Help with a UOA macro

Hoping someone can help me fix my "mount" macro in UOA because it doesn't appear to work anymore. I've used this macro for years and didn't notice it stopped working until after I was dismounted by Krampus last month (maybe it stopped working before that).

It's a very simple macro with only 2 steps.
  1. Say - "All follow me"
  2. Use item - (Mount)
I thought maybe use item line had to be reset (ie retarget my mount) but that didn't work. When I play the macro now, I notice that it will perform the first line (all follow me) but it also gives me a Starting Pause 300 message in UOA that never ends and thus never mounts my swampy.

I tested just the mount part and that works fine so it appears to be that Starting Pause piece that's the issue but I don't know why it's doing it now (I didn't change anything) and how to fix it. Any help would be appreciated.


  • UrgeUrge Posts: 1,311
    Try speech then just double click mount.

    I've never tried words but a simple double click works for a remount macro.
  • YoshiYoshi Posts: 3,322
    edited January 2023
    “That looks same as mine

    check under keys tab that you haven’t set the button to record macro instead of play macro

    You can actually now use a uo macro in classic client to mount, they fixed the war mode bug.

    make sure block war on pets is ticked

    select nearest: follower
    use selected target

    and you won’t have to reset this when switching mounts

    only reason I still use assist macro sometimes is if I have summoned fey as uo can’t distinguish mount to any other follower”
    Posts on this account have been pre filtered from personal comment or opinion in an effort to suppress conservative views in order to protect the reader.
  • keven2002keven2002 Posts: 2,394
    Thanks @Yoshi for the help. I didn't know how to create the macro in CC but that's good to know. I decided to restart everything (computer / UOA ) and it does appear that now it's working. 
  • YoshiYoshi Posts: 3,322
    edited January 2023
    “Just some additional info the uoa and the uo Mount macro behave slightly differently 

    if you have a target cursor up (from a held spell or anything requiring a target) the uoa macro will cancel the target and ride the mount

    the uo macro will not mount the pet until you clear the target (pressing escape or selecting a target), i couldn't find a way to macro cancel target in uo

    best i got is
    select nearest follower
    current target
    use selected target

    so the target will select your mount to clear target (but that does then affect your last target and you'll have to retarget the player you're attacking, also it can cause issues if you have the poison/paralize spell on target as you'll end up poisoning/paralizing your mount, or if you have a weapon special toggled that you really don't want to hit your mount with so i'm just doing without this at the moment and manually clearing any target i have), "
    Posts on this account have been pre filtered from personal comment or opinion in an effort to suppress conservative views in order to protect the reader.
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