Hello, I'm new here

 Hi, I'm brand new to this game again. I played quite a bit back in the late 1990s and left during the great housing purge since it upset me when I lost all my property. 

 I'm pretty bored, and want to try this again, as I just learned that it still exists. Sadly I logged in and I'm totally lost and not even sure where to get started despite having done a lot of MMORPGs. I do have a few questions I was hoping maybe some people could help me with, hold on though they are probably pretty dumb ones. 

1. How do I close windows. When I logged in the store window was open along with some other stuff and I could barely move and I couldn't figure out how to close it and the other windows that were up. 

2. Should I be using the classic or the "enhanced" client? I DLed the enhanced version since I figured it would be newer, but I am unsure what the actual difference is. 

3. I bought some paid currency and most of the expansions, is it worth it to buy the starter pack and/or the potion that lets you set some of your skills to 90? 

4. How does PVP work nowadays? Is this game still a complete bloodbath? I am hoping it relaxed a bit, but if it didn't I suppose I can learn to deal with it. I noticed I have 40 hours of "young player status" which I am guessing is supposed to help with that. 

5. What is the situation with housing and boats? I imagine I can't rebuild the vast tracts of property I enjoyed in the 1990s and they deleted on me, but I am hoping I can place one of each at least? 

 Thanks for any answers and sorry to bother you. I will be checking in later tonight, and will hopefully have plenty of time over the weekend to play and learn how this all works now. I admit just looking at the retro graphics in the town square area where I started filled me with nostalgia. 


  • JepethJepeth Posts: 548
    Welcome back!

    1. You should be able to close the store window (and all others) in the EC and CC by right clicking it.

    2. It's entirely up to you. The EC has more bells and whistles and is more moddable if you are into that sort of thing. It's a little more friendly with large monitors since you can expand the viewing area out. The art is the big difference, though, between it and the Classic Client. Some folk just prefer the old look.

    3. Skill gain is much faster these days for most skills. You may decide, as an adult with more disposable income than free time, that you'd rather jump into the more fun stuff faster with a Mythic Token. I think it's worth it, personally, if I'm working on skills like Taming and Bard stuff. The lower levels of those are a killer.

    4. PVP works in two ways. There is the Vice Versus Virtue system that is consensual team-based in Felucca and then just random player-killing in Felucca, too. Usually at champion spawns and other desirable areas. It is not nearly the blood bath it used to be. You could do about 99.9% of the content in safety.

    5. Unless you are playing on Atlantic there should be ample space for a house of many different sizes and boats.

    Don't hesitate to ask for help!
  • ArchangelArchangel Posts: 461
    Welcome back!

    I would recomendo some 101 vids on youtube,
  • Arnold7Arnold7 Posts: 1,462
    edited June 2022
    Regarding the starter pack and raising you skills to 90 would not really recommend buying either of these unless you really know what you are buying.  Regarding raising your fighting and casting skills to 90 for most skill sets you can do this on your own in about a week or two and learn how to play your character in the process.

    The stater pack last time I looked appeared designed for players that began playing about 20 years ago.  Don’t really think it would be of much use to today’s returning players or new players.

    You might think about buying the charger of the fallen for $10 if you decide to stick with the game for awhile if you do not already have an ethereal,  Having a mount that stays with you when you die and can’t be killed really increases your mobility as a fighter or a caster.

    Good luck.  If your starting characters from scratch, New Haven will get you to GM fairly fast.  And, if you are stating as a mage don’t overlook the inscription quest.  It does not take long and and the prize is a undead slayer Spellbook.

    I prefer EC it’s easier to use than CC for a new player.  But a lot off players that have been playing for awhile prefer CC.  Both appear to get the job done.
  •  Thanks for the information. I just finished running my nightly Pathfinder game and will see what information I can find on Youtube tomorrow, and see if it helps. 

     I did indeed decide to play on Atlantic as I was reading most servers are semi-abandoned and hard to play on. That said I haven't done anything yet, so it doesn't make a difference if i change. Atlantic is where I used to play many years ago as I lived in Connecticut at the time and that was my local server. Right now I'm closer to the Pacific side. 

     Could any of you recommend a good shard with a decent population and places to build? If not I guess I'll have to tough it out, and maybe be a hobo. 

     I did pop in briefly to try closing the menus I couldn't get to close before (thanks for that). I found a book on the ground by "The Syndicate". I remember those guys back when I was playing many years ago, amazed they are still around and doing well. I wasn't expecting that, and it makes me wonder if anything else endured all this time.  
     I was looking at mounts, and will certainly take the charger suggestion to heart. I wasn't sure if I wanted a mount because I was thinking you had to feed them or they ran away, but maybe I'm remembering a different game (it's been a long time). 

  • MariahMariah Posts: 3,408Moderator
    You might find some useful information here:

  • Lord_FrodoLord_Frodo Posts: 2,440
    I would recommend playing where you ping the best.  All West coast servers are friendly just make a char om each and see which you like.  Yes Atl is the most populated but the other servers make it up in being nice.
  • ArchangelArchangel Posts: 461
    I would recommend playing where you ping the best.  All West coast servers are friendly just make a char om each and see which you like.  Yes Atl is the most populated but the other servers make it up in being nice.
    what he said ^^
  • Arnold7Arnold7 Posts: 1,462
    A mount allows you to move much faster than on foot.  If you die the charger goes into your backpack.  You don’t feed it or stable it.  Early on it is really nice to have.  Think you have to feed the live ones to get them to bond with you. 
  • Welcome back! I think your questions have been answered but just some general thoughts. In general this can be a very complex game. I was just gone a couple years and so much had changed. Just work on small sections of the game at a time. Master the fighting basics and once get get a good feel for that move on to the next topic of interest. I find macros make everything much easier. The game added casinos and a bunch of crazy stuff I really enjoyed. Ship combat is pretty cool. But if you try and get up to full speed in a couple weeks I doubt that will happen. Just take your time and try to steadily build up your general knowledge. If your patient you'll find the complexity of the game keeps it fun and interesting. So many paths to take and so many options are a big plus to those who see it through.
    Tell me lies, tell me sweet little lies
  •  Thanks again for the information. I seem to ping well on most servers which is why it's a hard choice. I gravitated towards Atlantic in part because that is where I used to play many years ago. 

     As far as beginning the Adventure, I was reading some of that last night along with watching videos. It helps a little, but I was concerned it was really dated. Thank you for pointing it out though. 

     When it comes to seafaring stuff, I am glad they expanded that section of the game. I really used to like my boat back in the old days though there seemed to be little point to it other than storage and travel (which was inferior to a collection of Runes). One of the videos I was watching by a guy called "Rabid Archer" got into the seafaring stuff pretty heavily and recommended a build, but he said flat out he had gear to make it work that I have no idea how to get. Probably something I'll mess around with once I get established with. Being "Therumancer" my first character will be a mage, was looking at a Mage/Necromancer hybrid build I jotted down that I might try as it would have a lot of spells and looked like fun. 
  • McDougleMcDougle Posts: 4,084
     Thanks again for the information. I seem to ping well on most servers which is why it's a hard choice. I gravitated towards Atlantic in part because that is where I used to play many years ago. 

     As far as beginning the Adventure, I was reading some of that last night along with watching videos. It helps a little, but I was concerned it was really dated. Thank you for pointing it out though. 

     When it comes to seafaring stuff, I am glad they expanded that section of the game. I really used to like my boat back in the old days though there seemed to be little point to it other than storage and travel (which was inferior to a collection of Runes). One of the videos I was watching by a guy called "Rabid Archer" got into the seafaring stuff pretty heavily and recommended a build, but he said flat out he had gear to make it work that I have no idea how to get. Probably something I'll mess around with once I get established with. Being "Therumancer" my first character will be a mage, was looking at a Mage/Necromancer hybrid build I jotted down that I might try as it would have a lot of spells and looked like fun. 

    Being a pirate is one of the least gear based build any ranged character with orc slayer bow/throwing/spellbook ir a casting pet will be fine with even very basic gear
    Acknowledgment and accountability go a long way... 
  • Arnold7Arnold7 Posts: 1,462
    I have a necro mage 110 magery, eval intel, spellweaving, 100 resist spells, meditation, spirit speak, and 90 necro.  He also has magery, spellweaving, and necro masteries.  He takes magery and eval.to 120 with a crystalline ring and wizard’s curio.  The 120 scrolls and the jewelry will set you back around 60 million so it might be awhile before can get those skills to 120.  But the initial build should not cost you too much.

    He can solo dragons and the like but for the big stuff he needs room to hit in run.  He does not do well against the big stuff if he does not have room to maneuver.  He uses a charger for his mount.  He does not do well against the bigger paras on his own but he is very effective when part of a group.

    You should get the best magery and spellweaving masteries you can afford.  The magery mastery’s death ray is very effective against stationary targets like bosses.  Wraith form using the death ray leeches mana so that you never run out fighting most bosses.  Spellweaving mastery allows you to get an arcane focus when no other spellweavers are around.

    i like this build but it does not melee well.  Getting up close and personal usually gets you killed.  Hope this helps.  This build works well with a melee partner, player or tamer with a melee pet.  If you find someone else to play with after you have mastered a few skills, the two of you should be able to handle most of what the game throws at you.

  • SethSeth Posts: 2,944
    edited June 2022
    For new players, you need gold and a house fast. While you have a lot of time to read through the rest, read this first:

    New players can place a house much faster than 1990s by getting fast gold from the latest event.

    Run around Britain, Skara and Yew farmland to pick up those colorful eggs.

    Depending on your shard, each may be sell about 80k - 100k gold.

    Then you will be able to place and design a beautiful 18x18 or a new castle or keep in a few days. 

    Once you setup your HQ, first thing to do is making sure your char can recall or reach the house easily.

    I would suggest to place near moongates.

    With the gold, you can then decide what type of basic character to work on first, either mage or warrior first as they are faster and less boring to train. Then read the other post above.
    If it ain't broke, don't fix it. 
    ESRB warning: Some Blood. LOTS of Alcohol. Some Violence. LOTS of Bugs
  • Arnold7 said:
    I have a necro mage 110 magery, eval intel, spellweaving, 100 resist spells, meditation, spirit speak, and 90 necro.  He also has magery, spellweaving, and necro masteries.  He takes magery and eval.to 120 with a crystalline ring and wizard’s curio.  The 120 scrolls and the jewelry will set you back around 60 million so it might be awhile before can get those skills to 120.  But the initial build should not cost you too much.

    He can solo dragons and the like but for the big stuff he needs room to hit in run.  He does not do well against the big stuff if he does not have room to maneuver.  He uses a charger for his mount.  He does not do well against the bigger paras on his own but he is very effective when part of a group.

    You should get the best magery and spellweaving masteries you can afford.  The magery mastery’s death ray is very effective against stationary targets like bosses.  Wraith form using the death ray leeches mana so that you never run out fighting most bosses.  Spellweaving mastery allows you to get an arcane focus when no other spellweavers are around.

    i like this build but it does not melee well.  Getting up close and personal usually gets you killed.  Hope this helps.  This build works well with a melee partner, player or tamer with a melee pet.  If you find someone else to play with after you have mastered a few skills, the two of you should be able to handle most of what the game throws at you.

      I do have a question, isn't Spellweaving a group skill? The messages I was reading suggested I pick up inscription for a build like this as it's suppose to give a damage bonus if you get it to 100? I do like to group, but in most MMORPGs I tend to spend a lot of time alone. 
     Is there any easy way to remove the wrestling skill that I started with to free up those points? I caught on pretty quickly that mages don't belong in melee at all. 

  • Seth said:
    For new players, you need gold and a house fast. While you have a lot of time to read through the rest, read this first:

    New players can place a house much faster than 1990s by getting fast gold from the latest event.

    Run around Britain, Skara and Yew farmland to pick up those colorful eggs.

    Depending on your shard, each may be sell about 80k - 100k gold.

    Then you will be able to place and design a beautiful 18x18 or a new castle or keep in a few days. 

    Once you setup your HQ, first thing to do is making sure your char can recall or reach the house easily.

    I would suggest to place near moongates.

    With the gold, you can then decide what type of basic character to work on first, either mage or warrior first as they are faster and less boring to train. Then read the other post above.

       I decided to play on Chesapeake and a nice player there helped me get established and gave me a bit of gold and helped me place a house on an 18x18 plot. It's not near a moongate, but has some other stuff around it I like, and I have a recall rune set to it. 
      I am having trouble putting a roof on it though, as I find the house customization tool a bit confusing. 

      More money would however be useful, if nothing else I need to find furniture once I figure out how to put the roof on it, so I will look into what your talking about. This is the first I've ever heard about this event for some reason, but I will check it out. Assuming I find some of these eggs is there is an NPC I can sell them to, or is it something other players buy? 

     At any rate I was checking forums since I needed to logoff for a bit, thanks everyone for the further responses. There seems to be so many things to check out I'm a bit intimidated on figuring out what project to attempt first. Will probably see if I can have any luck with this egg hunt when I am hopefully able to get back on in a few hours. 

  • SethSeth Posts: 2,944
    I am not sure how much the eggs are worth in Chesapeake, but based on Atlantic could be 100k per, as 10 of it is equivalent to 1 minor arty.

    It's sold on vendor, so u need a house or u can shout at Luna bank or sell in forum. 
    If it ain't broke, don't fix it. 
    ESRB warning: Some Blood. LOTS of Alcohol. Some Violence. LOTS of Bugs
  • Arnold7Arnold7 Posts: 1,462
    Glad you got a house.  Recommend you get the vendor that costs $25,000 gold.  It chrages a commission based on the selling price when you sell something.  The other vendor charges a daily rate which might break the bank if you are selling eggs and it takes more than a few days to sell them.  If you collect 10 eggs you can go to the Destard dungeon do the curio collector's quest and get an ingot.  Eggs on my shard go for around 120,000 gold and ingots go for around 1.2 million. Price them a little less than your competion  and they should sell in about a week.

    With spellweaving when you log on, you should stand in an arcane circle with other spellweavers to get an arcane focus.  On my shard there is usually  a spellweaver parked in the circle at the bank in Britain.  The focus determines how strong your spells will be.  Spellweaving has nice area damage spells.  But, you get a nice bonus from inscription.  Hopefully other players will comment more on this.

    By the way the samphire videos posted by Rabid Archer are excellent.
  • SethSeth Posts: 2,944
    edited June 2022
    Arnold7 said:
    Glad you got a house.  Recommend you get the vendor that costs $25,000 gold.  It chrages a commission based on the selling price when you sell something.  The other vendor charges a daily rate which might break the bank if you are selling eggs and it takes more than a few days to sell them.  If you collect 10 eggs you can go to the Destard dungeon do the curio collector's quest and get an ingot.  Eggs on my shard go for around 120,000 gold and ingots go for around 1.2 million. Price them a little less than your competion  and they should sell in about a week.

    With spellweaving when you log on, you should stand in an arcane circle with other spellweavers to get an arcane focus.  On my shard there is usually  a spellweaver parked in the circle at the bank in Britain.  The focus determines how strong your spells will be.  Spellweaving has nice area damage spells.  But, you get a nice bonus from inscription.  Hopefully other players will comment more on this.

    By the way the samphire videos posted by Rabid Archer are excellent.
    @Therumancer There you go prices of arties and eggs.

    Just so you know:
    Eggs can be transferred out of shard. So rich cross shard buyers may come to buy cheaper eggs to bring back their shard. If u price below 100k each, then the price will be attractive.

    Minor arties is shard bound and can only be sold to locals so it has a smaller market.

    @Kyronix another prove that non shard bound favors local new players since they can sell their non shard bound items to a bigger market. As we said we often go around other shards to shop for items not available or low in qty on our own main shard. 
    If it ain't broke, don't fix it. 
    ESRB warning: Some Blood. LOTS of Alcohol. Some Violence. LOTS of Bugs
  • Arnold7 said:
    Glad you got a house.  Recommend you get the vendor that costs $25,000 gold.  It chrages a commission based on the selling price when you sell something.  The other vendor charges a daily rate which might break the bank if you are selling eggs and it takes more than a few days to sell them.  If you collect 10 eggs you can go to the Destard dungeon do the curio collector's quest and get an ingot.  Eggs on my shard go for around 120,000 gold and ingots go for around 1.2 million. Price them a little less than your competion  and they should sell in about a week.

    With spellweaving when you log on, you should stand in an arcane circle with other spellweavers to get an arcane focus.  On my shard there is usually  a spellweaver parked in the circle at the bank in Britain.  The focus determines how strong your spells will be.  Spellweaving has nice area damage spells.  But, you get a nice bonus from inscription.  Hopefully other players will comment more on this.

    By the way the samphire videos posted by Rabid Archer are excellent.

     I caught onto the entire "Samphire" concept after I had decided to be a mage, perhaps if I make a second character down the road I shall try that. I did enjoy Rabid Archer's video on the seafaring content, going to work on getting a boat to play around with once I have my current projects set. 
     Where do I buy a vendor? The friend I made who helped me with the house gave me the placement tool and showed me a place to put down the house. I really don't know anything about vendors or where to get them, though I've shopped at a few. 

     Right now I am going through guides trying to figure out how to put the roof on properly, but I find them confusing so far. Might need to move my walls back in a bit for some reason. Once I get the house looking respectable from the outside I'll place a vendor. 

     As far as spell weaving I was just reading up on it, it does sound cool. Any way it goes I will work on the quests. Maybe I can get by without magic resistance or something and see if I can work spellweaving in. Skill points are going to be tight. :) 

     I haven't been to Britain yet, will check it out later and see how populated it is and if anything like that is going on there for later note. 

  • Seth said:
    I am not sure how much the eggs are worth in Chesapeake, but based on Atlantic could be 100k per, as 10 of it is equivalent to 1 minor arty.

    It's sold on vendor, so u need a house or u can shout at Luna bank or sell in forum. 
        Understood, it's something I'll look into, if worse comes to worse it's just some wasted time looking. 

  • Arnold7Arnold7 Posts: 1,462
    Have not bought a vendor for awhile.  Believe bankers sell them.  Recommend getting the more expensive one for about 25k.it will cost you less in the long run if you sell higher priced items like eggs.  I have a couple of the lower priced ones that charge a daily rate that I put lower priced items on, but the commission vendor is the one that makes by far the most gold.  Event ends the end of the month I believe so check prices daily to insure you stay competitive.  Also, check daily for deals on slayer books,esp. scrapper slayers.  Never know when you might need that slayer you got a great deal on six months ago. 

    Just wanted to say his videos are the best Ultima Online videos I have seen.  Not recommending becoming a samphire.  The videos impressed me.  Good luck in the game.
  • SethSeth Posts: 2,944
    edited June 2022
    Arnold7 said:

    Just wanted to say his videos are the best Ultima Online videos I have seen.  Not recommending becoming a samphire.  The videos impressed me.  Good luck in the game.

    +1, sampire - very expensive and not worth the investment for what it can do these days. 

    If it ain't broke, don't fix it. 
    ESRB warning: Some Blood. LOTS of Alcohol. Some Violence. LOTS of Bugs
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