Harvest Festival Storytelling Contest! - Winner!!

Community ManagerCommunity Manager Posts: 452Dev
edited November 2023 in General Discussions

For November, we're doing a Storytelling contest; "Your idea of a perfect Harvest Festival"! 
  • Please, post your submissions to this thread!
  • Please keep it CLEAN.
  • Please be respectful of others stories!
  • The contest will end on 11/10 at 11:59PM EST.
  • Voting will start 11/11.
  • Voting will end on 11/15 at 11:59pm EST.
  • Winner will be announced on 11/17.
The winner of the contest will receive a special turkey (in game), so you don't have to buy one!
Good luck and have fun!

NOTE: For those of you who may not know what a Harvest Festival is, it's about family and friends coming together to spend a special day, enjoying the harvest and each others company and stories.

But you don't have to make it about that. If you could have a day, to do anything with your family and/or friends, what would it be? What would you do? Where would you go? There is no limit here, only your imagination. So feel free to go wild!

Please vote for your winners here!

The Winner of the Storytelling contest is;
@Cinderella !!

You can see the results of the voting here!
Thank you to all who participated!

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Ultima Online Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/uotowncryer/
Ultima Online Twitch - https://www.twitch.tv/BroadswordUO
Email - uo.fenneko@gmail.com


  • MacroPlanetMacroPlanet Posts: 117
    edited November 2023

    The memories of my first steps into the world of Ultima Online in the autumn and Thanksgiving of 1999 have woven a tapestry of nostalgia that time can never unravel. It all began when my best friend, at that time, introduced me to this captivating realm, a tale that's etched in the heart of my gaming history.

    I vividly recall the late-night phone conversation that became the catalyst for my journey into this enchanting world. On the other end of the line, as he delved into the depths of UO, I could hear the distinct sounds of his keyboard clacking away, the ambient noises of creatures and the rhythmic swish of swords in combat.

    Intrigued, I couldn't resist asking, "What are you playing?"

    With a hint of excitement in his voice, he replied, "UO...or, to be more precise, Ultima Online."

    My curiosity piqued, I pressed further, "What do you do in Ultima Online?"

    Little did I know that his next response would cast a spell on me and keep me enthralled in the world of UO for over two decades. He explained, "Really, you can do whatever you want. For example, you can go on adventures, craft items, engage in player-vs-player combat, or even own a house."

    The notion of "doing whatever you want" was a revelation to me at the time. My previous gaming experiences had been limited to titles like those on the NES, N64, and a few PC FPS games such as Doom, Hexen, and Duke Nukem. The concept of boundless freedom was foreign and exciting.

    As I delved into Britannia, I realized that Ultima Online marked my first foray into the world of online gaming. Our family had recently obtained our first ISP, and the very idea of playing a video game with people from around the globe was mind-blowing. My virtual adventure commenced in the city of Minoc, and I fell head over heels for the surrounding areas and the game itself. I recall testing the limits of what was possible within the game, even eating poisoned food off the city floor, a quirk I had discovered inadvertently.

    My friend and I embarked on grand adventures, but Minoc remained our cherished home. Eventually, we each acquired houses just north of the city, creating a sense of permanence in the digital realm.

    One of our most beloved activities was embarking on treasure hunts. We stumbled upon a treasure map that depicted a mysterious island nestled in the heart of the ocean. "Island? Boats?" The game kept surprising me, and my affection for UO grew with each revelation.

    The challenge was finding this enigmatic island, as neither of us had a clue about its whereabouts. It was only thanks to the paper maps that had come with our game boxes that we managed to piece together a path. Eventually, we uncovered the island, named Eiffel Island, just south of the city of Britain. The next step was procuring a boat. Whether through diligent saving or, more likely, finding an unlocked vessel somewhere, we soon set sail from Britain.

    The journey to Eiffel Island was an arduous one. The vastness of the ocean, dotted with islands and obstacles, made it feel like an epic quest in itself. At last, after losing our way more than once, we beheld the distant shores of Eiffel Island.

    There, we located the treasure's burial site and began to dig, unaware of the dangers that lurked nearby. Overwhelmed by the onslaught of creatures, we teetered on the brink of defeat. We were ill-equipped to fend off the relentless onslaught, and it was only thanks to the sudden appearance of a stranger that we narrowly escaped disaster. This kind-hearted individual healed our wounds and helped us conquer the menacing creatures. Grateful and relieved, we shared the spoils of our treasure chest with our newfound savior.

    Ultima Online offered a plethora of adventures throughout the years, but eventually, the inexorable tides of change carried my friend and me in different directions. We drifted away from the realm we had once inhabited so ardently, and with time, our friendship drifted as well.

    Over two decades have passed since that fateful autumn night in 1999, a time when Ultima Online shaped our lives and etched memories that would withstand the sands of time. The adventures, the friendships, and the countless hours spent in this virtual world have all transformed into precious recollections. As I once again tread the lands of Britannia in 2023, I find myself immersed in a sea of nostalgia as I place my virtual houses on Eiffel Island, a place teeming with memories of the past.

    These days, Thanksgiving and the autumn season are imbued with a profound sense of nostalgia for Ultima Online, particularly the early days when the realm was a canvas of limitless possibilities. To those who were part of the early years, this sentiment likely resonates. Thanksgiving serves as a poignant reminder of the friendships formed during my initial foray into the game, a time when bonds were forged, adventures were had, and a whole world waited to be explored.

    Now, as I sit in my virtual house on Eiffel Island, I can't help but hope that one day, a random traveler will stumble upon the island, seeking adventure and camaraderie, much like I did in those bygone days.

    -Slim Shady (1999-2005 | Napa Valley)

    -SouthStar & Mae Shadowmoon (2008-2010 | Lake Superior)

    -SouthStar & Runefinger (2020-Present | Atlantic)

  • MariahMariah Posts: 3,397Moderator
    After a little consultation CM Fenneko and I decided to start this one over. The title of the contest has been changed in line with the concerns expressed. Please now keep this thread for story submissions only
    If you still have concerns please reach out by DM, or start a seperate thread. Remember this is a story of Sosaria, RL politics are not relevant.
  • I'm grateful for a game that lets me escape the very hard real world for a little bit. One where a tiny, angry ferret can take down a mean demon. Real life demons are so much harder. 

    I'm grateful for people who ask me to think about gratitude, who ask me to share something that isn't ugly, isn't scary and isn't sad.

    I'm grateful for the innocence that is behind that question. Some might call it ignorance. Some might call it other things but I choose to think it's naivete. I'm grateful for the amount of hope and curiosity that exists in that question.  

    I'm grateful for goblins and gargoyles, elves and humans who all live in a little world that I can be a part of, even for five minutes when I need a break from the world full of much scarier things. 

    I'm grateful for people who put portals and repair tables out for others to use. I think they are probably the people who put out food and help others IRL too. 

    I'm grateful for orange petals that cures poison in bodies with just a click.

    I'm grateful for the being able to run away from the things that want to kill, poison or hurt me. And for being able to have others come and help me conquer those things. 

    I'm grateful for the pixel hoarders, who always have just the right ingredient or item or whatever and are happy to give it to you just so they can make room for different pixels. 

    I'm grateful for the healers who work tirelessly to keep us going. I am pretty sure they'd like to bash some monsters too but they just keep on blessing us with their heals and cures. 

    I'm grateful that I am able to overcome Clumsy, Weaken and Feeblemind by putting on better clothes or casting a spell. 

    I'm grateful that it doesn't take 12 million trips to the basement to decorate for any season. 

    I'm grateful for the opportunity to pick up in a familiar place after 10 years of being away. With no recriminations or questions about the whys, wheres or reasons. 

    I'm grateful that mongbats can still take me down on a bad day. Humility, thy name is mongbat. 

    Finally, today, I'm grateful for being able to connect. To this forum without having to jump through hoops and copy/paste a gazillion times, to games, to a wealth of information at my fingertips, to people IRL and in-game who make me laugh, make me think, and make the the greater sphere of my existence a little bit easier. 
    Maith Ceol, Chesapeake
    Governor of Moonglow

    Discord: txeggplant
  • MariahMariah Posts: 3,397Moderator
    Those posts that were not story submissions have been removed

    Please now keep this thread for story submissions only
    If you still have concerns please reach out by DM, or start a seperate thread

  • LilyGraceLilyGrace Posts: 1,022
    I know a few stories here have been posted for awhile but I'd not read them yet until this morning.

    @MacroPlanet and @TXEggplant , I love both your stories.

    I do wonder what happened to @Onixia 's story? I hadn't read that yet either. I know it was accidentally double posted, but now I don't see it at all.

    I hope more stories are yet to come! They're very enjoyable.
  • MariahMariah Posts: 3,397Moderator
    @Onixia asked that I delete the two half stories. I'm sure she will re-post when she has her story ready for submission
  • LilyGraceLilyGrace Posts: 1,022
    Ah! Got it, thanks, Mariah.
  • OnixiaOnixia Posts: 91
    The Tale of Onixia and The Trolls

    In the Kingdom of Britannia there lived a noble lass named Onixia. She was a brave swordswoman who fought for justice across the land. Often you would find her travelling across the world vanquishing evil in its many forms. She was known as one of the fiercest paladin warriors in Britannia. One day, Onixia was on her way to Trinsic to celebrate the upcoming Harvest Festival with all her Paladin friends. They had planned a huge elaborate feast and there would be much merriment. She soon came across a small wooden bridge. As she crossed over it, she suddenly heard Trolls speaking from underneath. She quietly pulled out her sword and crouched in silence, listening to their conversation. Onixia had learned Troll and several other creature languages over the years. It had come in handy and had saved her life on many occasions.

    “Mama, what are we going to do? We have not eaten in over a week. My tummy hurts. It is so hungry it is making dragon noises”

    “Hush, Lithara. Hopefully a nice plump rabbit or hind might wander our way soon. If I had not injured my foot in that hunters’ trap I could go out and hunt for something for us to eat. I am so sorry this happened little one. We must be patient”

    “It is okay Mama; I can wait longer. I can be brave.”

    “You are a good and sweet daughter Lithara. Sometimes I think I don’t deserve you”

    “Yes you do. I love you Mama”

    “I love you too my brave trolling”

    Onixia, silently made her way to the edge of the bridge and looked underneath it. She saw a large, but skinny, Mother Troll holding her little trolling in her huge arms. She was gently rocking her back and forth. Her bloody swollen left foot wrapped in moss and leaves. Onixia’s heart went out to them both. Those poor trolls. How sad. She could not leave them in good conscience knowing that most likely they would soon starve. She made her way into the nearby woods in search of game. She soon came across a few plump rabbits and eventually, a goat wandering in the wild. She dispatched them all quickly and humanely. Afterwards, she strung up the rabbits together and tossed them over her shoulder, as she dragged the goat back to the bridge.

    When she was close to the bridge she heard the mother Troll exclaim,

    “Hush Lithara! I hear someone coming. If I tell you to run, you run as fast as you can and don’t look back!”

    “But Mama, I can’t leave you alone.”

    “Just do what I say Lithara. I could not bear to lose you”

    Speaking in Troll, Onixia shouted, “Hello! Please do not be alarmed or fear me trolls. I am bringing you some food. I heard you talking about your situation and could not let you starve, especially when the Harvest Festival is almost upon us.”

    Onixia then made her way under the bridge and stood in the dim light before them. She could see the fear on their faces. The Mother Troll clutched her trolling tightly to her chest.

    “Here I will leave you these nice plump rabbits and this lovely goat I caught for you both”

    Onixia then left her offerings on top of a nice flat rock that looked as if it was being used as a table. As she turned to leave, the mother troll suddenly spoke.

    “Thank you kind stranger. You have no idea of how much this means to me to be able to feed my trolling. Blessings upon you. Would you like to stay and join us in this bountiful feast you have provided?”

    Onixia looked at the smiling and tired face of the Mother Troll and then at the little trolling who was shyly looking out from underneath her Mama’s arms.

    “I would be honored to join you both in a meal”

    And so the unlikely trio soon were dining under the bridge on the plump spit fired rabbits. They spent a lovely evening together, each of them giving thanks for different reasons.

    The trolls gave thanks for Onixia and the food she provided. They knew that she had saved them from starvation. Onixia gave her thanks that in helping these Trolls, it made her remember that Harvest Festival is not about large elaborate dinners and parties, but for moments like this. Being with your family, making new friends, and helping those in need.

    The End

    (as told by Orenda from NPH Guild on Origin)
  • CinderellaCinderella Posts: 1,794
    edited November 2023
    On the morning of the Harvest Festival, I woke up and stretched my arms and legs. As I started to get ready for the day, I reflected on the past week.

    Thinking about how Kevin the Butcher snuck over to Moonglow and hunted turkeys for all the orders he had for cooked birds. The population of turkeys had multiplied so much that the area had become overcome with them. 

    Reflecting how some of us had gone to the farms and purchased items for the cornucopia's and horn of plenty's that will adorn our tables on this fine day. While at the farms we also got sheafs of hay for decorations for the Harvest Festival.

    I rushed out the door of my house with excitement at what the day will hold. 

    I waved to the people that I came across and called out greetings as I quickly hurried to see if the festivities had started. And to my surprise, the archery contest was already underway. The murmurings of the crowd suggests that Miri will take the prize again this year. I can't help but hope that Midori might surprise them all and be victorious. She does so much for the community without them even knowing it.

    I made my way past the dagger throwing contest while thinking about how Monty and Perry suggested that it should be a sword throwing instead. This always makes me think about the Farm Days Games when the Chosen Ones could  pull the sword from the stone. I shook my head when I remembered how Makoto teleported over the stone wall and stole a longsword. Must have needed that weapon very badly.

    Next I pass the pen with livestock in them. I wondered if anyone would worry about them being so close to the dagger throwing. Then shook my head when I thought about how Kevin the Butcher is the owner of them. He has been boasting all week that he will take the prize again this year for the 
    5th year in a row. His animals always have the largest weights. Everyone always asks him what his secret is and he always says that it is for him to know and for us to find out. I have always suspected that he might be feeding them alligator meat. He is known for being an alligator wrangler.

    I make my way back towards the archery contest and arrive just as the ribbon for 1st place was given to Midori. The applause drew more festival goers to the area. They all congratulated her and praised her skill. After people started wondering off in other directions, I gave her a hug and asked her if she had been to the baked goods yet.

    Midori accompanied me to the baking competition area. The smell of Queen Mums cookies made our mouths water. We just knew that we wanted to have a cookie before we tasted anything else.

    After sampling Queen Mums cookies, we made our way to Grandma Stenzel's table. The smell of her fresh baked peach cobbler hangs in the air. We quickly tried a sample and was amazed at the flavor. 

    Grandma Stenzel smiled and asked us if we would like to try her Mongbat Meat Pie. We looked at each other and both were thinking that its a little early in the day for tasting a pie made from cheap ale and coffee. We took a bite because we didn't want to offend her. Quite surprisingly the honey and apples made the mongbat ribs taste quite good.

    We thanked Grandma Stenzel and asked her if there were any other recipes that she would like to share with us. I hinted around that I wanted the pearberry pie recipe but all she did was smile sweetly and say that one never knows whether she can remember it. Afterall she still needs us to get the recipe pages back from the Orcs who stole her cookbook.

    We thanked Grandma Stenzel for the samples and told her that we would come visit her at Yew. If there was anything that we can help her with, all she has to do is ask.

    At the next table we see ales and wine crafted by Patrick and his wife Nina. Patrick is the governor of New Magincia, so we know that we can trust that he won't poison us. I didn't expect Patrick to make a pear wine, so it must have been Nina who talked him into it.

    The Governor of Yew, Lord Rayce, has his table set up next to theirs. The finest wine of Yew is set out for the people of Sonoma to taste. He eagerly pours wine into a pewter mug for us to taste his newest creation.

    As we sip the wine, we are joined by Mrs Bugg who tells Rayce that he will win because he always has the finest wine. Hearing her giggle repeatedly, we realize that she has already had a few samples already. When Mrs Bugg starts talking about sending some of her fighters from the city of Jhelom to help fight some of the undead at Yew Cemetery, we left the two governors to talk.

    Before we headed to the next table, Midori remembered that she had promised her sister Lilac that she not be gone long. Lilac wanted to come to the Harvest Festival but she had a few things to finish before the evening dinner.

    I watched as Midori quickly left the festival grounds. And then someone touched me on the shoulder. I turned around to see Capricorn Barb holding hands with her husband David. 

    I asked David, the Governor of Trinsic if it was safe for him to be here today. He replied that he had paladins watching the city and that there didn't appear to be any threats from the redbone pirates on this day. And he asked if I have enjoyed the festival thus far. I told him that I expect Queen Mum to win for best cookies. Grandma Stenzel for most unique baking. But I'm unsure of Best Wine because I haven't tasted them all yet.

    We go over to the last table. Alexander turned around and offered us a sample of his wine and asked us if we wanted to sample his pumpkin pie. It was made from the freshest of pumpkins. While he turned away to offer a sample to another customer, I quickly slipped his sample into a napkin and put it in my pocket. I heard a voice behind me saying "that wasn't so nice"

    I turned around to see Ron Fellows. I looked around to see if anyone else had saw what I did. I looked innocently at him. "Well he does hang out with you." I looked around again and whispered "I don't know that he didn't slip some poison into it"

    The Governor of Skara Brae laughed loudly and everyone turned to stare. "You did sample his wine. How can you drink that but not eat his food?" Ron Fellows laughed again

    "I saw him sampling from the same bottle when I was at Rayce's table. He would have dropped dead by now if it was poisoned." I smiled sweetly and laughed "I haven't seen him sample any of his food" Ron Fellows walked over and sampled the pumpkin pie. 

    Ron Fellows grabbed his chest and started groaning. "He might have..." then he started laughing because of the look on my face. By then a crowd had gathered. Hank Scorpio came over and said "I wouldn't have tried it either" 

    After the laughter died down, I grabbed a sample from the table, that wasn't offered to me before. It surprisingly tasted better than I thought it would. After I tried it, those around me also sampled the pie.

    Capricorn Barb asked "Have you tried The Grinch Pie yet?" I shook my head and asked her where she had sampled it. She took me over to the next table.

    The Grinch smiled at us with a lopsided grin. "Care to try my Grinch Pie?"

    I asked him what was in the pie and he gave me a toothy grin.

    "How about you sample it and then tell me?" He looked around at those gathered around "I can say that it may or may not have pumpkins from Britain fields." He looks towards Queen Mums table. "Don't tell the Governor, but they are the tastiest around here." He then laughs 

    I look The Grinch up and down until I noticed that is is covered in toads with arsenic sauce. And I thought I had to worry about Alexander's wine. I quickly told him that I couldn't possibly eat another bite and that I needed to save room for the Harvest Festival dinner.

    when I heard the sound of laughter coming from the livestock pen, I realized that the cow tipping contest had already started. I went to join all the people watching the contestants to see who would be the fastest.

    I had to laugh when I saw Monty, the squirrel, trying to tip a cow. This made me think of last year when I saw all those squirrels at Moonglow. "NUTS nuts NUTS" Oh no, I don't want to think about that again. I would have dreams again for weeks, of squirrels "NUTS nuts NUTS" haha

    I shook my head to keep from remembering that and then thought of the cow milking in December last year. About how people were supposed to milk the cows and return the pewter mugs for their participation gift. Instead they took off with the pewter mugs because they were made by Mrs Claus. I wonder if they were made by The Grinch, if they would have kept them too. Probably so.

    I wandered away from the cow milking and went to go see the dunk tank. EM Rawiya is calling out to the crowd "Who wants to test their skill? dunk me or suffer the consequences"

    Drakelord walked up and tossed his dagger at the dartboard. "I point. Bad throw." Drakelord died on the spot. After he got rez'd he chuckled and bowed "You were a worthy opponent"

    Brig Din Em walked up and tossed his dagger at the target "Just missed the center! 20 points" a cannon sounded and confetti shot into the air. I clapped for my husband and smiled at him.
  • CinderellaCinderella Posts: 1,794
    David walked over and tossed his his dagger "10 point shot" someone clicked a Minerva fireworks wand

    Sonya Kristoff walked up and looked at everyone "I will show you how this is done" and she threw the dagger at the target "10 point shot" again the Minerva fireworks wand was used.

    Faitalani Aldwyn walked up and took aim. Her dagger hit the target "Jus missed the center! 20 points" cannon sound and then confetti came down.

    Ron Fellows came up and stretched out his arms. He flexed his arms and cracked his knuckles. He took aim and released the dagger "Missed" The ground rumbled and a giant turkey named Harvest Festival Intruder appeared next to him. "Gobble Gobble" 

    Ron Fellows blinked and then the giant turkey stomped its feet. It looked him in the eyes and then pounced on the Governor of Skara Brae. The Skara Brae guards in attendance rushed forward to defend their governor. They were no match for the giant Turkey. One by one they fell and then it was just the governor and the Turkey facing off. Ron Fellows quickly lost the battle.

    Then all of a sudden, Kevin the Butcher appeared. He jumped on the turkeys back and wrestled him to the ground. The Hero of Minoc looked around at those gathering around. "Too bad I already have all those cooked birds done. This would have made a fine meal." He chuckled  and then started dragging the giant turkey to his wagon. "Looks like we will have another meal this weekend." Those around applauded him for his bravery.

    Ron Fellows and his guardsmen were resurrected. EM Rawiya asked them if they had fun facing the consequences. EM Rawiya looked around at the crowd and asked if anyone else wanted to try to dunk her. A few people that I didn't know stepped forward and tried their best to dunk EM Rawiya.

    It wasn't until later that I realized that no matter what points you got, that the EM would remain dry. People were too busy enjoying seeing the confetti that they didn't realize she didn't take the step off the diving board. I wondered if she had landed in the water, if it would have spawned water elementals. I shivered at the thought.
  • CinderellaCinderella Posts: 1,794
    I called out to others as I was leaving the Harvest Festival. It is time to go see if everything is ready for the big dinner. 

    Grandma Stenzel and Queen Mum were helping Mrs Claus in the kitchen. Mrs Bugg and I took baskets of rolls out to the tables. We all carried the pies out to the dessert table. And we hurried out the kitchen when we heard the men had returned. 

    I quickly rushed upstairs to change into my evening gown and put on my glass shoes. And came back down to congratulate my husband on winning the most points at the dunk tank. After I had left Faitalani Aldwyn had challenged him to toss daggers again at the dunk tank and he got another 20 points, while she had a 5 pointer.

    The men went into the kitchen and carried out the turkey platters. Before we started on the meal we all said what we are thankful for. When it was my turn, I said "I am thankful for my family and my friends." I looked around the table. "I am thankful that the Royal Genealogists discovered that I am related to some of you." I looked around at each of my cousins. 

    Then I looked off towards the sea. "I am thankful for having known those that were lost and are not here with us now." with tears in the corner of my eyes "I am thankful that our community has shown great support to Margaret, Demi, Lily and Jane. They lost their loves Charles, Gary, Thomas and John to the sea." looked to each of my friends and family. "Knowing that we were able to find the lost letters, brought them great comfort."

    I looked around the room and sigh heavily. "Here is to Grandmasta Funk for being such a great friend to each and every one of us." I raised my glass. "We miss you and think of you often."  We took a drink.

    Sonya Kristoff spoke up "The city of New Magincia isn't the same without him"

    Patrick spoke up "I resemble that remark" 
    Perry and Monty looked at each other and laughed.

    EM Rawiya spoke up "Here is to Queen Mums cookies"
    Grandma Stenzel said "And to my Mongbat Meat Pie"
    The Grinch says "And to my exploding gift boxes"

    "Wrong Holiday" everyone spoke at once.

    Rayce starts to sing *one the 12th day of Christmas, my true love showed me, 12 reapers reaping 11 gypsies tipsy, 10 miners mining...*

    Kevin the Butcher stands up and says "not you too" he looks around the table "It's bad enough that the women of Minoc sings it, but do you have to do that here?" everyone starts laughing 

    I looked around the room at each of my friends and my family. I am truly blessed to have these people in my life.
  • OnixiaOnixia Posts: 91
     :) <3  
  • LarisaLarisa Posts: 1,230
    edited November 2023
      Maharia was exiled from her home when she was just 18. She spent the next few years living in the forests among the creatures of the land, becoming quite proficient at communicating with them.
      One day, as she was traversing an unusual wooded area filled with crystals and strange crystal-like creatures, she saw what looked like a village in the distance.  Pulling her cloak tightly around her, she cautiously made her way closer, ensuring her canine companion Hoggle was nearby.
      As she got closer, the high walls and imposing towers greeted her. She paused...unsure if she should continue. She hadn't been around other people in quite some time, being much more comfortable with the four-legged.
      Passing through the gates, she saw brick paths lined with quaint houses. Seeing one of the houses with people standing on the front porch, she timidly approached. "Excuse me?" She said quietly. The people just stood there. She tilted her head, waiting...but none of them responded.  A quiet sigh escaped her lips as she continued on...maybe she should just keep to the forests and her four-legged friends, the people that inhabited this strange village did not seem very polite, or friendly.
      She made her way into what seemed like the middle of the village. Strange sounds came from every corner, some she recognized, like the sawing of wood and the clanking of a hammer on metal.  She heard a soft growl from Hoggle and looked over, another person was staring at her. Subconscious, she pulled her cloak tighter around her and smiled timidly. "Hello," she said softly.  The person nodded "'ello, ye need sumthin'?" he asked, looking her up and down. Realizing her ragged cloak and dirt-streaked face probably made her look very out of place here, she shrugged and tilted her head. "I am trying to find a new home, and this is the first village I have seen in some time. Do you perhaps know how I would go about finding a dwelling for me and my companion?"  She reached down to pat Hoggle on the head, trying to keep him calm.
      The stranger nodded, "Just so happens there be an empty plot right over there for ye ta build yer own" he pointed.  "All ye need is a bit 'o coin, ye have any 'o that?" he asked.  She sighed, shaking her head. "No, I don't."  He paused, looking at Hoggle. "Seems ye be good at dealin' with wild beasts, there be a ton 'o people lookin' for 'em, maybe ye can help them and make some coin while yer at it."
    Her eyes perked up, nodding. " Yes, I could do that! Thank you!"
      Fast forward several months, Maharia became well-known in this odd little village. People called her the Beastmaster. She'd never seen such exotic animals before and made many more four-legged friends, to the dismay of Hoggle. Soon she was able to build a quaint little house on the West side of the village. During her time taming and selling the various animals of the land, she realized that she could do much more and opened up a tiny vendor shop.  As she was setting up her wares, she giggled to herself, remembering how she thought the people here were not so friendly because they didn't talk...now she realized that they were just vendors selling their wares.
      Her little vendor house became quite popular, as there weren't many around. She stayed mostly to herself, using a note board system on the side of her home to communicate with the other denizens of this village. Still a bit shy, she still didn't speak to people that much, but became familiar with many people through her messaging system.
      Two people in particular came by quite often, their names showing up many times throughout the weeks.  Pinky, who bought a lot of furniture for her home, and Myth, who really liked deco. One day, Mahara was putting out new wares to sell, when Myth walked up to her home.  Not used to interacting with her patrons one-on-one, she was a bit startled. She took a deep breath, tilted her head, and looked at him. "Hello." She said. "Welcome!"
      He smiled and nodded a greeting. "Hail," he said, "I was just stopping by to purchase more of your wonderful items and thought I would introduce myself and thank you for having so many nice items for reasonable prices. I am Myth, guild leader of The Nephilim. It is a pleasure."
      They chatted for a bit and he went on his way. Many weeks had gone by, and Myth had become quite the regular visitor, always friendly and talkative. "Might I ask you a question, Maharia?" He asked one day. "Nodding, she looked at him intently. "I know you do a very good job running this shop, but I noticed that you're always alone. My guild is full of wonderful people, we are like a family and I was wondering if you would care to join us sometime?" She fidgeted with her little pouch, looking down at the floor. "Well," She started, "I am not really used to being around other people, but you seem rather nice, if the rest of your friends are as nice as you, I would be interested."
      Thus began her time with The Nephilim. After only a few short weeks, she felt right at home. She really hit it off with one of the other council members, Orenda. Even though Maharia ached for her homeland, Orenda made her feel welcome and they always had grand adventures together.  Soon, they were working together planning events for the guild, and even the entire community. Along with the other members of the guild, Holiday feasts, and parties became normal events.  Orenda owned a beautiful home on Dagger Isle, and that became the guild's banquet hall. Decorating for the holidays was one of Maharia's favorite things to do, as it brought friends and family together for a wonderful time. Having all of the guild members together for feasts and frivolity throughout the years made her sadness at leaving her homeland less and less painful, until she forgot them all together, having found a new family to spend precious time with.
      Holidays were always full of joy and laughter, and soon it was time yet again to prepare for the Harvest. Maharia and Orenda met at the banquet hall to begin preparations for the guilds Harvest Feast and Festival. Dinner plans were made, festivities were planned and laughter and merriment abounded.  Myth had left the guild some time ago, having to pursue other quests, but it was thanks to him that Maharia had found such a wonderful family.  Walking through the door, bundles of corn and wheat in her hands, she smiled at Orenda. "Are we ready for this?" She asked. Orenda, busily pulling out the harvest tablecloths and centerpieces, looked up and smiled. "Always!" They both laughed and got to work...this year was going to be the best harvest yet!

    Thank you to Myth, Orenda, Misty, Paul, Jinglebell, Shake, Teslar, Cynisca, Brutus, LeNerdo, War, and Xyience for inviting me into your family.  In the years since I joined The Nephilim, I have had the most amazing times, and look forward to many more years of celebrations and fun.  This is what this Holiday means to me.

  • "You're going to love it there Doomer!" Ballon says as he looks over at the dopey dog. Doomer excitedly looks up at Ballon with a rib bone between his teeth. "Every year we get together and make a feast out of the meat we've collected from our adventures." The two march along the road to Umbra. 

    Malas has been the home of Ballon since his birth, apprenticed by necromancers and taught the ways of magic, somewhere along the way he met his furry friend Doomer and the two have been inseparable ever since. Pulling behind him a small wagon of meats and cheeses collected from the corpses of his enemies Ballon continues. "With this haul alone we will be feasting for days! Why last year we had Miasma stew, with sea serpent caviar." He pauses a moment to pat Doomer on the head. The canine almost entirely finished with his bone. "Don't worry, we are almost there." 

    Along the way the trees turn from their hardy trunks and healthy green leaves to the twisted sickening grey and black forms that surround the necromancer city. The two reach the entrance of Umbra as the inhabitants look on with a scowl. Pale ashen faces hidden behind dark robes and whispers of evil incantations. "We're finally home! It looks just as beautiful as I remember." Ballon shouts as Doomer goes for a sprint around the town. 

    "Ahoy!" Ballon shouts to the Mages guild steward. He closes his eyes  for a moment and replies. "Your positive attitude is as annoying as ever Ballon." Ballon smiles and lunges in for a hug "It's great to see you again Alilovic!" The man rolls his eyes "It's good to see you too Ballon." He waits a moment then pushes Ballon off of him. "Okay that's enough sentimentality for another year. I see you brought plenty of meat for the Dark Ritual of Death and .." Ballon interrupts "Yep! The Harvest Festival! I get excited for it every year!" Ballon quickly gets to work unloading the wagon.

    "Right, well. I'll go wake the others. I'm sure they'll be excited for the 'Harvest Festival' as you insist on calling it." Alilovic descends into the acropolis that houses Ballon's family. "He's here." Alilovic speaks plainly to the Necromancers inside. Alilovic is followed by the crashing sounds of Ballon and Doomer carrying exotic foods down the cobblestone steps. The dark scorched stones reflect little of the candle light that is set on the tables. "I have some spiders legs from Termur! They were attacking the pumpkins I think? I can't remember, anyway I also have ribs from a dire wolf and a zombie was carrying this sausage and.." Ballon looks around to see everyone is distracted by the chaos that was unfolding before them. "Get that mangy mutt under control!" 

    Doomer had bitten down on the femur bone of a rattling skeleton standing in the corner. "Doomer no! Let go of Grandma!" Ballon rushes to grasp the leg and remove it from Doomers grip. He is met with only a growl and snarl. "That's not dinner!" Alilovic begins reciting an old nursery rhyme to calm the beast and gives the dog a soothing pet as Doomer let's go of the poor Ghoul. Alilovic exchanges a look with Ballon as he tosses Doomer a small treat to tide him over until the feast begins.

    "Well, let's get to work!" Ballon says as he starts to set up the kitchen. Alilovic sighs as do the other Necromancers. Soon the place is filled with activity, Ballon cooking away with the help of the raised relatives, Alilovic and Ballon's other brothers decorating the acropolis with the blood of their sacrifices and the pentagrams of dark magic. Quick work is made of the tasks at hand.

     Eventually everyone settles into their seats as the feast is laid before them. "Shall we begin?" Alilovic mutters as he extends his hands to those beside him. Each in turn sitting around the table join hands. "Before we do." Ballon interjects. "I just want to say. I'm thankful for all of you, my family, you've helped me through some very difficult times." Alilovic closes his eyes again as the scowl returns to his face. He looks over at the others and they slowly nod. "We. We are thankful for you too brother. Now. Can we begin?" Ballon smiles and nods. 

    The group in unison flutter their eyelids as their eyes roll into the back of their heads and they utter forbidden lost words. Souls of the damned rise up out of their tombs and spiral into the world searching for moongates to populate the crypts of every facet of Sosaria.  Ballon and the others rise from their seats and levitate into the air as the ritual continues. Doomer's eyes widen as he drops the latest rib bone he was chewing on in disbelief. The dog stares at the nightmare before him. 

    After the incantation is finished the group is completely famished and begin dinning on the buffet before them. Gorging on meats, cheeses and pies. Doomer still in utter shock seems to have lost his appetite and decides he isn't hungry for the rest of the feast. "Another successful Harvest Festival!" Ballon exclaims. "I can't wait for next year!"
  • Harvest Time

    The leaves were all falling and the brisk colder weather was lingering in the air. Waking to the sun peeping its glory through the window lighting up the room. The Kingdom had been in turmoil, the results of Mondain had spilt the world into many small worlds and someplace in one those worlds was my destiny. I had buried my head in the sand and been so dead set against the politics of this world , I awoke into a world were Blackthorn was a tyrant who had no regard for what the world really needed, just his selfish self. I had raised my children and two of which had escaped the politics of this land and the oldest had stayed behind to watch over me with his friend, a Hobbit. My oldest son was packing and had plans to also leave these lands little did I know his exact plans but this morning I would find out. “ Mother, how would you like to have a harvest gathering with all of us kids, after all you are a Grand-Mother now , would you like to travel to see them? We could have a nice day, let’s call it a Thanksgiving. “ the words he spoke was somewhat shocking but very interesting, he knew how much it meant to me for us to all be together again, I longed to see my Daughter and Grandchildren and my youngest Son. In the meantime The Hobbit was quite vigilant in his chores of preparing for what seemed to be this journey the two of them was about to set out on and my thoughts instantly went to the fact that if I did not go, I could possibly never see any of my children again. Tear rolling down my cheek I shuddered the words “ I have fought so long to stay out of the main stream of the lands and I had thought I would never again make any more journeys into new worlds “ but something inside me knew to be truely happy I had to. I agreed to go and as I looked into my Sons face it was beaming, “ Good, Hobbit has packed what you need. So are you ready?”. I looked at my son, “ How did you know I would say yes?” Smiling at me saying “ I know you Mother, I know you been wanting to go back” . Conveniently at that moment the Hobbit peered from behind the bags packed and piled on the floor. We are ready Sir he mumbled to my Son. Corey, my Son looking at me smiles holding out his hand with three tokens in it, “ one is for me of coarse and one for Hobbit and I have one for you Mother, are you ready” , nodding I watched as he he placed the token in my hand and said “ Hokd that to your heart and at the count of three click it and close your eyes”. My heart skipped a beat. In my youth I hadn’t batted an eye on a new adventure and yet over the years  here in this world I knew I did not truely belong, I had even been told by Blackthorn that maybe I should go. It was time and after all a Harvest was not complete till it had grown to maturity and I was well ripened here in this land, this world. Something was pulling at my very soul to follow my heart and I was ready to go. Listening I heard the Hobbit grumbling about clean socks and dirty underwear but the words I heard over that were “ ONE, TWO…. “ my heart beat fast as I listened and heard the next word, “ …..THREE”. Closing my eyes, my stomach filled with butterfly’s and my heart raced. It was like falling, but yet not. I could feel the grip of my Sons hand as he took my hand, and heard him say it will be over soon and we will see my Girls and Ashley ( my daughter) and the boys and Dylan ( my youngest son) just stay calm Mom and trust me you will be so happy. 

    Opening my eyes and looking around everything was so familiar yet so different. I stood outside the Inn that was so familiar, it set across the pebbled street from the Salty Dog, a tavern I knew all to well from my younger days. And it was different. The air seemed cleaner the people nodded as they walked past us. Friendly and Kind. As I noticed a very handsome gentleman staring at me I smiled and blushed. The man rushed over “ Need some help with those bags” as he smiled at me. My Son looking at me with a smirk, see you haven’t lost it Mother. The Hobbit pushing us inside the Inn so get us away from the public eye, but I was smitten and couldn’t take my eyes off that cute man. At this point the Hobbit shoved me into the building away from those big brown eyes. And had pinched my arm, “OUCH” I exclaimed and my focus was back to listening to my Son as he spoke of the plan to travel to where the rest of the family had settled here. “ Doesn’t your Sister still have magic, can’t she come and get us and gate us there?” 

    My Son is one those kinda men who think everything’s gotta be done old school and hoofin it on heal to toe cross country.. The distinction wasn’t to far, a small community north east of Britain across the swamp. Looking at my sandles I was having second thoughts on my shoe choice for the day. Finding a nearby bench I plopped my big bottom onto it and asked the Hobbit for the lumpy bag with shoes, tossing it towards me it lands on the floor in front of me, tumbling out of the bag rolled my cute little short boot, grabbing the bag I dug around for the matching boot and kicked off the sandles, tossing it into the bag with my other shoes. I had not gone straight armor in years, I had made famous the dress I preffered but to keep from swamp water dirtying my skirts I pulled that thing up over my head and off, stuffing it into the chest of my clothing, smiling I realize I am standing in the lobby of the Inn and the cute brown haired gentleman was helping the Hobbit bring our bags inside, and my Son was making arrangements for a room for our belongings and trying to negotiate the cost of the room with a grumpy lil Goblin behind the counter. Looking back to me my Son holds up his forefinger like saying hang on. The excitement of getting to see the rest of the family was building and I was ready to get to them. 

    At least we stopped in the stable and audited ponies but the Hobbit was none too happy to ride, grumbling as we set out on our journey to the rest of the family. The countryside was lovely, the leaves on the trees were changing colors this time of year and falling from the trees, covering the ground making the landscape quite colorful. However the swamp was always swampy. Reaching the small community there there were, among the buildings they had prepared a formal dinning table with benches all around and food seemed to be plentiful. Yet none of that mattered I had many necks to hug …. I was home, even though it was a new world I was with my family. 

    Side Note: After many years from being away from UO my return was Thanksgiving and My Oldest Son actually did encourage me to start playing again , so to me my best Harvest experience was coming back to play the game with my Kids

    Jaden Rain
  • Community ManagerCommunity Manager Posts: 452Dev
    edited November 2023
    The time for voting has begun! Please see the OP at the top of the page for the voting link! 
    Contest will end on 11/15/2023 at 11:59pm EST! Winner will be announced on 11/17/2023!
    The winner will be posted here and contacted VIA private message! So please be sure to check your inbox!
    Thank you to all those who submitted and good luck!
    Ultima Online Twitter/X - https://twitter.com/UOTownCryer
    Ultima Online Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/uotowncryer/
    Ultima Online Twitch - https://www.twitch.tv/BroadswordUO
    Email - uo.fenneko@gmail.com
  • DrakelordDrakelord Posts: 1,792
    how do we vote, I see nothing to where I am to check or click?  I vote for Cinderella's.
    Remove Trap = Bad News
    Treasure Hunters
  • Drakelord said:
    how do we vote, I see nothing to where I am to check or click?  I vote for Cinderella's.

    A Goblin, a Gargoyle, and a Drow walk into a bar . . .

    Never be afraid to challenge the status quo

  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,645

    Vote Here 

    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • Voting has ended! The winner will be announced tomorrow morning! Thank you for your submissions and participation!
    Ultima Online Twitter/X - https://twitter.com/UOTownCryer
    Ultima Online Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/uotowncryer/
    Ultima Online Twitch - https://www.twitch.tv/BroadswordUO
    Email - uo.fenneko@gmail.com
  • Community ManagerCommunity Manager Posts: 452Dev
    edited November 2023
    The Winner of the Storytelling contest is;
    @Cinderella !!

    You can see the results of the voting here!
    Thank you to all who participated!

    Ultima Online Twitter/X - https://twitter.com/UOTownCryer
    Ultima Online Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/uotowncryer/
    Ultima Online Twitch - https://www.twitch.tv/BroadswordUO
    Email - uo.fenneko@gmail.com
  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,645
    Congratulations!  <3
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • CinderellaCinderella Posts: 1,794
    Thank you. I had fun writing this story.

     I appreciate each of you who voted for me. 
    And look forward to what the future brings
  • Nice stories all! Congratulations!
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