Have Ilshenar Travelling Gypsies been restarted since Patch 69.6 in 2011 ?

There are some Gypsie Camps in Ilshenar, which are supposed to re-spawn daily, always at a different location in Ilshenar and they are separate to the "persistent" Gypsie Camps which also are present at some fixed Locations in Ilshenar.


In 2011, though, since their Camps were getting somehow destroyed (https://www.uoguide.com/Publish_69.6) , they were "temporarily" disabled in wait for a fix.

The reason that I am asking, is that I have bumped into one such Camp and there were only 4or 5 Gypsies NPCs standing, but no tents nor any "deco" there... only the NPCs standing.

Is this fun and cool "randomized" spawn that is supposed to re-start anew every day at a different location, been ever fixed and restarted since 2011 ?

Thanks for the info.


  • MariahMariah Posts: 3,409Moderator
    The gypsies are functioning normally, and have been for many years. It is quite normal for them to sometimes spawn without the wagons.
  • poppspopps Posts: 4,143
    edited February 2023
    Mariah said:
    The gypsies are functioning normally, and have been for many years. It is quite normal for them to sometimes spawn without the wagons.
    Like just NPCs standing in a place and no decoration whatsoever around them ?
    Oh... I thought it was a sympton of a broken spawn...

    We are talking of the "randomized" Travelling Gypsies Camps, those which re-start anew every day at Server up from maintainance at a different location as the day before, right ?

    NOT those Gypsie Camps which, instead, are also in Ilshenar but are static, persistent....

    Also, my understanding, from the UO Wiki link, is that there is 10 possible "randomized" Travelling locations possible.

    Is it 1 Travelling Camp only that can respawn, daily, at any of those 10 locations, or is it more then 1 Travelling Camp that can respawn, daily, within those 10 possible locations ?

  • RockoRocko Posts: 174
    Perhaps the gypsies are working on their thief skills.  They don't make those wagons themselves.
  • MariahMariah Posts: 3,409Moderator
    I have usually found 4 locations active on any given day.
  • They’re vagabonds traveling on foot and do not have wagons or steeds. 
    A Goblin, a Gargoyle, and a Drow walk into a bar . . .

    Never be afraid to challenge the status quo

  • poppspopps Posts: 4,143
    Mariah said:
    I have usually found 4 locations active on any given day.
    I checked again today the 10 spawn points and, as you mentioned, I found 4 with Gypsies.

    Two of them, though, where the exact same as yesterday which is kinda odd that, 2 days in a row, they respawned at the same location.... one of them was the one with only the NPCs, no wagons and no deco at all. The other 3, instead, had the wagons and the decos.

    I will check again tomorrow and see whether, for the 3rd day in a row, I will find those 2 camps at the same exact locations as yesterday and today.
  • YoshiYoshi Posts: 3,322
    “I’m on the edge of my seat”
    Posts on this account have been pre filtered from personal comment or opinion in an effort to suppress conservative views in order to protect the reader.
  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,695
    Yoshi said:
    “I’m on the edge of my seat”
    Another thriller at the same time. He is going to make a gargoyle luck suit it seems.
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • RinerRiner Posts: 379
    Folks tune in tomorrow, same popps time, same popps station..
  • SableSable Posts: 248
    Incidentally, the dynamic gypsies don't necessarily spawn daily.  I've been in the middle of a gypsy camp when it and the NPCs have vanished forcing me to run the trails to chase down where they moved to.  it also seems to me that they frequent some camps more than others.  For instance, I find them more often at the Honor Camp than at any of the camps by Sacrifice or Spirituality.  Maybe the gypsies just hurry through those regions before they get in trouble with the pixies.
  • poppspopps Posts: 4,143
    Sable said:
    Incidentally, the dynamic gypsies don't necessarily spawn daily.  I've been in the middle of a gypsy camp when it and the NPCs have vanished forcing me to run the trails to chase down where they moved to.  it also seems to me that they frequent some camps more than others.  For instance, I find them more often at the Honor Camp than at any of the camps by Sacrifice or Spirituality.  Maybe the gypsies just hurry through those regions before they get in trouble with the pixies.
    In regards to the Honor Camp, are the NPCs on your shard also without any Wagon or deco ?

    Just the NPCs hanging around the area.....
  • RockoRocko Posts: 174
    Gypsies are clever.  They were seen high above Moonglow in a silver dirigible but only one spawn. =/
  • SkettSkett Posts: 1,723
    so what happen ?
  • vortexvortex Posts: 254
    edited February 2023
    Skett said:
    so what happen ?

    I fear we will never know...
  • poppspopps Posts: 4,143
    edited February 2023
    Checked the 3rd day in a row, and one of the 2 Camps which had been static" for days, indeed moved to another location.... only, and I found this as odd... one of the Gypsie Camps which moved only had 2 Gypsies....a Banker, and a Fortune Teller... usually they are like 5 or 6, but I looked in quite a wide ranged area around and no other Gypsies could be found, only those 2...

    What is the point of such a "shrinked" Camp ? There should be at least an iron worker, a tinker and a Provisioner as guaranteed in each and every Camp, IMHO.

    By the way, the https://uo.com/wiki/ultima-online-wiki/world/ilshenar-travelling-gypsies/ indicates that the Vagabond is a tinker but I checked their Menu, and they lack several of the options from their Menu which regular tinkers have... training tinker related skills, Bulk Order Deeds and bribe offers... these Vagabonds only have Buy, Sell and train Item ID in their Menu which is the Menu that Jewellers have only, these Gypsie Vagabonds sell also tinker items but their Menu is not that of Tinkers but, rather, that of Jewellers... Tinkers, instead, have in their Menu Bulk Order info, Bribe, Claim Rewards, Recharge Engrave/Embroidery Tool, train Lockpicking, train Tinkering, train Remove Trap, aside from Buy/Sell, of course.

    The one Camp which, I think is "bugged", because it only has standing NPCs with no wagons nor any other deco, was still there, static, for the third day in a row.

    I will check again after server up from Maintainance for the 4th day in a row and see if it is still there...

    But I think that the code for the Travelling Gypsie Camps should be looked at... Camps should have a decent amount of Gypsies to be of help to wanderers of Ilshenar.... and always have as present an iron worker (smithy) and a tinker (full one, not the partial "hybrid" Jeweller/Tinker version that Vagabonds are...).
  • poppspopps Posts: 4,143
    and there we go, 4th day check in a row...

    I am going to stick with what  I already said the Post right above this one....

    I still found that one Ilshenar Camp at 72.09’N 52.56’W which, I think is "bugged", because it only has standing NPCs with no wagons nor any other deco, was still there, static, for the third day in a row. It looks like it does not participate in the "rotation" with the other Camps as it should.

    The others seem to rotate although, some are missing some Gypsies.... basically, what I said in the Post hereabove...

    Personally, I think this should be looked at and fixed in the parts not working well (the 1 Camp bugged and the issue with Iron Workers missing in some Camps and Tinkers totally being missing... Vagabons are only an "hybrid" Jeweller/Tinker, they are not fully fletched Tinkers....).
  • MariahMariah Posts: 3,409Moderator
    The gypsies have had the same menu and rotated in the same way for years. Why are you doing this?
    Camps have a random assortment of npc's, always having a banker, but the rest are divided between 'maiden' who is a provisioner, 'vagabond' who is a tinker, Iron Worker and Fortune Teller, usually 4 gypsies to a camp.

    They are not part of the 'establishment', so they don't offer BoDs. They're not 'bugged' they're different. Most people visit them early in the day to get items like ingots, boards, arrows and bolts at lower prices than can be found in the towns.

    Please drop this topic, it's pointless.
  • vortexvortex Posts: 254
    Waits for day 5 ...
  • vortex said:
    Waits for day 5 ...
    I'm thinking that on day 5 there'll be some Birds and Fish scattered about.
    A Goblin, a Gargoyle, and a Drow walk into a bar . . .

    Never be afraid to challenge the status quo

  • Sometimes ya just gotta.

  • poppspopps Posts: 4,143
    edited February 2023
    Mariah said:
    The gypsies have had the same menu and rotated in the same way for years. Why are you doing this?
    OK, I checked the 5th day in a row, this time posting an image about what I think might be a "bugged" Gypsie Camp since, even though it is supposed to be a "Nomad" Gypsie Camp, it now has been stuck at that same location for 5 days in a row and, as one can see, it is with only standing Gypsies, no wagon nor any deco at all.

    The other 3 "rotating" Gypsie Camps, instead, have been correctly moving around the 2 location staying in the same one location, at most, that I could notice, for 2 days in a row.

    Camps have a random assortment of npc's, always having a banker, but the rest are divided between 'maiden' who is a provisioner, 'vagabond' who is a tinker, Iron Worker and Fortune Teller, usually 4 gypsies to a camp.

    They are not part of the 'establishment', so they don't offer BoDs. They're not 'bugged' they're different. Most people visit them early in the day to get items like ingots, boards, arrows and bolts at lower prices than can be found in the towns.

    Please drop this topic, it's pointless.

    Well, as one can see, the Iron Worker (Blacksmith) has, and rightfully so, being a Blacksmith, a "full Blacksmith Menu".

    The Vagabond, which supposedly should be a Tinker, as the UO Wiki indicates, contrary to the Iron Worker (Blacksmith), does not have the "full Menu" like a Tinker would offer but, looks more to me, the Menu of a Jeweller NPC even though, if one clicks on BUY, they also offer Tinker items for sale.
    That is why I said that it looks to me more of a Jeweller/Tinker "hybrid".....

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