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  • How can you take the sandbox from a sandbox game and call it Legacy??? I played since 1997 and was hoping for a nostalgic feeling. Instead I get quests, quests, quests and no chance to develop my char to my liking. Sorry but this is a fail.
    in New Legacy Comment by Godiva July 28
  • HeavySmoker said: Lord_Frodo said: HeavySmoker said: Godiva said: Ok the VPN got me thinking. Got me a free one just for testing and lo and behold the connection to Atlantic from Germany is so much better when simulating …
  • Ok the VPN got me thinking. Got me a free one just for testing and lo and behold the connection to Atlantic from Germany is so much better when simulating US/New York.This is without VPN atm and this with Latency is worse which is to be expected whe…
  • double post due to lag lol
  • I only came back 3 months ago and moved all my stuff to Atlantic because there is nobody on my home shard Drachenfels. But I will have to cancel the two accounts, because the game is now absolutely unplayable with this route from Europe to Atlantic …
  • The game has been unplayable for the past week roughly. 10 seconds lag every 3 tiles.