Pets with High Wrestling

Since I can't possibly afford a 120 wrestling scroll, I started looking at pet options that come with high wrestling skill to begin with.

GD's are obviously one option, but they can't be trained. So they are basically worthless.

I had high hopes for dimetrosaurs, but they lose half their skills once they are tamed. Also they come with garbage specials.

Lesser hiryus can, I think, end up with 107-108 wrestling. That's not really high enough to make a difference (and 110 wrestling scrolls are not prohibitively expensive anyway).

So are there any other pet options that end up with 115+ wrestling as a fresh tame?

Or is my best bet just to stick with a cu and use a 110 wrestling scroll?


  • TeapotTeapot Posts: 58
    Cold drakes can get tamed with good post 100 skillcaps.  Just ask someone to dig up a level 6 for you unless you have a treasure hunter yourself.
  • FatFat Posts: 97
    120 wrestling scrolls are not that expensive. 
  • KelKel Posts: 42
    If you're just coming back, they kinda are. There's a huge loss of perspective here by those who are rich and jaded. Comparing prices before and after this pet stuff, the prices of scrolls are a bit insane now.
  • MervynMervyn Posts: 2,208
    I 120ed all my pets for free.
    I tell you the truth, tis better to do 10 damage on the right target than 100 damage on the wrong target.

    Breaking in the young since 2002

  • FatFat Posts: 97
    I came back 11-19-2017.

    I have only bought one scroll 

    Get out there and farm them.
  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,648
    Obuw said:
    Since I can't possibly afford a 120 wrestling scroll, I started looking at pet options that come with high wrestling skill to begin with.

    GD's are obviously one option, but they can't be trained. So they are basically worthless.

    I had high hopes for dimetrosaurs, but they lose half their skills once they are tamed. Also they come with garbage specials.

    Lesser hiryus can, I think, end up with 107-108 wrestling. That's not really high enough to make a difference (and 110 wrestling scrolls are not prohibitively expensive anyway).

    So are there any other pet options that end up with 115+ wrestling as a fresh tame?

    Or is my best bet just to stick with a cu and use a 110 wrestling scroll?

    110s are fine on pets.  Need 120 for the magic to get full benefit.

    Like someone said before all the off topic stuff.

    Cold Drakes can have >115 wrestling and > 120 Tactics.  They have enough points to put AI and Chivalry on.  Best bet for cheap pet.  Find a T Hunter and help them with the pet you have and tame some Cold Drakes.
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • PinkertonPinkerton Posts: 105
    "Hey UO Community I need some advice on this specific thing"

    UO Community (all Fel players btw):  Piss off nerd, do things exactly like me, and since you don't you need to get gud.

    "Oh I just asked a simple question, thanks...."
  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,648
    edited June 2018
    You are hurting my brain Pinky.  But that is funny.  I'm sure that post will go Bye Bye.

    He also likes attention so that just makes him worse.
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • ObuwObuw Posts: 47
    edited June 2018
    30 mil is a ludicrous amount of money for someone just returning to uo, or starting on a new server.

    Anyway, back to topic, I've been hearing good things about cold drakes, I was actually already planning to check them out. I do have a treasure hunter and dozens of T6 maps.

    Do they keep their cold aura once tamed? Is it any good? Does it cost mana? I guess it makes them change targets constantly?

    Any other alternative pets with high wrestling? In case I'd like some variety...

    By the way, Pawain since you're already here (thanks for all your fantastic pet training posts by the way), is bushido any good on pets? I have lesser hiryu with bushido, he very rarely uses lightning strike, and does crap damage. Keeps using whirlwind on a single target. Even when fully surrounded, it never seems to hit more than 2-3 targets. Just seems like a waste of 500 points but maybe I'm missing something?

    Edit: Could you also explain the "need 120 for magic to get full benefit" bit?
  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,648
    edited June 2018
    All the magics do more damage at 120.  Just like on Toons.  Bushido is good for defense.  WW is good.  But make an AI Chiv  and Mystic Lesser first.

    Cold drakes do 50% cold damage. Thats why they are called Cold Drakes. They have dragon breath and no other natural ability.  Just AI and chiv makes a good one.  Cold Wind is not worth 100 points.

    Make them lifelong friends.
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • ObuwObuw Posts: 47
    Pawain said:
    Bushido is good for defense.
    I've read this before but never understood why? Does it give pets extra parry chance or something? How much of a difference does it really make anyway? Since for players it's only a 5% difference.

    I already have a chiv cu, and a mystic cu. They are okay. For some reason EoO on pets only seems to make a minor difference. The damage doesn't even seem to noticeably change, while it should actually be a massive difference since pets don't have any other damage "modifier" 's. Haven't yet seen any boss where consecrate makes a difference either.
  • MervynMervyn Posts: 2,208
    Pawain said:
    All the magics do more damage at 120.  Just like on Toons.  
    Increased magic skill does not have an effect on spell damage, on pets or players.
    I tell you the truth, tis better to do 10 damage on the right target than 100 damage on the wrong target.

    Breaking in the young since 2002

  • SlissSliss Posts: 283
    Obuw said:
    Pawain said:
    Bushido is good for defense.
    I've read this before but never understood why? Does it give pets extra parry chance or something? How much of a difference does it really make anyway? Since for players it's only a 5% difference.

    I am having trouble finding the formula, but I believe the difference is 20%. Moreover Bushido has Evasion spell which is pretty nice.
  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,648
    Mervyn said:
    Pawain said:
    All the magics do more damage at 120.  Just like on Toons.  
    Increased magic skill does not have an effect on spell damage, on pets or players.

    Ok, not directly but over time the fail rates and time increases, increase the damage the spells do. Or with Bushido the defense ability.  You can go check your pets on the drone.  But you have to have the skill at 120 and copy there to compare on a pet.
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • FatFat Posts: 97
    With pets there really is not a reason to go above 107 magery, 
  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,648
    Fat said:
    With pets there really is not a reason to go above 107 magery, 

    I have no mage pets. So I haven't tested magery. But a 120 is expensive so that would be nice to have 110 all that matters.  But you want the 120 Eval. And other support skill to magics.
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • MervynMervyn Posts: 2,208
    edited June 2018
    You could actually argue it would be advantageous to keep magery at 100. Logic being that it would cast flamestrike less, as flamestrike costs twice the mana as energy bolt but does not deal as much as twice the damage.

    maybe pets work different to players though, I’ve heard reports that pets cast word of death at very low spellweaving (less than the required amount of 83)
    I tell you the truth, tis better to do 10 damage on the right target than 100 damage on the wrong target.

    Breaking in the young since 2002

  • ObuwObuw Posts: 47
    Well it seems to me like magery on pets is a huge waste of points anyway, so adding a huge waste of gold on top of that by adding 120 skill scrolls seems counterproductive. The pet would be much more effective just spamming armor ignores. Or maybe I haven't yet witnessed the power of a true magery pet.
  • VioletViolet Posts: 435
    Obuw said:
    I already have a chiv cu, and a mystic cu. They are okay. For some reason EoO on pets only seems to make a minor difference. The damage doesn't even seem to noticeably change, while it should actually be a massive difference since pets don't have any other damage "modifier" 's. Haven't yet seen any boss where consecrate makes a difference either.
    Level Chivalry above 40 skill.
  • ObuwObuw Posts: 47
    It's at 100.
  • PlayerSkillFTWPlayerSkillFTW Posts: 645
    edited July 2018
    Pawain said:
    All the magics do more damage at 120.  Just like on Toons.
    Magery/Necro/Mysticism do not increase the damage of spells (except for Mind Blast/Death Ray on Magery Mastery pets, but Magery Mastery has other problems). That's determined by Eval/SS/Focus. The increase in spell damage is so minor though, that it's not really worth the gold or TP to scroll up beyond GM. SW damage is increased by the skill for pets, since their SW skill determines what level of Focus they have.
    Chiv is one of the few Magic skills where it's actually worth it to get to 120 for pets. EoO with GM Chiv increases damage by 64%. Con Wep with GM Chiv gives +5% Damage Modifier. EoO with 120 Chiv increases damage by 82%. Con Wep with 120 Chiv gives +15% Damage Modifier.
  • VioletViolet Posts: 435
    . EoO with GM Chiv increases damage by 64%. Con Wep with GM Chiv gives +5% Damage Modifier. EoO with 120 Chiv increases damage by 82%. Con Wep with 120 Chiv gives +15% Damage Modifier.
    Forgot the damage increase of Divine Fury also.
  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,648
    Please enlighten me.  I could use those 20 points I have in magery that you say are not need ed and use them somewhere else on my toon.  Are you saying I will do the same damage over time with 100 Magery?   I guess those miscasts were my imagination.  What magery do you have on a mage toon?
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • VioletViolet Posts: 435
    Pawain said:
    Are you saying I will do the same damage over time with 100 Magery?   I guess those miscasts were my imagination.  What magery do you have on a mage toon?
    You need 106 Magery for 100% casting of 7th circle, 65% of casting 8th circle.
    Higher magery will increase healing of from in vas mani.

    K only has 106 magery.  
  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,648
    edited July 2018
    I was not disputing you.  But thanks.  So pet 110 magery is good.  Saves a lot of gold!

    I do like my higher heals on my toon tho, Helps me, other players, and pet. One has 110 magery and the heals do make a difference.
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • PlayerSkillFTWPlayerSkillFTW Posts: 645
    edited July 2018
    Pawain said:
    Please enlighten me.  I could use those 20 points I have in magery that you say are not need ed and use them somewhere else on my toon.  Are you saying I will do the same damage over time with 100 Magery?   I guess those miscasts were my imagination.  What magery do you have on a mage toon?
    I'm talking about on pets. I've never seen any of my GM Magery pets fizz on a FS. Not once. The only time i've ever seen pets fizz spells, is when they're fresh tamed and their Magery is like in the 30s-50s. Or when they try to cast a debuff or Poison spell on a creature with insane Resist, such as a Rotting Corpse (250 Resist, even more when Paragon). For pets, Magery increases their healing from Greater Heal, and makes them more likely to inflict Poison with the Poison spell (caster's Magery vs victim's Resist). For Magery Mastery pets, it increases the damage of Mind Blast and Death Ray as well. That's about it.
    Using a 120 Magery PS on a pet just for somewhat bigger G-Heals when they choose to use it, and a higher % chance to inflict Poison with the spell, isn't worth it.

  • SlissSliss Posts: 283
    Obuw said:
    Well it seems to me like magery on pets is a huge waste of points anyway, so adding a huge waste of gold on top of that by adding 120 skill scrolls seems counterproductive. The pet would be much more effective just spamming armor ignores. Or maybe I haven't yet witnessed the power of a true magery pet.
    I did keep magery on one pet that came out OKeish simply because it did not have enough points for a replacement. Now, what would really be nice is if we were refunded points when one magic is being replaced by another. Apart from a reasonable way to do things, this will go a looong way in making the system less brutal on people new to the pet training system. So many people ruined good and sometimes irreplaceable pets because of this faulty mechanic.
  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,648
    I dont have any magery pets,but sounds like the expert advice is to go with 110 magery on pets since you cant add it later and it is cheap points and gold.  I like the G heals on my tamer.
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • Pawain said:
    I dont have any magery pets,but sounds like the expert advice is to go with 110 magery on pets since you cant add it later and it is cheap points and gold.  I like the G heals on my tamer.
    110 Magery PS is 50 Training Points. 50 TP for no increase in damage whatsoever and only 4 more Health in healing when they decide to cast Greater Heal (which they randomly cast, even at full health...). How much health Greater Heal restores equals 40% Magery+1-10.
    Pets have a much easier time casting spells than players do. I just tamed a fresh Nightmare on TC, he had 28.3 Magery after tame, and yet was able to cast Flame Strikes. At 28.3 Magery, players are lucky if they can even cast a Fireball, let alone a FS.
  • MervynMervyn Posts: 2,208
    Yeah I don’t understand how pets can cast high skill required spells at low skill. But they definitely do.
    I tell you the truth, tis better to do 10 damage on the right target than 100 damage on the wrong target.

    Breaking in the young since 2002

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