The Great Pumpkin Hunt- Thursday, 10/27/2022 at 8:00 PM EST

Note: This event is being provided by The Great Pumkin. James is only posting the information.

The Great Pumpkin Hunt- Thursday, 10/27/2022 at 8:00 PM EST

You are invited to hunt for the Great Pumpkin. I will be hiding in various locations throughout the known world. I will provide clues to my location in chat. There will be four different locations to find me. The first five contestants to find me in each round will get gold and prizes.

1st Prize in each round will be 2 million gold and a treat bag. 2nd-5th prize will be 200k gold and a treat bag.

The only rules that I will follow are:

* I will not hide anywhere in Fel.
* I will not change locations untill all five winners have located me.

Be sure to bring your bravest adventures as some of the locations may be a bit...horrific.

Looking forward to seeing you there.


  • JamesJames Posts: 93
    Thanks for a really enjoyable event. It was a lot of fun!  :) 
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