well got flagged again

Decided to give my necro archer a go so i went out and tamed 2 skeleton dragons and im standing there beating a on paragon Ronin, these guys have alot of HP and well you miss alot, anyway im standing there shooting it it while my skele drags are attacking it and i go to use armor ignore and i get the message you cannot commit negative acts on your target, and now im doin no damage, so ya i got apparently got flagged, so looks like the only way not to get flagged is to cheat by multiple boxing and scripting, i have no idea how to do any of this, so if someone can be kind to point ion the right direction so i can learn how to do this it will be greatly appreciated, getting tired of being punished for playing the game honestly.


  • GrimbeardGrimbeard Posts: 2,672
    I play templates that take forever to kill often invisible and still never been hit maybe let's start posting more information. shard location others around etc try to narrow down specifics this the type of thing they keep secret hurting only honest players as the cheaters aren't slowed a bit @Kyronix ;
  • usernameusername Posts: 1,025
    Haven't gotten hit by it yet in this ToT (I haven't spent much time doing it either) but in Deceit I was hit by it several times. Also on an archer. About the 4-6th time I was hit by it I also got an email saying I was caught AFK macroing and the next time it happens will be a 24h ban. 

    Instead of actually doing something to curb the bots, they put in systems that punish regular players. Love it!
    This discussion has been closed.

    I will be slow to reply because I cannot log in/stay logged in to the forums.
    Make this your signature if you are tired of Vendor Search being broken, over FIVE YEARS and counting.
    Vendor search rendered useless after Publish 106 – Forsaken Foes on August 14, 2019.
  • Lord_FrodoLord_Frodo Posts: 2,440
    I use a Tamer and stand around a lot sometimes invised and I have not been hit with a timer.  I run legal CC with no added programs and I am sitting at my computer watching my PUP do its thing.  Rune Beatles Baja
  • GrimbeardGrimbeard Posts: 2,672
    I use a Tamer and stand around a lot sometimes invised and I have not been hit with a timer.  I run legal CC with no added programs and I am sitting at my computer watching my PUP do its thing.  Rune Beatles Baja
    We need people hit with it to report not everyone 
  • ForeverFunForeverFun Posts: 938
    edited October 2023
    The limited times I've seen, or witnessed this, it always involved paragon creatures.

    Last night, I saw this first hand too.  Encountered a few paragons that had obviously been dragged off to a quiet area.  Guessing were probably there for a long time.  No damage to any of them.  Another strange things was 2 paragon lady of snow were fighting each other - even an hour later! - with no bard (or bardic music notes) in site.

    Maybe a better response is to teleport players away, to a safe spot.

    If people are getting email, then the circumstances are likely logged, and hence, debugging could occur.
  • Arnold7Arnold7 Posts: 1,461
    Not been hit here.   But was several times in Deciet.  Always occurred when I joined in with a group of players attacking a hard to kill paragon.  Suspect program just assumed everyone in the group a bot.  Maybe some of them were.  Don’t know if any were bots, but know UO’s response to innocent players that contacted a EM was ridiculous.  Really have to wonder about that.

  • GrimbeardGrimbeard Posts: 2,672
    Arnold7 said:
    Not been hit here.   But was several times in Deciet.  Always occurred when I joined in with a group of players attacking a hard to kill paragon.  Suspect program just assumed everyone in the group a bot.  Maybe some of them were.  Don’t know if any were bots, but know UO’s response to innocent players that contacted a EM was ridiculous.  Really have to wonder about that.

    Bots usually trained to not attack paragons. We have to assume that with the lack of manpower it's an automated process? 
  • WhitewolfWhitewolf Posts: 252
    hmm maybe they just dont like my necro archer, got hit a few days ago pirate hunting as well, this is on baja
  • keven2002keven2002 Posts: 2,385
    I have not been hit with it during this event. I'm using my sampire but it's usually just for an hour or 2 and then I log (I do not bank sit in Luna while idle). The only time I was hit with it last year for Deceit was when I parked my char outside the dungeon when going AFK for a couple hours in between farming.
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