Please let us have a white horse mount
I have had my Nightmare for over 20 years. Tamed him in Fel Covetous all those years ago. It was hard to tame mares at the time because they were new and the Tram Teratian area was camped so to Fel I went. I got PKed and came right back to try again a couple times. The PK guild there appreciated my tenacity and let me tame my guy who has fought by my side for 1000s of hours now.
But he needs a rest sometimes! I am a weirdo and really don't like the look of the dogs, slugs or dragons so I never use them. Horse shaped mounts are it for me. I have a couple unicorns, but the model isn't my favorite either. I have a dread mare but he stays in the stable now that you can train mares up.
This event is really bringing home the idea that I want a white horse mount. I love love love this one and must have it as a new friend.

Please @Kyronix - I literally have never asked for anything all these years. I would even take it as a plain ol horse, though if it had mare (or better) type stats, I would be the happiest ever.
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There are lots of things that would sell well, that this team simply won't even consider. So it's not about the money they would make.
Please make the Grizzled Mare a 5 slot mount, it's incredibly rare and deserves it. Some of us have been waiting a long time for this simple addition.
Pets using useless spells and just wasting their mana, training abilities mulfunctioning etc. etc.
Never be afraid to challenge the status quo