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- Necronom
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- The Packrats
Nope, the flute doesn't recharge
Hiya... Yeah, anytime you buy blank scrolls from the npc, it will go straight into your Resource Pack. Your reagents however, go only into your backpack and not the Resource Pack. When you craft (any crafting), the materials are taken from your Res…
Nimrud said: Well, partecipated in the orc champion in a group of 4, killed the boss and other 1000 orcs!!! But no recognition after, approximately, 1 hour of battle!!!! The question is: how many hits on the boss are necessary to win my quest…
Well, she isn't even logged into One Drive..
Jibijaba said: My character has been stuck on this quest for the past seven days +, and it's the last skill I need to reach GM level. The in-game GMs were no help; they advised me to abandon the quest and start over, but as far as I can tell…
Mariah said: guess it's a case of 'you can lead a horse to water but you can't make it drink'. I can write pages about how things work, but I can…
Mariah said: The title on this thread confused me. The crimson dragon spawns in Destard, what would it be doing in ice? I'm relieved to see it hasn't, this is a crimson drake.:) Oh, hi Mariah. Oops, my bad. Yes, I guess I have the Crimso…
Hello Hello... It's not the boss areas that are PvP (or VvV as it's commonly known as). It's the Champion Spawns that are now forced flag (as some have pointed out even saying PvP doesn't necessarily happen). When doing the spawns, you have to click…
That skull you need to drain the pool to access the trapdoor...Also, if you plan on making a mage, you can farm some scrolls from the daemons down there, such as Blade Spirits, Mark, Recall etc (during the beginning of the season) .. Although at thi…
Doesn't that quest line change according to where you need to find the next soldier? What does the quest log state is the location? Did you check the far east guard building? It's a bit of a long walk.. This should be the map of the area (the map is…
Well, here is another problem with the Grobu quest. Someone is currently doing it, Jozep Bladez and he has been going back and forth from Veronica on the Moonglow Docks near Moonglow Yacht Club and Fire Isle for Grobu, but the NPC that should be the…
Click on yourself to bring up the Player Context Menu and choose View Taming Knowledge. You can see all the books that you can get and what you can tame with those books.
Well it took me a while to figure out how to make a command button to open the Resource Pack, but I made it work... This is fun heh..
Thanks again @ForeverFun ... I think that would make things a bit more flexible. That should be how it is but heh.. oh well..
@ForeverFun Thanks again with the codes. Well, yes I could've used the Spoiler coding, but "... use at your own risk." sounds too ominous. Heh. Well, when was the last time something was done with the EC coding? Heh...
Hey there @ForeverFun I will leave out the Spoiler part... if I get too frustrated with this I'll look at it... Heh... I made the changes to ChatSettings.lua. I had to look around for it because it's not in the usual Source folder directly under…
ForeverFun said: None of your "Check this..." strings have the L prefix (for unicode/wide/wstring) in front of them.Debug.PrintToChat() expects a unicode string as input. Depending on the context, these are exceptions/faults in the LUA code,…
Well, these are what I have.. function TextParsing.CenterScreenText() if( SystemData.TextID ~= nil) then Debug.PrintToChat(towstring(SystemData.TextID).. L" ".. SystemData.Text) end function TextParsing.IgnoreTextManager() if ( SystemData.T…
@ForeverFun Hey there... Well, at this moment, something doesn't seem to be working. Heh. I've placed the Debug statement in the CenterScreenText() function and for some reason, it only prints the TextID and not the actual Text. It's blank after t…
@ForeverFun Thank you! Yes, I was using the Debug.PrintToChat() function, but couldn't get it to work. Also, wasn't sure where to place that line.. Much appreciated.
ForeverFun said: This isn't a new legacy specific response... You can do pretty much any amount of filtering as you want in EC, as well as changing what things trigger a more visible centered notification with sounds. Okay, unfortunatel…
ForeverFun said: This isn't a new legacy specific response... Thank you very much ForeverFun. I remember using some of your coding for center text/sound for artifact drops. Wasn't aware that we could control the system messages to this …
Hiya Garret...I'm guessing that is ClassicUO? Thanks though. I may try it... Well, I should've specified what client I'm talking about. It's the Enhanced Client. We can have multiple chat window tabs, but all the tabs would basically be the same. …
Well, it helps you on your way to GM Taming... As for taming a Dragon, you do need the Dragon book to tame one. Click on your character and there should be an option for Taming Information or something to see what books you need.
Victim_Of_Siege said: I have a crafter stuck pretty good. I started with a Tailor and got it to 80, then started it on the path to Smith and Carpenter. I got the smith to 80 and when i got to the point of making the cannons and then completed…
TETSUJIN said: Pawain said: TETSUJIN said: I wonder if swordsmanship is part of Smith's primary skills? Why not try to get that to 70 first? Why? The only things that would harm a smith are things you dig up with a garg pick…
ZekeTerra said: I ran into this problem a few weeks ago and never got it resolved. I created a new character,, did Blacksmith/Mining and got them to GM before adding Carpentry/LJ and got those to GM as well. Was going to add Tailoring next …
Another update... My assumption is incorrect... I've done the Blacksmithing quest that I left to do Carpentry, but I cannot turn it in to get my cap raised... And the response I get from the GM Blacksmith is the same as the one I got from the GM Ca…
Oops, cannot update my previous post, so here's the update... I got my Blacksmithing/Mining to 70 and picked up the quest, but didn't do it and moved on to Carpentry. Skills: I clicked on the GM Carpenter just to see what I should do next and I get …
For my crafter, I started with Blacksmithing/Mining and have raised it to 62/70 respectively. I decided to pick up Carpentry/Lumberjacking and Tailoring. My skills and such:I wanted to raise Carpentry for a bit, and I'm at the point where I need to …