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What character and server am I on? Most of the time I’m playing with 1 other guy who is not scripting. please name us both if you know me so well, and what character are you playing?
I know I'm not a fan of over-labelling equipment, because it makes things too complicated, but this shows how complicated it is. This is an entire function not being labelled on equipment, and the function itself is a good one.
What would be helpful of course, is if there was an information tag letting you know if something has been enhanced or not, or even can be enhanced. Enhanced. Unenhanced. Unenhanceable. Are the 3 options, and you cannot always tell, new event items …
Interesting post, with a couple of good points, a couple of points I disagree on are; New currency - newer games are having real issues with the amount of currencies they have, it makes them not fun. World of Warcraft currently has 500 odd currenci…
Even a basic cooldown on Heal Potions. I'm basically asking for more Info in the Buff/Debuff status bars. Not just the length of time a buff has to go, but a faded version for the cooldown time until you can use it again.
On this one, a counter above Walls would be seriously helpful - I do not know how other players are handling this, but fights involving walls are huge, and maybe players think Wall counters are going too far. Not something I have yet, but a thought,…
On this topic, I know many people tab cycle through targets and that is fast. When a fight becomes huge, it can become pretty hard to tab cycle through 50 targets, and bars can be more helpful to understand where you are. I am stopping short on sp…
Army said:Decent idea except tying to Virtue just means I’ll script the virtues. However dropping it to a 30m cooldown. Adding a vendor that sells super Agility/Strength Kegs with 10 potions per keg at 1m. Gold sinks, only pvpers would really use it…
Also slightly obsessed, going well for me, I believe in Manifesting (Complaining).
Grimbeard said: Let me translate I want to keep cheating and I can't please fix
Could I get target dummies of most God guild members also please ?
username said: Cookie said: username said: There's nothing to strive towards, nothing to work towards and save up to buy anymore. Everyone has it and everyone is selling it. I can afk for 2 years and just come back spend a littl…
KroDuK said: And now they trying to fix this mistake with bad design imo (more of nothing).. just the re-use weapon was already a HUGE nono.. at this point.. they should have skip part 3.. it's gonna be studied in designer schools o…
KroDuK said: WTF did I just read.. I was like he's getting to the point.. let him cook.. now i'm hungry and wondering maybe he meant to type that in another thread? like wtf?! Someone been mixing his med with alcohol again Fair enough, …
Lokea said: username said: lmfao yea all those returning/new players these days.... Probably more of us than you think - I've ran into a few new and returning players on LS and have talked to a bunch on reddit. I don't know if w…
username said: There's nothing to strive towards, nothing to work towards and save up to buy anymore. Everyone has it and everyone is selling it. I can afk for 2 years and just come back spend a little bit of gold and buy shit from botters. …
Pawain said: Oh so this is a Whaa wha I get too many drops when I run 4 characters at events. I feel so sad for the abused OP. Also, the OP does not help much with the spawn or they would have more plants. Just wait for the Boss, bring 4 gu…
But I'm also not against Timers, spawn timers, pvp timers....
Theo said: This event timer / spawn timer is just a reminder of a no good reason delay for spawns. It’s down in 5-10 min then we have to sit around for 30 minutes to wait for respawn. Why the 30 min respawn timer? On any spawn? 10 min is …
popps said: I am getting scrolls, shields and weapons, but no cloak... how does one get a cloak drop ? RNG. I have plenty of everything, and no Hammer yet.
LilyGrace said: King said: I agree, and you cant even cut the Cloak to make some cloth, this would change everything, as many people like he colors and would make skirts, shirt, hats, I mean, I understand you restrict EM items to be cu…
any serious scripter would have 10x of this. There are no serious scripters doing this however. It is not worth their time - in that sense, the event has dealt with that problem - as Petra says. By making the drops easy, it is not worth them doing i…
Rorschach said: Some comments have been removed. Please stay topical. respectful and courteous. That looks like every response is removed to me. That is impressive. But yes, on topic, I agree with the guy, I get tons of stuff I just bin,…
Pawain said: Limited Edition Items These limited edition items will be available for the duration of the Eclipsed Dawn Event!Limited Edition Vanity MountsGet a special color Lasher, Skeletal Cat, or Coconut Crab mount from the Ultima Store!Ca…
AtomicBetty said: It's a shame good players don't post suggestions and all the dev's see are these posts. It's a shame you didn't have anything useful to add.
Max_Blackoak said: the last part is a bad idea unless virtues become available to reds as well... And Reds can use a Royal Pardon. They went Red for a reason usually. Royal Pardon is a legitimate time-sink for them to go blue again. I thin…
Max_Blackoak said: how about giving Avatar players a decent luck bonus instead? That would be useful and wouldn't mess with PvP at the same time. Ultimately - it is only 1 out of 3 suggestions put forwards, The Avatar concept reward can …
Max_Blackoak said: how about giving Avatar players a decent luck bonus instead? That would be useful and wouldn't mess with PvP at the same time. Who cares about Luck. {And we already get +1000 Luck in Felucca, And it doesn't work anywa…
Hopefully Kyronix saw it before you deleted it.
Max_Blackoak said: the last part is a bad idea unless virtues become available to reds as well... Or it is a good idea, if it makes more players feel safer playing in Felucca, knowing their Avatar Status gives them a slight Boost - as was …