No GM's on in the middle of the night?

JackFlashUkJackFlashUk Posts: 1,084
edited October 2022 in General Discussions
So I see the multi box/ auto target dexxer cheats dragging chars behind them in the middle of the night or early houses to avoid being caught
@Mesanna these cheats are getting away with it because by the time the page/report is read they are long gone

So why isn't there any GM's monitoring shards at night?

Surely you have 24/7 Gm support globally dont you?  cant the Asian GM's spend time looking at these dungeon events? and likewise USA/UK Gm's monitor the Far East during their normal working day?


so. approx 0300/0700 BST you need gm's watching on EUROPA/LEGENDS shards!

either the cheats have been caught and dealt with, or they are being smart and cheating when they think its safe too, and of course dont care if they ate paged on

you cannot legally have 2 chars targeting mod at once and hitting in unison. There is NO way on earth a player can control 2/3/4 screens at once no matter how they try to explain it. 

Hence why I posted to ban auto follow in dungeon events on another thread. This way, if they are towing, they are illegal and need dealing with

Can you look into this please?


  • YoshiYoshi Posts: 3,322
    edited October 2022
    “It is quite strange what is going on actually. I think they want people to bot for some reason.
    i enlisted a friend to help me set up a hack to move the bots from tram to fel using a bug with command undead (issue reported multiple times) to kill and loot them. After we successful got the first bot from tram to fel (and killed it) a GM came and started deleting our setup (without showing) even though absolutely no harm could come to players that were playing, only bots could be taken to fel.

    The GMs I think have been given an instruction that bots are more valuable than players.

    But we will persevere”
    Posts on this account have been pre filtered from personal comment or opinion in an effort to suppress conservative views in order to protect the reader.
  • NamelessJourneyNamelessJourney Posts: 133
    edited October 2022
    I am amazed by the amount of threads on the top page of the official forum stating this blatant issue and it's still going on. I don't know how or why it's going on, I've not even gone to the event because of all the things I've heard about it.

     There seems to be a crowd claiming they are playing legitimately and getting actioned.
    There seems to be a crowd claiming they are playing legitimately and having the time of their life, no action.

    There seems to be a crowd within group 2 that is claiming group 1 is actually the bots and nothing wrong is going on..

     There have been no bots coming on to the forum and claiming they are bots, and receiving no action against them.

     There seems to be a crowd in group 1 is claiming group 2 is just upset with group 1 because they are the bots (or some portion).

     The only "real" thing I see is there are bots. And it's wildly out of control during some portion of the day on some servers. That is the only statement I am looking at with any meat to it. I don't care if Group 1 has bots, or group 2 has bots, or both, or whatever. The response to the cyborg invasion has issues, and the people actually using in game means of dealing with them, are having their methods stopped, so I'm going to agree with Yoshi on this, it seems like this is something that is intended.

     To those concerned, if this is what you like to see on your official forum, good job. You're seeing it.
    If this is what you don't want to see on your official forum, then step your game up, and deal with it properly. The rest of your game is still pretty fun, I play mostly alone at bizarre hours (work permitting), on non-atlantic shards because I don't enjoy the atmosphere. I don't hate it, I just don't like it.

      (I counted 12 threads out of 30 -- stickies were not included, that cited issues with the event , there were others that mentioned the event but the threads were not about issues with the event so were not included in that number. That's nearly half the top page citing issues with this event alone. I'm sure comments about the event exist in non-counted threads. In my mind this should be taken as a "we'll hot fix this asap" kind of emergency. I'm definitely not a negative Nancy, just offering constructive criticism, with a genuine interest to see positive growth / sustainment of what's here for at least another generation to come.)
  • poppspopps Posts: 4,131
    Yoshi said:
    “It is quite strange what is going on actually. I think they want people to bot for some reason.
    i enlisted a friend to help me set up a hack to move the bots from tram to fel using a bug with command undead (issue reported multiple times) to kill and loot them. After we successful got the first bot from tram to fel (and killed it) a GM came and started deleting our setup (without showing) even though absolutely no harm could come to players that were playing, only bots could be taken to fel.

    The GMs I think have been given an instruction that bots are more valuable than players.

    But we will persevere”
    WOW, I am speechless.....
  • McDougleMcDougle Posts: 4,082
    Yoshi said:
    “It is quite strange what is going on actually. I think they want people to bot for some reason.
    i enlisted a friend to help me set up a hack to move the bots from tram to fel using a bug with command undead (issue reported multiple times) to kill and loot them. After we successful got the first bot from tram to fel (and killed it) a GM came and started deleting our setup (without showing) even though absolutely no harm could come to players that were playing, only bots could be taken to fel.

    The GMs I think have been given an instruction that bots are more valuable than players.

    But we will persevere”
    Did you remember to page on yourselves? 
    Acknowledgment and accountability go a long way... 
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