More Shadowguard Changes??



  • drcossackdrcossack Posts: 145
    Obuw said:
    I believe M&S is 100, as we farmed one for a friend and it took us about 2 weeks of mindless grinding.

    Where would be your suggested farming spots? Captains? Balrons? Rats?

    So you're saying HLD doesn't work in PVM? That would be a huge issue. Are you sure?
    Not entirely.  Most things died too quickly for me to notice if it actually did anything.  Other monsters are boss level and have parry on top of ridiculously high wrestling (i.e. Anon.)

    Pawain said:
    How much are they from Library?
    Think it's in the 8-12m range from the Library.
  • MariahMariah Posts: 3,398Moderator
    If using only gold to purchase, 12 million gp.

  • ObuwObuw Posts: 47
    Pawain said:
    He did not say that.

    drcossack said:

    I don't use HLA, but I do have HLD in the form of one of the Mace & Shield clone from Blackthorn's (however, as far am I'm aware, it does absolutely nothing in pvm.)
    Maybe I misunderstood what he's saying, but it seemed like he was saying that. Or was he talking about HLA?

    Pawain said:
    They work great in PvM and combine with HLD on weapons.  That and 50 on a bow make ~60% chance.
    I believe the chance stacks, but the debuff doesn't. So it's kind of a waste to put HLD on your bow if you already have M&S. In most situations you'd be better off picking something else, like velocity. Might make sense to put HLD on your bow as well on those 160 wrestling(or whatever) bosses though.
  • Uriah_HeepUriah_Heep Posts: 915
    Someone tell me how to make velocity worthwhile.  In PvM I notice, on the bows I have it on, that when it goes off, all it does is lower the normal damage numbers...I'm actually not coming out any better *shrugs*   What am I doing wrong here? 

  • MervynMervyn Posts: 2,208
    I think there may be a bug where velocity negates slayer bonus, sure someone posted about it before 
    I tell you the truth, tis better to do 10 damage on the right target than 100 damage on the wrong target.

    Breaking in the young since 2002

  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,648
    Obuw said:

    I believe the chance stacks, but the debuff doesn't. So it's kind of a waste to put HLD on your bow if you already have M&S. In most situations you'd be better off picking something else, like velocity. Might make sense to put HLD on your bow as well on those 160 wrestling(or whatever) bosses though.
    The chance is all I am after.  Archers have horrible % hits without it.

    Agree with the statement above.  Velocity hits lower damage than normal hits with a slayer.
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • ObuwObuw Posts: 47
    edited June 2018
    Holy moly... I'm glad I learned about that before I wasted so many imbuing resources crafting a whole new set of slayer bows with velocity... Okay, HLD it is then!

    (In which case, M&S is looking less and less attractive, since you're already getting HLD on your bow).
  • CovenantXCovenantX Posts: 999
    Pawain said:
    The chance is all I am after.  Archers have horrible % hits without it.

    Agree with the statement above.  Velocity hits lower damage than normal hits with a slayer.

     Hrmmm, How exactly did this Bug (that's been reported numerous times over the last several years) manage to survive the bug-fix publish?
    Remove or change casting focus & poison immunity it reduces the need for "Player Skill" it's garbage. rant2 Bring timing back and eliminate chance in pvp!

  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,648
    edited July 2018
    You can test it with the ironwood bow.  I would be fine with balance if it had mana leech.  @Kyronix does not know how to make an arti bow better than an imbued one. Put mana leech on it please. Replace the + 5 dex. with mana leech.  We already have 150 dex.
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • ZekeTerraZekeTerra Posts: 376
    Sure they "fix" bugs in Shadowguard but don't fix the Eodon Slayer Bow that drops from the boss that has 60% Velocity which procs way to often get any benefit from the Slayer.  
  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,648
    And it is a Yumi so you need 50 Bush or Ninja to use the specials.  Change that one to a Bow or composite and lower the DI and replace with any Hit spell or area.  

    I have tried it with the Aloron suit at the turtle spawn.  I end up changing to an imbued gen purpose composite.

    I think they built the Aloron suit well.  And my turtle protection earrings have saved me.
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • TeapotTeapot Posts: 58
    drcossack said:
    Obuw said:
    Belfry - Last week it used to be such that when you're being pushed off, you could run towards the dragon to counteract it. Now it appears to have been changed so that the dragon paralyzes you. Is this change intended?

    Anon now seems to treat direct damage (like armor ignore and word of death) like physical damage, switch to earth elemental form, and heal from it. So tamers are f***ed once again, as everyone needs to pull their pets off regardless of damage type. The encounter becomes even more of a snorefest.

    It seems that now that everyone and their mother have farmed shadowguard to death, and are equipped with ridiculous overpowered legendary artifacts and roof drops, broadsword would like to change the encounters to be ridiculously annoying in order to remove any chance a new player has of obtaining this loot.

    As someone who has just returned a month ago, and was just getting started with shadowguard, these changes are basically going to be a final nail in the coffin for me. I don't want to farm f***ing wings from vile drakes, then jump on a platform, and IMMEDIATELY get pushed off with NO WAY TO COUNTER the mechanic. (Heck we even tried wall of stone. You just get pushed right through it).

    Not to mention all these f***ing drakes, bosses, etc have 120-130+ wrestling, and thus take freaking ages for a 100 wrestling pet to kill. Not everyone has billions of gold to spend on their pets getting all their skills up to 120.

    I'm just sick and tired of all the bs to be honest. I'm trying very hard to have some fun, but it seems broadsword has other plans. I think you just lost 5 subscribers (me and my friend group) tonight, who are tired of fighting a neverending uphill battle where new obstacles are added constantly, while the majority of the existing playerbase are already chilling at the top.

    /rant off

    Except that's how Anon's worked for the past few years?  I can't speak to Armor Ignore changes, because I always did it with guildmates that used it, while my pets didn't.  But he's ALWAYS healed the damage type his transformation corresponds to:

    Physical: Earth Elemental (also applies if you're a mage holding a Slayer spellbook.)
    Cold: Snow Elemental
    Energy: Llama-shaped Energy Vortex
    Poison: Acid Elemental
    Fire: Fire Elemental

    When I was doing it solo in the past (last time I did it by myself, I used 2 clients.  I tried 3 on TC1 but couldn't manage Virtuebane/Juo'nar - there was too much to juggle with my 3 client setup), I'd "All stop/All stay" my pets until Anon went back into his normal form.  On TC, his mechanics hadn't changed all that much - I was using various damage types and only had to pull one of my pets off.

    Belfry sucks, and shouldn't have been changed to completely stop pets or players from attacking the dragon.  It doesn't affect me since I don't use a sampire in the Belfry, but if I weren't multi-clienting it I'd never kill the Greater Dragon (I use flying pets there for a reason.)

    The Drakes in the belfry are a problem?  Really?  Try Rune Corruption or Armor Ignore, if you feel the need to fight them.  Pets with either one will tear through them.

    Shadowguard is still just as accessible as it was previously, although it's a bit harder.  The only difference now is that you can't easy mode it with tamers due to a bugged mechanic, and have to bring different templates, like a Sampire...but is that, for endgame content, such a bad thing?  Some people might say it's not fun...but it wasn't fun BEFORE (granted, I had farmed it extensively some time back, and had it down to a science.)

    It was about an hour long before the publish, and it's still about the same length of time now.

    I just did the roof last night bringing the same pets I always brought on my own, Anon is indeed changed, as we didn't even have a pet with any Physical on him and he still went to Earth form.  I can guarantee you this was never the way he reacted prior.  Either that or they changed armor ignore itself on pets, might have to test that.
  • drcossackdrcossack Posts: 145
    Teapot said:

    I just did the roof last night bringing the same pets I always brought on my own, Anon is indeed changed, as we didn't even have a pet with any Physical on him and he still went to Earth form.  I can guarantee you this was never the way he reacted prior.  Either that or they changed armor ignore itself on pets, might have to test that.

    Hmm, now that you mention it, I noticed the same thing on TC.  I was using a cold damage pet (although it too had Armor Ignore/Chiv) and he was going into Earth Elemental form.  I didn't test damage without either, but I'm not interested in bonding/training/leveling up another non-Physical Platinum/Crimson Drake to test things out.
  • VioletViolet Posts: 435
    drcossack said:
    Hmm, now that you mention it, I noticed the same thing on TC.  I was using a cold damage pet (although it too had Armor Ignore/Chiv) and he was going into Earth Elemental form.  I didn't test damage without either, but I'm not interested in bonding/training/leveling up another non-Physical Platinum/Crimson Drake to test things out.
    We spent a lot of time on TC testing anon when we initially were testing the roof changes, one of the reasons we posted no videos of the encounter.  We were noticing a lot of things triggering physical and a lot more healing than normal.  When they had the Chesapeake meet and greet on in May (there appears to be no log of this event unfortunately), I asked about some pet ability damage types because I had noticed anon healing alot more than on Prodo.  Bleak mentioned that he was aware of an issue with Anon but it had not been addressed yet on tc.  He did not elaborate on that (perhaps the poison damage?)
  • TeapotTeapot Posts: 58
    Violet said:
    drcossack said:
    Hmm, now that you mention it, I noticed the same thing on TC.  I was using a cold damage pet (although it too had Armor Ignore/Chiv) and he was going into Earth Elemental form.  I didn't test damage without either, but I'm not interested in bonding/training/leveling up another non-Physical Platinum/Crimson Drake to test things out.
    We spent a lot of time on TC testing anon when we initially were testing the roof changes, one of the reasons we posted no videos of the encounter.  We were noticing a lot of things triggering physical and a lot more healing than normal.  When they had the Chesapeake meet and greet on in May (there appears to be no log of this event unfortunately), I asked about some pet ability damage types because I had noticed anon healing alot more than on Prodo.  Bleak mentioned that he was aware of an issue with Anon but it had not been addressed yet on tc.  He did not elaborate on that (perhaps the poison damage?)
    Yeah Im going to try to take a new elemental pet I just built in with no armor ignore and see if it still triggers earth form. 
  • VioletViolet Posts: 435
    Teapot said:
    Yeah Im going to try to take a new elemental pet I just built in with no armor ignore and see if it still triggers earth form. 
    If it has something like Frenzied Whirlwind, that too will trigger Anon.
  • TeapotTeapot Posts: 58
    Violet said:
    Teapot said:
    Yeah Im going to try to take a new elemental pet I just built in with no armor ignore and see if it still triggers earth form. 
    If it has something like Frenzied Whirlwind, that too will trigger Anon.
    Did it tonight and had no physical attacks yet he still went to physical.

    Pet1. Fire Beetle with RC + wrestling mastery
    Pet2.  Reptalon with aura of nausea / chivalry
    Third pet was just a snake to deal with spawn and he had AI still but I did not use him on anon.

    The only time he ever was anything but a earth ele was at the end when I WOD'd him with a fire dmg sword equipped.  He was the easiest just took almost as long as the rest of the bosses combined only attacking him in human form.

    @Kyronix @Bleak @Misk1

    Is this a intended change or a bug??  I just built these pets specifically to deal with him and now I see they are just the same thing too.  

    Juo is annoying enough now not to mention Ive already had bugged belfry pets like everyone else.
  • jaytinjaytin Posts: 417
    I've rarely seen Anon as anything but an earth ellie, once or twice he has gone to a fire ellie but only for a few seconds. Never seen anything else in all the time since Shadowguard was launched.
    I didn't even know for the first year or so he could change into anything else! 
  • MervynMervyn Posts: 2,208
    edited July 2018
    They have definitely changed Anon on publish 100. We had 2 x cu sidhes and a frost mite on it and not one time did it turn into snow ele, it turned into earth ele, and when the pets (who don't deal physical damage) attacked it in earth ele form, it was gaining health???

    The pets were dealing armour ignore.
    I tell you the truth, tis better to do 10 damage on the right target than 100 damage on the wrong target.

    Breaking in the young since 2002

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