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Primary Shard


  • Bump, I have to agree with this.. I ping around 20-30 on the server and had a guy in ISS the other day teleport/dismount script me at full running speed with zero lag. Automatically teleported beside of me while I was running, and had time to jump o…
  • Original post speaks truths, most people these days do not want to see the TRUTH they would rather combat the truth so they can stand out and pretend to be a hero like Pawain.. The ones that truly have concerns and care about the game want to voice …
  • username said: I don't know what the solution is but this cycle of neglect this game has gotten in the past 5 years (that ironically coincided with New Legacy) needs to stop. I agree 100%, but regardless of what they are "working on" behi…
  • I know someone always has something negative to say and try to be a superhero, it was a complement that she actually puts in work when no one else does. Make room for the superhero poster.
  • Since everyone is a genius here and we know my connection is not the issue, and my hardware is not the issue, what is the step of fixing this location possibly being the issue? ec2-107-23-95-234.compute-1.amazonaws.comLet me guess BUY A HOUSE IN A D…
  • Larisa said: uo.com goes down for maintenance often. Yeah because the UO team is always doing maintenance.. LOL if you believe that I'm sorry for you, the UO team is no where to be found.
  • Trallic said: HeavySmoker said: I understand you keep trolling me. Considering the UO.com website is used to download the game (was downloading it to another pc I have) then I think it is actually an issue. Just because the game is pla…
  • Superfrog said: HeavySmoker said: I understand you keep trolling me. Considering the UO.com website is used to download the game (was downloading it to another pc I have) then I think it is actually an issue. Just because the game is p…
  • For the ones saying I have no packet loss in the previous thread and little pawain. Obviously there is an issue. Pawain said: HeavySmoker said: I understand you keep trolling me. Considering the UO.com website is used to download the …
  • I understand you keep trolling me. Considering the UO.com website is used to download the game (was downloading it to another pc I have) then I think it is actually an issue. Just because the game is playable for others, does not mean others don't h…
  • Looks like "uo.com" is down right now too if you don't go directly to the forums. I am still having connection issues that has not been addressed. Obviously the server keeps crashing, and now the website.
  • Server goes down all the time lately, there is an issue on their end that they refuse to address. I've been trying to contact them for over a month with no success. I don't even know if there is anyone that runs this ship anymore. The paying players…
  • Grimbeard said: Pawain and Lord_Frodo are here only to troll and get this thread locked @ Rorschach @ Mariah can you get the sugar trolling in check I attract that a lot, people can't keep their emotions in check when they can't defeat so…
  • Lord_Frodo said: HeavySmoker said: Pawain said: Resorting to name calling does not fix the problems YOU have.  It just gets threads locked.  And YOU will still have a crappy connection. Again you can not provide any insight to …
  • Pawain said: Resorting to name calling does not fix the problems YOU have.  It just gets threads locked.  And YOU will still have a crappy connection. Again you can not provide any insight to the issue, you are here only to troll the thread.…
  • Lord_Frodo said: HeavySmoker said: Lord_Frodo said: HeavySmoker said: Lord_Frodo said: HeavySmoker said: Godiva said: Ok the VPN got me thinking. Got me a free one just for testing and lo and behold t…
  • Lord_Frodo said: HeavySmoker said: Lord_Frodo said: HeavySmoker said: Godiva said: Ok the VPN got me thinking. Got me a free one just for testing and lo and behold the connection to Atlantic from Germany is so much…
  • Pawain said: HeavySmoker said: There are paid locations that host the games servers, we had them on freeshards but yeah I would almost suspect they were hosted in someones basement and ran completely by a hamster wheel at this point …
  • Lord_Frodo said: HeavySmoker said: Lord_Frodo said: HeavySmoker said: Godiva said: Ok the VPN got me thinking. Got me a free one just for testing and lo and behold the connection to Atlantic from Germany is so much…
  • There are paid locations that host the games servers, we had them on freeshards but yeah I would almost suspect they were hosted in someones basement and ran completely by a hamster wheel at this point
  • Lord_Frodo said: HeavySmoker said: Godiva said: Ok the VPN got me thinking. Got me a free one just for testing and lo and behold the connection to Atlantic from Germany is so much better when simulating US/New York.This is witho…
  • Godiva said: Ok the VPN got me thinking. Got me a free one just for testing and lo and behold the connection to Atlantic from Germany is so much better when simulating US/New York.This is without VPN atm and this with Latency is worse which i…
  • Godiva said: I only came back 3 months ago and moved all my stuff to Atlantic because there is nobody on my home shard Drachenfels. But I will have to cancel the two accounts, because the game is now absolutely unplayable with this route from…
  • Venom said: Heavysmoker, I noticed in your original post you mentioned turning on a VPN. Just for clarity, you don't have a VPN application installed (even if you're not using it)? Thanks, Venom Ive had a VPN for years, I have played At…
  • Venom said: With the VPN, depending on your network settings for that, even if you're NOT using the VPN connection, can produce a variety of issues. I was split tunnelling for Halo Infinity to not run through my VPN, but the network settings …
  • I think we all need to grow up and ignore words from people, they should have an ignore feature inside of the game that you can right click and block peoples text. I have gotten banned before because of words "not harsh words at all", and it's only …
  • Damn he bought the UO Servers? Thats a bad dude
  • Godiva said: The game has been unplayable for the past week roughly. 10 seconds lag every 3 tiles. Something to do with the route of the server, you can see the last one it pinged on my test went super high compared to the rest, I find…
  • Cookie said: HeavySmoker said: Have contacted provider again, no issues with hardware, no issues that they can find on their end "they tried opening my NAT (whatever that does) that did not help, they claim it is also something on the …