.. poorly design with no love other than the designer passion for trolli…
  • I don't know how to share a video on the forum.. so here a screenshoot of ~10 bots multiboxing with full luck set, full of shard bound event items on LEGENDS shard.. totally legit stuff under BS Not all of them... just a sample Does someone go…
    in Mining BOT Comment by KroDuK September 5
  • Pawain said:The large magic large BOD is best dropped onto the floor unless ... the dark forest event. Just like sweet cocoa butter. So this IS a troll and that "designer" went all in.. even with the 410 large bods. What a stretch to call tha…
  • Lord_Nythrax said: This game is overrun with bots because so many of its activities are unappealing garbage that nobody wants to do. In other games mining is a skill your character picks up on the side, and you click on resource nodes you fin…
    in Mining BOT Comment by KroDuK September 3
  • Mariah said: As far as I can see, most of the posters in this thread are anti-botting, as I am myself. I am totally mystified by the claim that high seas promotes botting, but then maybe that's because I don't do it, so don't see how that wo…
    in Mining BOT Comment by KroDuK September 3
  • Lord_Nythrax said: Open thread, image has text too small to read. Right click, open image in new tab, still too small to read, Ctrl + mousewheel until I'm at 250% zoom and the text is about as large as what you're looking at right now. Can fi…
  • Pawain said: LOL.. I actually do.. I just realised maybe it's because i'm using the numpad when splitting a stack.. cuz I got macro on regular numbers.. no way u never experienced that.. same hiccup when u moving something out of a bag …
  • Cuz they won't even bother moderating someone admitting to heal bot his alt account, telling us to adapt and start using illegal third client and posting screenshot of it on the forum.. I still believe the human perk is misleading, without even con…
    in Weight bug Comment by KroDuK September 2
  • I got a better one for you.. we see it, try to interact with it, when it's clearly a bot, u report it.. then a GM teleport to him.. try to do what u did and ban him? What origin system would have done? At best they gonna kick him from the server …
    in Mining BOT Comment by KroDuK September 2
  • Another bot with a nearly perfect talisman.. I picture that guy operating his 2 heartwood bots and 5 mining bots, 5 lumbers bots (10+ account) Wich explain why BS tolerate them. He took ~5min before giving me my murder count PS: fun fact.. when …
    in Mining BOT Comment by KroDuK September 2
  • I mean.. he resaid what I said on my second post.. with extra details and those details were erroneous: 15 stone equipped gears vs 75.. when in fact it's 2 and 63.. plus the error on his link said it's minus 14 would be 1 and 62.. to add his own bo…
    in Weight bug Comment by KroDuK September 1
  • Sound like a memory problem. Does your antivirus is flagging the CC? Personally norton is flagging the client A LOT cuz it does not have a valid numeric value (or something like that) blocking the CC when i'm trying to select a shard/character. if …
  • loop said: Another question which occurred to me: How will one NL season differ from the others? Will there be fundamental mechanical differences, or will they differ more in terms of storyline, items, and tweaks? In other words, what sort of …
  • McDougle said: I Don't server line do the quests I still to every port I just wonder how much cheating you must do with all this accusing everyone else I was not accusing you of anything.. I'm just stating facts.. what i'm seeing everyday…
  • Petra_Fyde said:Have you ever tried fishing afk? I can assure you.. even with the worse loop.. u just need to know the good navigation line (the one going around the world) the next day u gonna have 10-50 pearls type of stuff (depending on w…