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Primary Shard
Wardens of the Abyss (WoA)


  • I enjoyed the Void Pool during the early weeks on ATL and got tons of hats because the large number of  BOTs kept the spawn racing along. I just got in the middle of the BOTs and cast area damage spells. When most of the BOTs dried up, I turned to p…
  • I'm pleased with the Wildfire hue on my Orc Reiver - especially w/seven pumpkin cannon. Have two charges left so I will xshard to two other shards and try out the Demonic hue and maybe the Black one.
  • The Wildfire hue looks awesome on the HMS Hungry Hippo! Still 2 charges left so I can xshard them to re-hue two more of my Orc Reivers.
  • The Winter Spur event had tons of BOTs but you could run in between them and pick off the outlying spawn or jus spam Area spells. On ATL they are all bunched  together at the entrance and It's like wading through quicksand just to try to walk past t…
  • I just did one Beacon and 4 Dread Pirates in Tokuno Legends this evening, I did a "drive-by" on 2 pirate ships w/o Dreads, didn't use cannon  but just killed the crew and got one hat drop from each. No reason to waste fuse cords on non-Dread pirate …
  • The hat drop from Merchants and non-Dread pirates is so poor the only reason I was attacking them was for the 1030 c & L in chests. I won;t bother attacking them again until the qty changes.
  • Now I don't know whether to try another shard or keep trying ATL and rescue my char stuck inside Void Pool
  • Aye, and all them hats in pack
  • Kyronix said: Active participation is required in the Void Pool to be eligible for a hat drop.  Fighting, healing, and taking damage all count.   Nice! Thank you It would be nice to just sit back a bit and Heal & rez.
  • On Baja - I saw no Beacons around Zento. Did attack and kill crew of 2 merchantmen and 2 pirates - total one hat.  Did 2 Dreads w 3 crew - 2 hats from crew and 5 named dread pirate hats. I was after a Beacon but Kyronix announce maintenance soon so …
  • A pirate I just boarded had 30 crac/lobsters in chest, so both merchants & Pirate have seafood aboard. Will make the fishermen happy:) And those that don't fish can sell or gift to one who does. 5-6 man orc crew deaded but no hats.
  • I wear Luck and rub statue for every hunt except Blackthorn and pirating. Since pirating will be a large part of the upcoming Event, I will modify my gear.
    in Luck Comment by Hippo April 10
  • Love the new paints from BUCs - only tried the green and it's a very Butch looking olive drab in CC I hope the swords don't stay "cannot be repaired". Drop rate for Beacons is just right as is the lobster/crab counts on Merchant ships. I'm happy so…
  • Great treatise on ship & crew! On ATL I had my Orc ship HMS Hungry Hippo permission set to Guild for crew. Some low-life looted all my ammo, lesson learned so now change permissions after each cruise. Plus I always drydock flagships now for fear…
  • I use an Orc Slayer spellbook  and spam chain lightning on Orc crews and my archers/throwers use 100% Fire Orc Slayer glaive/magic shortbow with Hit lightning on it. If a Necro in crew, I animate the dead Orcs. Both my ATL and Legends crews have one…
  • Please add a "Privateer" title to rewards  
  • Grimbeard said: People see crew I see possible cargo That's true. Once we figure out who/what drops "pirate hats" I may exercise tough love and exterminate the smuggler crew as well!
  • I "Roleplay" that every merchantman I attack (which is every single one I see) is really a smuggler and I scuttle their vessel and "confiscate" all their illegal goods. I do have a soft spot, I seize the ingots but leave them the ore...
  • Vagabond said: Please put Spell Channeling on the Hildebrandt Shield. I haven't waited for 25 years for the shield to fall out of my hands every time I'm recalling. Thank you. For a 25 year reward, the item is quite underwhelming and usel…
  • Instead of UO Store purchases, I believe the new rewards should be from the Bucs Pirate exclusively, thus rewarding those who put in the work on the Seven Seas.  I like all the suggestions above! I'm always asking for a Jolly Roger flag for ships o…
  • I'd like to see a Jolly Roger pirate flag that can be flown from center mast. Or an enchanted ramrod or cannon that does extra damage. I have 6 pumpkin cannon from original Halloween event. I use them as bow guns on 6 different orc ships. If they of…
  • Cinderella said: no, add them to the rewards at bucs den. shoot your cannons at plunderbeacons and earn your own pumpkin cannon and accessories Yes. Make some of the rewards Bucs Pirate only or make the cargos worth extra "pirate hat" drop…
  • username said: JackFlashUk said: Best expansion/booster ever, GET IT. you are really missing out of great content! Is there a guide anywhere on boats and how to do everything related to the spring event? Battle piratesplunderbeaconsra…
  • Phreak said: I am so glad you stopped by and told me that Trismegistos.  It seems that there has been a mistake.  I applied for the Great Lakes house last week and on Monday received an email from Mesanna that I had won.  I let her know that …
  • Smoot said: JackFlashUk said: Smoot said: Welp, i dont have High Seas so i guess no spring content for me.    Best expansion/booster ever, GET IT. you are really missing out of great content! not for me.  boats are just…
  • JackFlashUk said: I am pretty sure when they first came out they were added to acct so existing house were safe and these became grandfathered I'm the original (and still current) owner of the Legends Abyss House. I had to drop my Great La…
  • Last two extended events, my Mystic Thrower got tons of drops. With LRC suit and SC & area damage glaive i was able to toss RC's and Heal curses, poison and damage with Cleansing Winds. 
  • I had to buy drops/rewards on other shards that I play, but on Atlantic I did very well. The BOTs were annoying at first, but then I realized the size an fast respawn was due to the increase of players (BOTs) at Winter Spur.  I switched from archer …
  • Optimus said: Sparks does not count as a mod or have imbue weight on Storm Lord's Steel, allowing for 6 mod, high weight imbued items. Is this intended? If you imbue it, won't that have a negative affect on Durability and PoF repairs? If …
  • I'm in the minority here, for I welcome the BOT trains. The way the spawn mechanism is setup, it increases the rate and size of spawn based on human or BOT characters running about. I'm like a hyena, I clean up the spawn that the BOTs that they eith…