Is UO Historical society thing still a thing?

I have a house that has sat over 10 years, all of it under my ownership. Tried following instructions here ;     but got no reply. This was like 3 months back. Anyone have any updated info on this?


  • MariahMariah Posts: 3,398Moderator
    As far as I know it's still active, however, banners are placed by Mesanna when she has time. Your only reply will be when the banner appears, you could try a second application.
  • Thanks for the reply. I guess I try again. Has anyone here gotten this through in recent memory?

  • SkettSkett Posts: 1,717
    I have 2 and a 3rd in a few months I gave up asking But recently Mesanna has been doing the banners from what I read over on Stratics  
  • i just got mine and actually had correspondence with mesanna as she did it.. she gonna need the exact coordinates of the house. stand under house sign and use a sextant and provide the number that says you are at not the not ones you with n.s.e.w. coord

  • Yes it is. Messana placed the banner on my house just a couple weeks ago. Mind you, I had written since last year, but she eventually emailed me back asking for the coordinates and ZAZ, presto!  <span>:smile:</span>
  • LarisaLarisa Posts: 1,233
    Bonnie had put this in the last newsletter:

    I am asking all the requests for the Historical Banner to please give me the xyz coords of your houses.  When using a sextant in the bottom left corner you will see the xyz location   It really helps speed things up for me.  So if you guys sent emails without that number please resend it and I promise they will get placed within a few days of receipt.

    I had send a few e-mails prior to this with both coords but never got a response.

    After this newsletter was posted, I sent her another e-mail and 2 days later I had my banner.

  • VagabondVagabond Posts: 97
    edited February 2023
    Yes. She just said also recently in the newest of all UO Newsletter (with a source this time) that she needs coordinates to speed things up.
    I am asking all the requests for the Historical Banner to please give me the xyz coords of your houses.  When using a sextant in the bottom left corner you will see the xyz location   It really helps speed things up for me.  So if you guys sent emails without that number please resend it and I promise they will get placed within a few days of receipt.
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