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discord garret1337
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  • Ash material in addition to 10 ssi has a bonus of 20 Lower Requirement, so this bonus appeared together with ecnhancing with ash. P.S. To craft such bow you need: 1.) Craft exeptional version (you could use non exept…
  • Unfortunately I didn't get an answer during the last interview, but the question and idea is this: after the launch of the second NL server it will be even harder to find opponents for pvp, since obviously part of the Japanese community will leave, …
  • NPC vendors selling only one swordsmanship weapon and it is - broadsword, is it count as easter egg ?
  • wrong forum my dude
  • I wish we will have this item upgrade as well.
  • I think they will just add legendary foe points ( 1 point for boss kill) for old bosses which you can spend on new gear from new vendor like they did on NL.
  • DCI works with archery, parry no, Bushido on archer is for momentum(only close combat), confidence (Extra stam,HP reg), and honor, going more then 100bushido on archer is a bit useless, you can remove Bushido if you fight vs monsters with slayer. DC…
  • just vanity pet.
  • deadguard said: So i just started to play ultima online with some private server experience background. As soon as i train my skills while training i found that bows are expensive. Then i found Luna city and i saw vendors have different price…
  •   Stone brass knuckles so gargoyls will have option to use wrestling and wrestling mastery in PvM and PvP, so there will be another unique reason to play garg.   Max swing, Immune to disarm, new brass knuckles will have 2 special abilitys but you a…
  • Podolak said: Thanks Mariah, looks like there is still a decent chance to block with Parry.  The decision now is if magic resist or parry is more worthwhile.  I'll have to play with it. Appreciation!   If you ask about PvM and you have free …
  • Podolak said: On prod we would run bushido if using two handed weapons.  We do not have bushido on NL.  So if I am going to run two handed weapons should I forgo parry?  Template also has archery.   You still can parry when carrying two hand…
  • Should we guess the name? The outline looks like a girl with wings - some kind of succubus? The only named succubus I know is Szavetra.
  • Lokea said: Is there going to be a version of this posted publicly, and was anything new revealed?
  • The only way advertise UO is to pay or ask to non UO streamers and YouTubers to play it or at least tab it when they doing other games, but game should be not bad, game and client should be polished somehow for nowday standards and ofc it should be …
  • 1. Unfortunately, for UO these are two opposites: attracting new players and retaining old ones. 2. Keeping old players means continuing the imbalance, giving them things to collect might be a bit of content. 3. To attract new players/returnees only…
  • Kaz said: Its not bad manners to pvp in a pvp zone.  Its totally fine.  But you have to keep in mind; when you kill someone, theyre not going to like it.  In turn, that player will view you as the murderer, the PK, the villain; regardless of …
    in PvP and VvV Comment by Garret March 8
  •   I think we need hints from Parralax bcz i explored this world pretty damn hard and know things that nobody know mby even devs xDDD It could be something common but nobody tallking about it like assasin quest is inspired by Game of Trones and this…
  • Thaeyde said: Garret said:  Everyone trying to play tolerance card but nobody care about my opinion so you metter and me no ?  At no point is anyone saying you can't do what you're doing. People are just saying it's bad manners.  …
    in PvP and VvV Comment by Garret March 6
  • Let's say wow, and wow devs not made their own dps meter, yes they have dummies but still good luck count dps without addon. As I understand dps meters is not healthy thing for a game design so measuring dps is only on players initiative, if they ad…
  •     I still not get the point that spawn is PVM encounter. You have warning about that is not and you have to press accept that you understand the risk.   And every one says me that i should go retail or siege if i want PvP but same i can say for P…
    in PvP and VvV Comment by Garret March 6
  • Thaeyde said: Harassing people at champ spawns isn't going to win you any friends Garret. If anything it will ostracize you and make your play experience worse. If you want to PK so bad and be an asshole there are other shards set up specific…
    in PvP and VvV Comment by Garret March 5
  • Pameleigha said: because when it takes 10 seconds to cast resurrect and someone blindsides you, there is no preparation is one scenario and exaclty when you killed my character while resurrecting a guildmate.  Also, you have been player kill…
    in PvP and VvV Comment by Garret March 5
  • Pameleigha said: I'm not complaining about it, I am just killing you before you kill me. Isn't that PvP? Or is it you just want to victimize the weak?  Like you did first time, just before the boss spawned and you went around killing the peop…
    in PvP and VvV Comment by Garret March 5
  • Pameleigha said: Unfortunately for us all, The boss spawns in NL are all VvV only ,or in regular shards the only way to get power scrolls for your characters and pets. Soo we have this. People who enjojy PvP create characters to do so. Unfort…
    in PvP and VvV Comment by Garret March 5
  • Grimbeard said: No one will ever be happy you kill them maybe you need thicker skin if it bothers you ? I'd suggest you tell them to get gud No no, it doesn't bother me, I just want to understand people's position, they say that pvp steals th…
    in PvP and VvV Comment by Garret March 5
  • Completely forgot to ask about quaderact, are there any plans for rewards, improvements or more bosses for this type of content? @Kyronix @Parallax
  • So is it intended or bug ?
  • Community Manager said: Garret said: Strenght and Agility potions that drop from mosters (Ettins and mby other monsters like gazers/mummys) give more stats (stronger effect) then crafted potions, is it intended ? I unfortunately wa…
  • popps said: Garret said: popps said: Garret said: Tier 1 – The One Allows pets to share damage while they are close to their master. Requires multiple pets to active.        I think that is design idea to be aka beas…