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Member, Active UO Account
Primary Shard
Great Lakes


  • Got the same message trying to login.  After my experience getting flagged as a cheater several times in Deciet and then being told by UO not to contact them when it happened they did not want to hear about it, have to wonder just how inept UO’s dev…
  • I hope they proof this a lot better than their last attempt.  Don’t remember how many times I was flagged in the dungeon of Deciet last time.  Honestly, don’t have much confidence in UO’s quality control assuming the game has any.  I only have one p…
  • Magery for non mages with no skill at all.  Crystaline ring 20. Drogens spell book 20, bulwark shield 5, bracelet with 20 magery.  Add them all up that’s 65 magery skill points.  If you have been playing for awhile chances are you have all or most o…
  • With eval intelligence and magery on your crafter, you can kill run of the mill monsters that interfere with you in the field. Maybe consider switching it with carpentry or another skill on your resource gatherer.  You could then take out easily mos…
  • So this is the best they can do communicating with the player base?  If they did not have anything to say why initiate a discussion?  Expected more than a picture with the word closed stamped on it.
  • So UO, is this the best you can do?
  • Overall enjoyed this event.  Plenty of hats for everyone that participated in the Void pool, and it was playable by casting and melee templates.  Beacons also provided a good source for hats.  Think higher level hoard and trove chests should have ha…
  • There is some things you can buy that are usually reasonably priced on Atlantic.  On other shards that may not be the case.  Burglars bandana and shadow dancer leggings (which you already have) will give you 30 stealth and stealing.  A crystalline r…
  • You know the wait time might just be based on the activation.  Maybe change to the spellweaving mastery at the end of your play session, then focus when you log on, and change to the mastery you want.
  • If you have the spellweaving mastery of 3 active, think you only need one other player standing there to get a 6.  Think more players give you more time.  But if no one is there a 3 is as good as it gets.  It frustrates me when no one else is there,…
  • Thanks.  Neither was the date I remembered.  It was in between the two.
  • No longer see many of the names that were quite prevalent here four, or so, years ago.  Given the age of the player base, it’s not that difficult to figure out why they are no longer responding to this forum. The reason most of them are not here has…
  • Agree with Grimbeard.  Hope that it attracts new players that stay with the game. 
  • For mages the invasion event with all the slayer book drops. Would have liked to have seen the books distributed over more than the first five or ten minutes of a three to five hour event, but by the end of the event had learned how to get them.
  • Sorry Popps, don’t agree with you on the automatic price setting.  Representing a nonbalron item as balron bone armor is a fraud and should be regulated in game.  But for pricing, that’s the buyer’s responsibility.  Sellers have the freedom to price…
  • With only 5 items to choose from in the pack, I think the seller of these items did not intend to cheat anyone.  Could be the seller just miss priced the items.  Could be the seller just for whatever reason wanted different prices on the items.  Cou…
  • Magery, eval intel, mediation, resist spells, and spellweaving is a good start.  Raise magery, eval intel, and spellweaving above 100 when you can afford scrolls.  Do the inscription training in New Haven to get an undead slayer Spellbook.  Once you…
  • NPC prices vary widely on some items.  When I was collecting hides, by accident mostly, I found an NPC paying probably two or three times or more more for them than any other NPC.  When I was collecting bottles I found most NPC’s selling empty bottl…
  • Just create a character on shards  you like and look around.  Would think a spot would not be to hard to find.  Could be wrong about that.  I would do a gargoyle because they can fly.
  • Atlantic has the most players, and is the most crowded with houses.  I play on Great Lakes.  It has fewer players than Atlantic, but during the day, and early to moderately late evenings, you can usually find enough other players to do events.  I am…
  • Stand-alone games like Zelda have had AI (similar) help like this since I played the legend of Zelda on my Nintendo 64 over 20 years ago.  It didn’t play the game for you, it just provided some basic information on how something worked, and maybe wh…
  • Game has been erratic more than usual lately.  Have not had that happen yet.  But the other night when fighting a dread pirate every time I tried to switch masteries the dread pirate’s paper doll displayed.  Worked ok afterwards but during the battl…
  • Agree the time it takes to do the higher waves does not justify doing them if it’s hats you’re after. But, when you get to those waves it’s no longer about hats.  Your playing the game.
  • Lag and jerky movement in the Void seems to be the norm.  Usually, when I go in after I log on, if anything is going on in the Void I can hardly move.  Usually it smooths out so I can play in there but it takes awhile.  Last couple days Void has bee…
  • I started playing around Halloween five years ago with a EJ account when I was in my seventies.  I had been reading about UO for probably over 20 years, but the two week trial period, the subscription fee, and some of the rules players had to abide …
  • Yes that’s the way it works.  There is a delay unless you do something that causes it to update.  Think starting a new map updates it too.
  • It’s old game with an older player base.  Agree hats are not that hard to get for those of us that still can play in the void, or do beacons.  But not everyone that enjoys the game falls into that category anymore.  Also, it’s not fair to players wi…
  • Can’t see anyone on Atlantic buying or selling many plunderin hats.  Just went through 31 pages of competitively priced hats the seller described as plunderin hats.  They all looked like plunderin hats but funny thing the UO description only identif…
  • Take an item out, stack your item and put the item you took out back in.  Has worked that way in EC for chests at least the last three years or so and my backpack as well.  Know it’s a little odd but that’s the way it works.  Would guess it would al…
  • Maybe on Atlantic you can get them for less than 1 million.   Trans books go for about 4 million on my shard and I think the blue ones maybe about a million.  Have not priced the blue ones for awhile though I know they sell for less than the trans. …