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Lake Superior


  • I do not know about Classic Client, but I just hit the back arrow and after a little bit it comes back to the signin and if the password is typed correctly, I log in normally. No need to completely quit game
    in Log in bug Comment by Kragg February 16
  • Thank you Mariah.  Makes perfect sense. I decided to multitask. Using a 3 slot mare ( So I can only tame 2 slots creatures) I decided to combine training  pets, farming mares, and training honor at the same time while also picking up any stray gold.…
  • Just a thought, but maybe extending ending of events by each day lost would be nice.
  • I am disappointed, no has blamed global warming, the bird flu, refs or Donald Trump yet.
  • This unfortunately is not a good time  for getting responses. Hearing some wild rumors that I still cannot make sense- cloth, pvpers, wipe attempts, player caused. Sounds like a good time to get rest and let them sort things out  and discuss over mo…
  • I found the city invasions on Atlantic unplayable. The Solen tunnels were great. You had different rotation of spawn, it was much more consistent and no lag. The drop drop rate may be a little slower, but like doing dungeons in earlier events, plus…
  • I have the luck of the Red CU.  I was going to demonstrate Honor taming and asked permission. expecting normal Nightmare, a supposed Uber Rare Purple pops up next to me. I tamed and transferred to them, they gave it back. It was an act of great hono…
  • I have already suggested this, but a tool belt. Like mages and a reg belt,  a crafter having his tools and organized.
  •      When I returned now coming on 6 years this account, it was because I heard you could play free.  I relearned the game using EC and no extra expansions. To this day, I still cannot get the stink of the Jhelom bullpens off my boots, but I can say…
  • Sure would not make sense to start a thread if it did not go down. Tt was over 140 and was down to 139.8 barding difficulty.  I had never seen before myself, who knows maybe it is a new bug. But it is happening
  • I dont mind  that, however I do see far too many who treat their Lamborghini pets like Demolition Derby pets and not doing the proper maintenance. I would like the ability of a tamer to be able to do training of others pets without having to lose bo…
  • Nay, believe I also commented on your thread on being a new returnee
  • My personal suggestion to all new returnees is to create a new char and use Enhanced Client.  That way you relearn the game and EC without being overwhelmed. New Haven is a good place to start and there are quests getting you 500 gold each which bas…
  • That is a magical ability. The cost would be 500 points, the easy way to check is to open animal training/magical abilities and see what choices you have available. You should note that changing from magery will also affect eval intelligence. it wil…
  • You can use another magical ability if you have the training points available. There may be exceptions to this, but generally speaking.