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  • In order to get more participants, there would have to be some enforcement.For example, in order to expand an item, you would have to put some bulk into the congi to get the right to use it.If this were done, most mages would probably participate. A…
  • Victim_Of_Siege said: @ Kyronix could we please get the message of completion status reinstated to this? Pretty Please? I just delivered the bulk just now and it seems to be getting the message.A quarter?
  • Hello all, Mandrake and Garlic Cultivation.This is the result of a test to see if it is possible to harvest these two plants by watering them once a day in the real world. Conditions: seeded and watered immediately after server up, watered daily im…
  • Kalsey said: TETSUJIN said: Pawain said: I watered this AM.  My NS and Gar were able to be clipped and replanted. I decided to re water the one on the corner to see if it will look different from the one next to it which I did n…
  • Pawain said: I watered this AM.  My NS and Gar were able to be clipped and replanted. I decided to re water the one on the corner to see if it will look different from the one next to it which I did not water a second time. Yup the guy in th…
  • Hello all, This time it took 47 Britannia days to grow Mandrake.In real time that is 3 days and 22 hours.This time we struggled to get the growth going.There was a server down on the first day.Then there was one unexplained water loss and the sprou…
  • Hello. Yesterday was a bit bad.In addition to maintenance, there were shard downs, and the plants ran out of water three times that I am aware of.There was also a time rewind.(I use a scarecrow and a clock to check the time.)The newly planted mandr…
  • Pawain said: TETSUJIN said: Hotei said: Hello, I almost posted when the seasons changed and I lost plants I'd been tending for many days, but I realized I'd not carefully read all the instructions on how farming worked. Some of …
  • Hotei said: Hello, I almost posted when the seasons changed and I lost plants I'd been tending for many days, but I realized I'd not carefully read all the instructions on how farming worked. Some of the issues I experienced were "operator er…
  • Community Manager said: TETSUJIN said: izu said: Tamer's quest has not progressed from the "Village tower" in Delcia. Since the Brigand leader was killed by Chicken Lizards, the entrance door has not been opened and cannot be ex…
  • izu said: Tamer's quest has not progressed from the "Village tower" in Delcia. Since the Brigand leader was killed by Chicken Lizards, the entrance door has not been opened and cannot be exited. After the server went down, they disappeared, …
  • Crafters should be able to make golems and mechanical animals.It would be nice to be able to make mechanical horses that can be ridden. I wonder if Sutek survives anywhere in NL?
  • Pawain said: TETSUJIN said: I wonder if swordsmanship is part of Smith's primary skills? Why not try to get that to 70 first? Why?  The only things that would harm a smith are things you dig up with a garg pickaxe.  You can mine the…
  • I wonder if swordsmanship is part of Smith's primary skills? Why not try to get that to 70 first?
  • Increased storage capacity of resource packsI want 10 times the original amount.
  • One more, the hair dye 250 points for the alchemy bulk reward seems to be exactly the same as the hair dye at 37gp sold by npc in the provisioner's shop ......?
  • This is unfortunate news.I banked large bulk points for the Alchemy bulk reward beehives, but it appears that the maximum points that can be banked is about 500.This means that we will not be able to get 750 fire pits or 800 point beehives. If my ba…
  • Hi,  Crafting Narrative UpdatesIt is our goal to keep character progression as free form as possible while still providing some much needed guidance to those players who may be unfamiliar with the ways of Britannia.  As such, you are no longer requ…
  • As well as empty bottles.Ingots made by refining ore obtained from antlions and ore elementals should also be included in the resource pack.
  • The items that I can not put in the box are as follows Bronze shield (#7026) monster dropSmith's hammer (#5092) monster drop. this is not repaired by hand either. The numbers were obtained from the EC client's Get Object Number.
  • After my own post yesterday, I went back to the test shard and calculated the bulk I had on hand.There was enough number of large bulk to get 400 points in bank point.That's what I got from the 5 beta tests.If I included what I had put in the Congia…
  • Garret said: TETSUJIN said: Alchemy bulk reward. It is good that 750 points for the fire pit and 800 points for the beehive have been added to the bulk rewards, but the maximum point for a large bulk that seems to be possible to create…
  • Regardless of whether the item is in this box or not. It seems that some items cannot be repaired on one side if there is a graphic of the item facing the opposite direction.Like the Smith Hammer.
  • Alchemy bulk reward. It is good that 750 points for the fire pit and 800 points for the beehive have been added to the bulk rewards, but the maximum point for a large bulk that seems to be possible to create now is 400 points for a set of 20 large p…
  • - Resolved issue where small spellbook & runebook BODs would not increment the count on their respective large BODs Yes it is. but the NPC don't take the Large order bulk of 20. (15 is ok. It's also possible that it's because of the bulk I got …
  • Studded leather helmet of Tailor item also have the wrong Japanese translation.I believe the Japanese translations of all newly added items seem to be “アーケインレザーアーマー”.
  • Community Manager said: The 1st 2 issues have been resolved. The 3rd issue, could you provide some screen shots?Thank you kindly! Hi, Thank you for correcting the inscription and tailoring bulk. Attached is the image of the Japanese lo…
  • About Congiarium. At the end of the 4th Weekend vanquishing items could be found in the world, but the number of types of magic effects that could be added in Congiarium seemed to be +8.(1 Hit Area Effect, 4 HIt Effects, 3 higher special effects).I …
  • Pawain said: @ TETSUJIN  you are doing great !!!!  Jewels are up to 8 now! Thanks for the compliment. This time I added a scalebane (reptiles) super slayer .At the moment it seems that only one effect can be added to one item in Con…
  • @Pinochle Thank you for your reply. I was afraid to choose an option, thinking what if I couldn't redo it, and then I found the explanation on the page.I apologize for the messy cut-and-paste image, but I'll post it here. I don't know much about…