
YoshiYoshi Posts: 3,322
edited September 2022 in PvP / VvV

“There is no option to choose client limitations, 

What’s the point in dueling someone when one player can have 3 x frame rate and casting speed as someone else. 

If broadsword are allowing all cheats now, at least give people option to choose limitations for duels. Even veteran very skilled players now using faster casting client unnecessarily.

all of these rules are completely arbitrary compared to one person casting faster than another.

or perhaps make casting speed equal in all clients”
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  • UrgeUrge Posts: 1,309
    Sad basement made freebies have equal rules and not the official paid version. 
  • B_Magic69B_Magic69 Posts: 6
    Mental disorders are a major problem in America these days.
  • Lord_FrodoLord_Frodo Posts: 2,440
    OMG are you serious
  • YoshiYoshi Posts: 3,322
    edited July 2023
    “Please add ability to duel for gold, so each player can bet x amount of gold and winner gets funds

    so we don’t have to find broker each fight”
    Posts on this account have been pre filtered from personal comment or opinion in an effort to suppress conservative views in order to protect the reader.
  • ArmyArmy Posts: 46
    Yoshi said:
    “Please add ability to duel for gold, so each player can bet x amount of gold and winner gets funds

    so we don’t have to find broker each fight”
    There is but isn’t the cap like 50k? And how often do you think arenas actually get used? I’d rather them spend time coding stuff people actually do. Dueling is NOT one of them. Dueling died about 10 years ago. 
  • YoshiYoshi Posts: 3,322
    edited July 2023
    "ah its capped okay thanks, was wondering why couldn't do,

    then please increase caps thanks"
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  • Acid_RainAcid_Rain Posts: 282
    Yoshi said:

    “There is no option to choose client limitations, 

    What’s the point in dueling someone when one player can have 3 x frame rate and casting speed as someone else. 

    If broadsword are allowing all cheats now, at least give people option to choose limitations for duels. Even veteran very skilled players now using faster casting client unnecessarily.

    all of these rules are completely arbitrary compared to one person casting faster than another.

    or perhaps make casting speed equal in all clients”
    I thought casting speed cap’d from UO servers? So client didn't matter?
  • YoshiYoshi Posts: 3,322
    edited July 2023
    “It’s okay it’s old post, (nobody in fel is able to use broadsword classic client anymore for PvP as they never fixed, so everything equal)”
    Posts on this account have been pre filtered from personal comment or opinion in an effort to suppress conservative views in order to protect the reader.
  • CovenantXCovenantX Posts: 999

    Army said:
    Yoshi said:
    “Please add ability to duel for gold, so each player can bet x amount of gold and winner gets funds

    so we don’t have to find broker each fight”
    There is but isn’t the cap like 50k? And how often do you think arenas actually get used? I’d rather them spend time coding stuff people actually do. Dueling is NOT one of them. Dueling died about 10 years ago. 
       Yeah, the gold cap is somewhere around there.

      Dueling died shortly after everyone's suit had casting focus & poison immunity procs were added.   -I remember bringing it up back when Scribe had casting focus added to it and with global loot.  the only prediction I was wrong on (which could still change), was that the devs never made the property "Spell Consumption" available on global loot, which would make UO even dumber.

      I do agree, the Arenas could use some improvements, but without addressing all the third-party clients there's absolutely no point in doing anything with Arenas, in fact, I would almost be willing to bet, that the "Arena Shard" was used more in the short time that was active than the production arenas have been used since they came out.  I'd be curious to see any internal data regarding that if it exists.
    Remove or change casting focus & poison immunity it reduces the need for "Player Skill" it's garbage. rant2 Bring timing back and eliminate chance in pvp!

  • YoshiYoshi Posts: 3,322
    edited July 2023
    "i don't have any problem with casting focus or poison immunity at all, even at cap casting focus there is only a chance of it happening, and that can make for interesting results both offense and defence.

    otherwise, someone would just poison you and harm spam you to death, likewise being able to disturb conc 100% of the time can make for v long fights, would make energy bolt v hard to cast.

    its interesting you mention spell consumption, there is only 1 piece with 1% on and i was going to add it to a suit

    But they should let you input amount to duel, maybe cap it at 100mill, nobody going to turn up to duel for 50k, i get almost that much in insurance from some people"
    Posts on this account have been pre filtered from personal comment or opinion in an effort to suppress conservative views in order to protect the reader.
  • CovenantXCovenantX Posts: 999
    Yoshi said:
    "i don't have any problem with casting focus or poison immunity at all, even at cap casting focus there is only a chance of it happening, and that can make for interesting results both offense and defence.

        Perhaps, but that's when Dueling died,  Adding RNG to something that had very limited amounts, is never a good thing.  That's what happened,  I guess it's just a coincidence that dueling was dead shortly after that happened?  I think not.

      I mentioned spell consumption back on Stratics (I probably posted there less than 10x since this forum opened though), but it was around the time all this garbage went down.  I'll have to go search it up for an exact time-frame, but I'm just throwing it out there from personal memory.
     I used to care much more about this game when it looked like those in charge cared about it.
    Much less now and I don't see that changing in the foreseeable future, until things change around here.
    Remove or change casting focus & poison immunity it reduces the need for "Player Skill" it's garbage. rant2 Bring timing back and eliminate chance in pvp!

  • YoshiYoshi Posts: 3,322
    "well, people still 1 on 1,

    people just don't play pure mages anymore as you have +100 skill points so more varied templates"
    Posts on this account have been pre filtered from personal comment or opinion in an effort to suppress conservative views in order to protect the reader.
  • CovenantXCovenantX Posts: 999
    Yoshi said:
    "well, people still 1 on 1,

    people just don't play pure mages anymore as you have +100 skill points so more varied templates"
       yes, the rules to the old traditional mage dueling have become an inconvenience because in order to achieve what used to be, you'd have to carry a suit specifically for it, as well as expect everyone else to do the same, it's just not going to happen.

      then you factor almost nobody has meditation anymore, long duels just result in very slow, and boring fights, because both players would be out of mana within 20-30 seconds unless one of them lost in that time.

      you know, back in the day... when there were probably  50-100x the amount of people actively playing any given day, you might see Mage vs Mage duels a good 20 to 1 vs Dexer duels  that's because dexers were, and still are mostly RNG.  staying close enough to your opponent is the only "player skill' part of it, it doesn't matter how well you time your specials, RNG decide whether or not it'll work.

     Mage pvp isn't like that (well, field fighting is, to a degree, particularly now, where nearly every mage has a weapon skill), aside from the 'Resisted Poison" (which still interrupts you if you're casting btw), getting out of or maintaining a poison lock/cycle on someone was a deciding factor in mage duels, now you can get casting focus (12-17%) and that's roughly 1/9 - 1/6 casts will be uninterrupted, then RNG decides it more often, people also have higher resistances, Waaay more HPR + Eaters, so that little RNG can make a massive difference, then poison immunity is pretty reliable.  even though in the patch notes, it explicitly states ("Following a successful Cure" immunity will kick in) which implies that it shouldn't ever be the means of cure multiple times in a row... I've recorded poison immunity going off over 40 times in a row... there's no fun in that.
    Remove or change casting focus & poison immunity it reduces the need for "Player Skill" it's garbage. rant2 Bring timing back and eliminate chance in pvp!

  • YoshiYoshi Posts: 3,322
    edited July 2023
    "you're talking about 12-17cf, how much do you actually have on your main chars suit?
    i have 6% and that is quite high

    one in 20 spell not being interupted is not a game changer 

    i actually even see it as a double edged sword of a mod, if I get hit hard and want to heal quick, or move, I could be stuck there waiting for flamestrike to finish casting

    cf very low in my desirables when looking at armor

    (Poison immunity you get more if you have poisoning, or the person could’ve just eaten orange petals)

    I think the 2 things add to the gameplay, I like both of them because they are not guaranteed so mix things up a bit”
    Posts on this account have been pre filtered from personal comment or opinion in an effort to suppress conservative views in order to protect the reader.
  • CovenantXCovenantX Posts: 999
    Yoshi said:
    "you're talking about 12-17cf, how much do you actually have on your main chars suit?
    i have 6% and that is quite high

    one in 20 spell not being interupted is not a game changer 

    i actually even see it as a double edged sword of a mod, if I get hit hard and want to heal quick, or move, I could be stuck there waiting for flamestrike to finish casting

    cf very low in my desirables when looking at armor

    (Poison immunity you get more if you have poisoning, or the person could’ve just eaten orange petals)

    I think the 2 things add to the gameplay, I like both of them because they are not guaranteed so mix things up a bit”
       Nah, they'd be better if they were guaranteed with a visual or audible que, instead of RNG, that's the problem.

       My main char has 0 casting focus.   unless I play a character with inscribe, i generally go out of my way to make sure CF is at 0%.  because it's a stupid property, if I wanted to play without spell interruption, I'd use protection, that's what it's there for.

      pvp was much more fun before casting focus & poison immunity, mostly mage dueling (which is just a part of pvp)

      I had made the case for Casting Focus to no longer proc vs player sources of damage, but have a cap of 100%, spawning in increments of 5- 20% on loot/items, which would immediately make CF a very desirable mod in PvM, to better balance casters with weapon users in PvM,  in pvp it's completely reversed... it's even worse with Parry, which I expect to be nerfed long before casting focus or poison immunity (I'm surprised it hasn't already TBH), even though Obviously poison immunity is not working as intended (based on the patch notes).

      If CF hadn't come out, Mage dueling would still be popular, or at least close to what it used to be.   poison immunity isn't as bad, but it's still dumb.  It's not easy to cycle a good mage (well, it's easier with third-party programs) but even before those became 'the norm' it wasn't easy... 

     could you imagine if Spell Consumption had a cap of say 12% (like CF) and spawned on looted items like CF does?  mages wouldn't be able to kill anyone with spells... and Parry being what it is, fights between 2 good players would easily last over 20 minutes each lol  However, if there was an audio or visual que, you could react to it, and adapt.  instead it's all RNG that's the problem

      They mix things up regardless of player's skill, reaction speed & awareness.  -that's not something that makes Pvp good or fun.   I don't know of any pvp game where RNG makes it fun. it's generally the exact opposite    -Probably why FPS' are so popular... everyone gets the same weapons, see who has the best accuracy and reaction.  (excluding cheaters of course, but in most other games, cheating is dealt with in some fashion, I assume that's why there are very few passionate players left here in UO)

    Remove or change casting focus & poison immunity it reduces the need for "Player Skill" it's garbage. rant2 Bring timing back and eliminate chance in pvp!

  • YoshiYoshi Posts: 3,322
    edited July 2023
    “they are both total non factor in my opinion. 

    I never seen anyone looking to buy armor with casting focus or seeing it as even a selling point.

    you getting hit 50+nerve strike (assuming hit lightning) plus splintering, plus 24+ damage from explode pot + 20 from nova if you fighting an alchy bok mage. That’s without any spells casted yet.

    Not fizzling 1 in 20 mini heals is just not even worth talking about”

    Posts on this account have been pre filtered from personal comment or opinion in an effort to suppress conservative views in order to protect the reader.
  • CovenantXCovenantX Posts: 999
    Yoshi said:
    “they are both total non factor in my opinion. 

    I never seen anyone looking to buy armor with casting focus or seeing it as even a selling point.

    you getting hit 50+nerve strike (assuming hit lightning) plus splintering, plus 24+ damage from explode pot + 20 from nova if you fighting an alchy bok mage. That’s without any spells casted yet.

    Not fizzling 1 in 20 mini heals is just not even worth talking about”

          Generally, there were no specials (let alone weapons) in mage duels.
       If weapons are concerned you might as well dexer duel.. I wonder why that never took off?
      RNG is why.

    Remove or change casting focus & poison immunity it reduces the need for "Player Skill" it's garbage. rant2 Bring timing back and eliminate chance in pvp!

  • Yoshi said:
    “Please add ability to duel for gold, so each player can bet x amount of gold and winner gets funds

    so we don’t have to find broker each fight”
    Betting should be unlimited and the arena could take a 5% fee (I want a 10% fee for coming up with the idea).
  • CookieCookie Posts: 1,867
    edited August 2023
    Our guild uses Arena's quite frequently, and really enjoy them.

    The 2 bugs we are aware of are;

    1. In Survival mode - ie all against all - we all show up as green to each other - we would want to show up as orange, as being green means half our abilities do not work.

    2. In Teams mode - Area affect spells do not work if we are in the same guild - the Guild tag over-ride the arena mode. So even though we are correctly Orange this time, it still treats us as if we are Green for area spells.
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