In search of Winfield

Please help me find my dear friend Winfield. I fear the worst. I have only just returned from a very long absence. 

Yours Truly
Lady Morgaine of Shadowcove


  • NANOCNANOC Posts: 20
    I just got on this forum and found your post Lady Morgaine.  Gov. Winfield will be at the Tea House in PaxOku tonight 12/13 at 9PM Eastern.  I do hope you see this reply!
  • MorgaineMorgaine Posts: 2
    edited December 2022
    I fear I have no means to get to the fair town of PaxOku. I Fear I have lost much skill over the years. So disappointed I could not be there. (I had to start a new account as I couldn't retrieve my old one after 15 years)

  • Arnold7Arnold7 Posts: 1,461
    Have no idea where this is.  Can you get there and resurrect if you get killed along the way. Most towns have healers.
  • NANOCNANOC Posts: 20
    Lady Morgaine did find her way to the Tea House in PaxOku.  Gov. Winfield and the PaxLair Alliance members assembled there welcomed Lady Morgaine back to realm.

  • JamesJames Posts: 94
    Welcome Lady Morgaine, It was a real pleasure to meet you at the PaxLair meeting.
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