Is the (broken) anti-bot system active during this event?

In the last event, sometimes my character would just stop doing damage.  apparently there was / is a system in place where if you didnt move, or hit the same spot too many time?  your character would do no damage to mobs and account was flagged.

I do move around alot during these events playing a sampire, but my account was still flagged several times. so it doesnt seem to be working very well.

My question is, i often go AFK if my character dies.  So in ghost form can my account still be flagged for botting/cheating under this sytem?

as much as i love to participate in these events, its not worth permanent damage being done to my account so need to know if its worth taking the risk of being incorrectly flagged by the system.



  • Garth_GreyGarth_Grey Posts: 1,459
    You often go afk when your character dies ? really ?
    You and Several Others like this.

    Please make the Grizzled Mare a 5 slot mount, it's incredibly rare and deserves it. Some of us have been waiting a long time for this simple addition.
  • shootgunshootgun Posts: 321
    edited October 2023
    Dude, I have literally run into at least 11-12 AFK scripters/multi boxers since yesterday. How did you even get caught?
  • SmootSmoot Posts: 416
    edited October 2023
    shootgun said:
    Dude, I have literally run into at least 11-12 AFK scripters/multi boxers since yesterday. How did you even get caught?

    last event.  i got flagged i think 3 times during the whole event (while alive)  i run around alot and dont generally camp rooms so no idea how.

  • SmootSmoot Posts: 416
    edited October 2023

    all the time.  usually get a little pissed when i die and just go do something else for a while then come back later and rez.      reason im posting this i dont want to afk as a ghost like i usually do if you can get flagged while your dead.
  • FortisFortis Posts: 412
    people getting flag are the one ¨`multiclienting` with auto target script mostly...the same they use at all em events
  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,645
    You often go afk when your character dies ? really ?
    I leave my Archer/bard behind when he dies and continue without him.  But his ghost is usually still following me.  He needs to learn to get better.
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
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