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- popps
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Garret said: Ash material in addition to 10 ssi has a bonus of 20 Lower Requirement, so this bonus appeared together with ecnhancing with ash. https://www.uoguide.com/Board P.S. To craft such bow you need: 1.) Craft exeptional version (you…
And please, make 120 Fishing skill be more worthwhile... https://forum.uo.com/discussion/3591/rising-tide-so-far-only-has-ship-to-ship-combat-no-fishing-new-content-improvements#latest https://forum.uo.com/discussion/2900/fishing-revamp-and-more-sug…
Theo said: creampie said: is it a joke this thread seriously none want large smith weapons bods. 20 6 except large weapons bod give the same reward than a small bod 20 excep dull copper or 10 except shadow iron small bod. Bods can b…
Where is this Mesanna Roulette on Shards ?
Whitewolf said: ya and not only that pretty sure they have a hidden antique property, constantly having to repair mine. At least, I was told by a fellow player that it can be applied Powder of Fortifying on it to restore the 255/255 dura…
Mariah said: You can also use the runic mallet and chisels to re-forge stone armor and swords.What other weapons would suggest? Well, as I mentioned using runics for armor is hardly done, set aside for making 190 Luck armor pieces so, for…
With the CC, I must always have the unequipped first aid belt gump open otherwise, I do not know why, my macro to use the bandages on myself does not work... if the belt, inside the main backpack is closed, the macro always says it cannot find the b…
TimeCop said: Hello everyone, I'm a returning player with a couple of questions. I use to play back around the time when the game was released. I returned around 2018 but had to stop playing due to real life issues. My question is this, whe…
username said: Almost everything has been given away for free recently, where have you been? These ToTs that run for 3 months are stupid. The stat inflation has gone insane in the last few years. I honestly have no idea what these devs are th…
Violet said: So let's examine psycho's image. 32 drops in 5 hours. Fastest each champ spawn can cycle is 35 minutes. That's 8.57 times in 5 hours. Let's call it 8, that means that you are doing the champ spawn (or at least the final boss)…
I am getting scrolls, shields and weapons, but no cloak... how does one get a cloak drop ?
vortex said: Popps post your stats if you want people to help you ignore them asking... You have med? What's your mana Regen and LMC ... This is why I'd never help you with your questions you never reply when people ask you and then you just…
Grimbeard said: It's 5 pets not one of course upkeep is high this changes nothing popps can adapt or not use a pack So the solution is that of not playing game content rather then making it more playable by reducing the mana consumption …
Garret said: popps said: Garret said: Tier 1 – The One Allows pets to share damage while they are close to their master. Requires multiple pets to active. I think that is design idea to be aka beast master and fight …
Cookie said: Leave you all to it, I'm not here to argue with tamers on taming, my original Cu still has a display bug where it swallowed a 120 Tactics, and it does not show on the display, even though he has the 120 tactics skill. On one han…
Iniquity said: Grimbeard said: Violet said: Cookie said: @ Violet - I'm going to use you as an elite Tamer example here, I used to see this so much in crafting; There has to be a downside of using pack animals and the…
Garret said: Tier 1 – The One Allows pets to share damage while they are close to their master. Requires multiple pets to active. I think that is design idea to be aka beast master and fight in melee combat with your pets so that …
ForeverFun said: Make sure your pack animals are all skilled to 100 in Wrestling and Parry.Then skill the remaining skills to 100.Use another player/friend/etc to help skill the pet up, have them take primary attack position with a 5 slot pet…
Cookie said: In a sense I get popps question. He is asking it in terms of taming, I've often asked it in many other areas. Whilst taming, pack animals, has zero interest to me, I get his point. Sometimes it feels like in UO, to make 1 step fo…
JackFlashUk said: popps said: Because, to my opinion, consume damage is not as crucial as The One is, with pack instinct (weak) pets. then YOU have to sort out YOUR problem it is totally unreasonable of you to expect the Dev…
Grimbeard said: And it cost exactly the same as consume damage and you've never complained about it.. Because, to my opinion, consume damage is not as crucial as The One is, with pack instinct (weak) pets. While consume damage can very we…
Grimbeard said: Pawain said: @ popps with this extensive testing you did, how long does as one last for you. You also did not answer. What is ur MR, meditation, skill level? And lmc The above is at 40% LMC CAP.
Pawain said: @ popps with this extensive testing you did, how long does as one last for you. You also did not answer. What is ur MR, meditation, skill level? As I mentioned in the OP, "Apparently, as of now, to run As One a Tamer would …
JackFlashUk said: How long have masteries been in game Popps? So you have just started using them and you don't like them and want them changed? TOUGH SHIT clearly you have no idea about anything in game, as per usual No, they will not b…
Violet said: I have to disagree with this, Popps. The cost of as one is fine. There has to be a downside of using pack animals and they are supposed to be situational. Furthermore, they aren't for everyone. Taming template is 240 to 360 …
Arroth_Thaiel said: For those of you who are completely confused by the Arcane Outfitter, like me, here is what is going on. UO is going to sell new 6-piece Paladin Plate suit transmogrifications in the UO store. When you buy the transmog, …
Garret said: popps said: Garret said: Mage weapon act like normal weapon, so all dmg bonuses is apply, the difference only that you use magery for hit/deff calculation and almost every mage weapon decrease magery so you need …
JackFlashUk said: popps said: Basically, I am trying to understand whether and in what capacity a Mage Weapon permits a Mage to become a Warrior and do damage "as a Warrior", not as a Mage... Thank you. Why? Perhaps, beca…
Garret said: Mage weapon act like normal weapon, so all dmg bonuses is apply, the difference only that you use magery for hit/deff calculation and almost every mage weapon decrease magery so you need compensate magery skill from skill bonu…
PlayerSkillFTW said: popps said: Are you perhaps saying that Shadow Hounds are crappy pets and that only inexperienced UO Tamers would be interested in using them ? Well, I seem to understand, from his very good and informative posts, …