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  • CovenantX said: If third-party clients can connect to NL, that's going to determine whether or not I even try it.unfortunately, my expectation is incredibly low. it s been a long time ( many years ) we see your same barking shit and you…
  • Onixia said: So yesterday I encountered for the first time someone releasing a Dimetrosaur at an Idoc on Napa Valley in Tram.  It managed to deadly poison almost everyone and then proceed to chase down anyone still alive inside.  The lovely c…
  • ForeverFun said: The experts at Siege Perilous should share their voidpool tips/approach. You'd think Atlantic would be at the top of the list.  Probably a few reasons why that isn't the case. Funny thing is, the final choke point at atlant…
  • really no need soa book cost like 100k on vendor search and sot book you still can get them buy buying holiday gift ticket often at 300-400k
  • you so brave going on your bot account i guess to make a stupid thread like this
  • Skett said: How about NO shard bound items for this event ? keep it simple !!! every last spring events turn in item weren t shard bound only reward are shard bound. this is a good way to go it should always be like this.
  • keven2002 said: creampie said: Synn said: Most of the event artifacts are as expected. Nothing too overpowered - which is good.  The Fortune's Visage seems a bit underwhelming though- only thing that makes it special is Luck 25…
  • One of the best news ever idocguy scripter leaving the game.
  • Synn said: Most of the event artifacts are as expected. Nothing too overpowered - which is good.  The Fortune's Visage seems a bit underwhelming though- only thing that makes it special is Luck 250. It seems to be very general.. but kinda le…
  • Skett said: are the new/return black market items permanent ? @ "Community Manager"   there is black market stuff permanent and event stuff not permanent the hat stuff isn t permanent
    in New event Comment by creampie April 2
    in New event Comment by creampie April 2
  • easy fix very very easy auctionning plots ( good gold sink to ) 24 auction on every idocs thats it
  • username said: So cool I love you the game Atl down Website down Everything down soon Maybe they're finally putting UO out of it's misery and pulling the plug, would be the biggest update/most content we've gotten in years dude get a l…
  • Cookie said: creampie said: since everyone is tagging @ kyronix for nothing i will. I really dont think we need to get back old items from past event on this new mini event we need new one please. When you've had about 15 new pla…
  • since everyone is tagging @kyronix for nothing i will. I really dont think we need to get back old items from past event on this new mini event we need new one please.
  • easy anwser same than em event good loaded castle many people more lag like em event all people ins ame screen...they cant do nothing
  • Radst said: Could Blaze Cu also have been subject to farming/scripting? And so this has been finally reported and confirmed recently: Blaze Cu bots are real. Why do certain group/people always have those for sale regularly? Just LUCK? Nay! Bo…
  • Grimbeard said: Add them to champ spawn or better yet just to Harry so worth doing again  already anwsered by kyronix they they let us have a little lesser version of the bane with wildfire ostard. it s a low intensity bane
  • a big no to release farmed stuff in game to the uostore. if you want to release them again use a halloween event like they were in not a spring event.
  • Grimbeard said: Wildfire mask  Luck belt 2 ver #1 150 luck fc1 ver 2 150 hci 5  Luck kilt or skirt same as above  seriously you ask the best luck in game item that went out in a dungeon event to be given so market should be …
  • over 90% of the player base dont pvp so every patch based on pvp isn t optimal to keep people paying subscription new event does and new contents.
  • Oreogl said: Archangel said: Vet rewards are way overpriced so besides EM event prizes, the rest of stuff either gets real with their price, enabling it to go in vendors, or buy another safe for it. Now, leave things as they are, it’s …
  • when i came back i was like you they should raise the maximum price on vendor. but when you understand how market in manipulate in that game by some players you will see a crazy inflation on many tiems they will all go to new max price very fast.
  • Smoot said: my feedback: rewards were really too powerful.  everyone likes having nice stuff, but you need a reason to play the game too.  not much reason to actually loot legendaries in normal gameplay anymore. bot fest.   between being di…
  • CovenantX said: Skett said: CovenantX said: Pawain said: @ Mariah  @ Rorscharch  why are half the posts on this forum telling players to cheat?  Can we get a forum that does not discuss cheating? I never see bots o…
  • the only thing that was shard bound was eggs and you could get a lot of them from thorn or on the ground the previous year all others item werent shard bound and it s the way to go.
  • creating thread after thread locked are you looking for a ban from forum? Im really happy of the value of the current event price. You only cry on everything the game add in the game for years seriously go away to another game and let this forum b…
  • you have try it or like most posts you do no serious data on it
  • you seem accurate double the ratio per hour easy...but some dont do great like some others so the magic number isn t the same for anyone i got around 30-40 drops more per pots for me