Dirty Secrets

*** Sealed Letter delivered to Governor Black of Minoc***


It has come to my attention that you have discovered something of great value to me in the Governor's office.

If what I hear is correct, you have information that your predecessor was involved with a society of people trying to come to power in Britain. She was using the city treasury to support her personal affairs and ambitions.

I must know what you have discovered. I'm sure the contents were never to come to light but with her kidnapping she never had time to remove the information I seek to find my lover.

As you know, my love has been missing since the night of the elections.

I will do whatever it takes to find my love and bring those involved to great pain and misery!!!



  • Disclaimer - I was not consulted on this nor did I consent to be involved in any RP of this nature. 
  • PitrPitr Posts: 195
    FYI - This is the imposter that has been pretending to be me... on Catskills and on other shards... and failing miserably (thank you all for the heads-up).
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