Proof of logic

Logging out is to conclude play on that character, not as invincibility shield for pet
I couldn't find any sort of description in UO wiki for what hit points actually do.
Wiktionary describes
Wiktionary › wiki › hit_point
(chiefly roleplaying games) A unit of damage, used to specify the amount of damage a character or object can withstand before it is defeated or destroyed.
When you add hit points to a pet

it just says adding hit point is adding hit points, doesn't describe it as
increasing length of time before you log out
I am certain that auto stable was introduced as a legitimate means to prevent people from losing their pets. And not as Marain would have poeple beleive, a 'feature' to do away with pet ball of summoning and pet death
No logic for auto stable to be instantaneous now since it's been changed so that pet can literally no longer go wild.
Nobody made any complaints about the way they fixed command undead/dryad allure to remain guarding you when you lose connection.
Marain constantly quoting something Mesanna has said, when it has NOTHING to do with ANY of my suggestions, when i have said repeatedly i 100% agree with her statement,
and already so many related mechanics changed in 3 years since she spoke about something unrelated anyway.
attempting to bully by censoring the truth does not change facts
I resent being responded to with lies without chance to correct the lies
EG devs have repeatedly said they wont change that
discussion closed
total lies
and even if they do say one thing
I have proof of devs having ability to use logic
It's not case of I have spoken, no longer listening to you nahnahnah *fingers in ears*
Just recently there was patch to add cool-down on house placement,
players able to use logic to advise that other issue about recalling/mounting ethereal should also be addressed, and devs accept logic information and change more immediately.
Kyronix fist say VvV eppaulette not being repairable is working as intended
since removed as Kyronix able to use logic
issue with arming weapon
Misk first response to say use other method,
then Misk capable of using logic, issue now fixed
Posts on this account have been pre filtered from personal comment or opinion in an effort to suppress conservative views in order to protect the reader.
This discussion has been closed.
I did lose a pre patch gd in a revert which I always thought was highly suspect.
Mariah say: Incidentally, I do not log out to save my pets,
so what’s your problem then?
if they add same 10 second logout delay to pet in unsafe location as they do to character in safe location even.
how this will inconvenience you please?
if I am to be accused of bullying, doesn’t some harm or inconvenience or any sort of negative thing need to be incurred by you the victim?”
Never be afraid to challenge the status quo
Never be afraid to challenge the status quo
Please leave Yoshi's Genda outta this until you find the correct pronoun , k , ty
Never be afraid to challenge the status quo
Never be afraid to challenge the status quo
Just today I logged in to get a out out of the stable to post its Lore sheet. I fed it to make it happier. A side effect of that is the pet resets it's commands to nothing. So they will wonder off if they decide to. Took my pics logged off. Logged back in later, pet was not by me. It was probably stuck on something in Luna. Logged off and on again, pet was next to me. As the game is intended to do as verified by the developers.
No changes need to be made.
Again verified when they did that glitch where pets went into your stable. They put it back to correct operation.
Why do we need to read about @Yoshi s wanted changes that he calls bugs?
If you don't want to read Yoshi's posts use the ignore feature.
Never be afraid to challenge the status quo