Message in Bottles / Waterstained SOS's: Useful or Trash?

I've recently started fishing again, mainly for white pearls, and I've also been collecting those MiB's, unsure whether they are worth anything or not.

So it looks like basically each SOS chest is randomly decided, and roughly similar to a lvl2-4 treasure map? Are these worth anything to anyone? Or should I just trash them for cleanup points? Or not even bother looting them?

Looks like the only artifact drop from these chests that is even remotely useful is the kelp leggings, but I can find some for sale for dirt cheap, even on my deserted server.

What about the fishing nets? Seems like they are used to spawn sea serpents or krakens, which can drop more MiB's. So I guess these are trash as well?

What about the Ancient SOS? It can net you the fabled fishing net, which can summon the leviathan or osiredon. I don't have High Seas so I probably won't be using these myself, but I'm wondering if it's worth trying to sell these? Or just trash them as well for cleanup points?

I'm not complaining or asking anything to be changed here, I just need advice on how to handle my growing collection of SOS messages...


  • TeapotTeapot Posts: 58
    You can sell ancients if you dont plan to use them.  I trash regular sos's for cleanup as well as regular nets and game fish.
  • ObuwObuw Posts: 47
    Got it... When I check ATL prices, I can see Ancient SOS's on sale for 1mil each, does anyone actually buy them at that price?

    Message in bottles are being sold for 100k each, and waterstained sos's are being sold for 20k each. I know 100% that the waterstained crap isn't worth 20k, since I've been trying to sell one of those on my vendor for about 3 weeks now. I'm curious if there are any buyers for the other junk...
  • TimStTimSt Posts: 1,915

    If you are on Pacific I would buy your regular SOSs from you for 1000 gold each.

  • BilboBilbo Posts: 2,834
    Yes they are worth doing if you like doing that kind of stuff.  Anybody can do SOSs unlike T-Maps that need a T-Hunter to do.  I turned my Archer into a fisherman and he is equipped with the horselord bow.  What shard are you fishing on?
  • ObuwObuw Posts: 47
  • KronalKronal Posts: 84
    Anything over 10k for unopened bottles is probably too much.
  • ObuwObuw Posts: 47
    Well, I've been trying to sell an Ancient SOS for 1m for several days now, with no buyers. Not sure if I'd even be able to sell it for 100k. But that probably has more to do with Europa being deserted, than the worth of the SOS's.
  • jaytinjaytin Posts: 417
    Usually people buy them for 5-600k if you want them sold reasonably quickly. You might get more if you have a regular buyer. One of the better stocked guild shops sells for around 800k maybe you should ask if they buy them.
  • KronalKronal Posts: 84
    You would make more gold fishing them up yourself.  Minimum gold on regular sos are 10k and when fished in fel I almost always get 20k and 30k. Then trash the rest for points.  If only boats had trash cans @bleak @Mesanna
  • BilboBilbo Posts: 2,834
    Kronal said:
    You would make more gold fishing them up yourself.  Minimum gold on regular sos are 10k and when fished in fel I almost always get 20k and 30k. Then trash the rest for points.  If only boats had trash cans @ bleak @ Mesanna
  • ObuwObuw Posts: 47
    Kronal said:
    You would make more gold fishing them up yourself.  Minimum gold on regular sos are 10k and when fished in fel I almost always get 20k and 30k. Then trash the rest for points.  If only boats had trash cans @ bleak @ Mesanna
    In the time it takes to find and fish out that chest though, I could probably make 3-5x that kind of money just killing balrons or something. Or do something a lot more lucrative, like shadowguard.

    I've even begun trashing lvl5 treasure maps since they are a complete waste of time nowadays. I don't see how an sos giving a mediocre lvl2-4 chest is going to be worth anyone's time... Unless I'm missing something, and fishing up these chests is super quick and easy?
  • jaytinjaytin Posts: 417
    I do SoS for something relaxing, they are not as frantic as t-maps! I wait until I have a few in the same area then do them all at once.
  • BilboBilbo Posts: 2,834
    doing things in UO is not always about the gold because if that were true than %99.99 of the stuff in UO would never be done anymore
  • ObuwObuw Posts: 47
    Agreed, you either do it for gold, or for fun. I guess I'm looking at it in terms of gold (or "usefulness") because I don't find it fun. But of course other people could find it fun.

    It just seems like a rather tedious activity. Trying to juggle dozens of SOS's, marking them on UOAM (I assume noone uses a sextant). Then trying to figure out which one thr closest marker corresponds to. Then sifting through all the junk minor magic items...
  • jaytinjaytin Posts: 417
    I store mine in a Davies Locker and then of course they are much easier to do in the EC, same with t-maps. It used to take me hours of sailing in circles when I used the CC, but I have absolutely no direction sense at all.
  • ObuwObuw Posts: 47
    Ah, EC shows their location or something?
  • jaytinjaytin Posts: 417
    After you have clicked on each one it has a little marker on your map and then you click 'go to nearest' when you get onto the ship. I try to get a few with similar co-ords which makes it even faster. 
  • DongerDonger Posts: 1
    edited July 2018
    I'll buy bulk on ATL for 5k each if you're interested, it is easier to sell directly en masse than do the trash-redeem reward-sell cycle.  Let me know! :)  58155293
  • Garth_GreyGarth_Grey Posts: 1,459
    It's time that they updated the Library turn in items and also lowered the required amount, good place to take these then.
    You and Several Others like this.

    Please make the Grizzled Mare a 5 slot mount, it's incredibly rare and deserves it. Some of us have been waiting a long time for this simple addition.
  • CinderellaCinderella Posts: 1,794
    in the EC client it puts dots on your maps & then when you get near it, there is what looks like a vortex on the water. you just fish in that location. 

    the items I look for from them is the wedding dress (my tailor cuts up for cloth), fishing nets (I use these for Zipy quest where you have to kill so many kraken, water elementals, sea serpents, deep sea serpents), grapevines, I do collect the leggings & hope someday to get the yellow polka dot bikini top....

    I do know a couple of people that do buy the white nets to bring back to Sonoma
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