Which tool to use for making 100% ele damage weapons



  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,694
    MoulinR said:
    Mariah said:
    but you have! Cold damage IS elemental damage. Anything other than 100% physical is classed as elemental damage. A weapon with 100% cold damage is the aim.
    Didnt noticed that!
    What a fool lol  :s
    Hehe you had me confused. 

    Use a Shadow hammer.  You will eventually get 100%s.  You can enhance with another hammer  to get some elements to 100%.  Usually I fail to get the Ele damage or I make a 90% or 100%.

    Good Luck!  it takes quite a few hammers to make a set of weapons.
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • MariahMariah Posts: 3,408Moderator
    Ancient Smith Hammer, a reward from Bulk order deeds.
  • GalluccioGalluccio Posts: 77
    I've been trying to follow steps here and I'm only ending in frustration.   
  • GalluccioGalluccio Posts: 77
    edited March 2021
    "100% elemental smithy weapon: Dull Copper or Shadow runic + Powerful + Quality"

    This statement means that to get a 100 percent elemental smithy weapon do the following steps:
    1) Use a Dull Copper or Shadow Runic and I'm using NO color Iron Ingots. 
    Ok.  I just used the Dull Copper Runic with no colored Ingots to make an Axe.  It has 40 percent damage increase.

    2) Now, I'm going near a soul forge with 120 imbuing and 120 blacksmithing.  Im going to Reforge using the Runic and you select "Powerful' and then "Quality."
       There's already a problem here.... if you select powerful you will not get an option for "quality"      therefore you just got "stuck"  I'm going to make a guess that you have to select other options. You have to select Grand and then Inspired to even see an option for "quality."    Then you get this menu with all sorts of options of of which is "exquisite of quality."  

    Ok.  So, I click reforge and what happens?  There's absolutely no change to the color of the item.  But, I did get Self Repair of 5.

    And with that I am smelting the item down to ingots. 

  • GalluccioGalluccio Posts: 77
    Shadow Hammer works for getting 100% Element with Smithing and Tinkering weps (including Whips). If you're specifically after 100% Fire Weps, then you can use a DC Hammer, reforge a wep to 40% Physical/60% Fire, then use a +60 ASH to enhance it to Bronze to make it 100% Fire.

    Let me see if I understand this correctly:
    1) Use a Dull Copper Runic Hammer to make an weapon.  Normal Ingots.
    2) Use the Dull Copper Runic, get near aSoul Forge and somehow reforge it to 40 percent physical and 60 percent fire.
    3) Put an ASH hammer +60 in your hand and click on enhance, use bronze ingots and presto you have 100 percent fire.

  • GalluccioGalluccio Posts: 77
    bas said:
    Bronze adds brings 60 fire to 100 and agapite brings 70 cold to 100.
    How does Bring bring 60 to 100 fire?

    This chart has it at 40 percent fire...

  • MariahMariah Posts: 3,408Moderator
    edited March 2021
    You need to read the entire thread. Craft a normal GM weapon with a regular hammer, then reforge with a runic hammer, as detailed earlier in the thread, giving it a 60/40 split of damage, fire/physical. Then enhance with bronze, converting the physical to an additional 40% resulting in a 100% fire damage weapon.
  • dvviddvvid Posts: 849
    It is rng so you are not going to get what you want easily. Also don’t forget to apply powder of fortification when you reforge the weapon you plan to imbue. Also don’t enhance without a forged metal of artifacts. 

    Last time I tried to get 100% elemental weapons I think I got like 3 out of 300-400 charges.
  • dvviddvvid Posts: 849
    Here is a very thorough guide 
  • GalluccioGalluccio Posts: 77
    edited March 2021
    Mariah said:
    You need to read the entire thread. Craft a normal GM weapon with a regular hammer, then reforge with a runic hammer, as detailed earlier in the thread, giving it a 60/40 split of damage, fire/physical. Then enhance with bronze, converting the physical to an additional 40% resulting in a 100% fire damage weapon.
    I read everything at least twice.  Some of the jargon people are using is confusing.  40/60 split?  All these splits are confusing.   

    "reforge with a runic hammer"  The directions.... I did not understand.  They were not clear.

    "Then enhance with bronze, converting the physical to an additional 40% resulting in a 100% fire damage weapon."

    With a bronze runic or with bronze ingots?  Or both?
  • GalluccioGalluccio Posts: 77
    dvvid said:
    It is rng so you are not going to get what you want easily. Also don’t forget to apply powder of fortification when you reforge the weapon you plan to imbue. Also don’t enhance without a forged metal of artifacts. 

    Last time I tried to get 100% elemental weapons I think I got like 3 out of 300-400 charges.
    dvvid said:
    It is rng so you are not going to get what you want easily. Also don’t forget to apply powder of fortification when you reforge the weapon you plan to imbue. Also don’t enhance without a forged metal of artifacts. 

    Last time I tried to get 100% elemental weapons I think I got like 3 out of 300-400 charges.
    This statement is helpful.  "Last time I tried to get 100 percent elemental weapon I think I got 3 out of 300-400 charges.

    That is the most useful statement in this thread.
  • GalluccioGalluccio Posts: 77
    When people are talking about enchacing, I feel like they are leaving some steps out of the process which people are just "supposed to know.  Then, the articles are all of a sudden "Advanced articles" for those who already know what they are doing.
  • GalluccioGalluccio Posts: 77
    Pawain said:
    Thanks tried the Shadow hammer on 4 weapons.  Got a 100% Poison and 3 duds.

    Saved me 5M.
    Statements like this... aren't helpful.  To me it sounds like they guy tried 4 times and got a 100 percent poison item.  So, If I'm not doing the same as he is then I'm doing it wrong somehow.  When, I'm trying 10 times I don't even see a change in the color at all... I"m thinking I must be doing it wrong.  And, I'm getting stuff like self repair 4?  Really?  Self repair 4?  or 5?  I'm thinking I messed up the whole process. 
  • GalluccioGalluccio Posts: 77
    A guy suggested using a forged metal of artifacts... I burned a charge.. I don't think it helped.
  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,694
    edited March 2021
    Galluccio said:
    Pawain said:
    Thanks tried the Shadow hammer on 4 weapons.  Got a 100% Poison and 3 duds.

    Saved me 5M.
    Statements like this... aren't helpful.  To me it sounds like they guy tried 4 times and got a 100 percent poison item.  So, If I'm not doing the same as he is then I'm doing it wrong somehow.  When, I'm trying 10 times I don't even see a change in the color at all... I"m thinking I must be doing it wrong.  And, I'm getting stuff like self repair 4?  Really?  Self repair 4?  or 5?  I'm thinking I messed up the whole process. 
    Sorry if you read the whole thread, I and others mention you need a lot of hammers to make anything.  I happened to get something I wanted in 4 tries that time.  10 tries is also not enough.
    When reforging you need scores of runics.  We are talking about combining the tools to the max and needing scores of tools to get an item we would keep.
    I'll go thru 20 90 charge Barbed kits to make 1 piece of armor that I may use.  It won't have max stats either but its a decent item.

    Enhancing is not reforging you enhance after you have the weapon you want and have it powdered.

    Yes crafting is complicated. The UWF guild has crafting fairs on Atlantic each weekend, it just began today.  You should go check that out.

    But you are the guy that made that spectacular Kama so maybe we thought you knew what you were doing.
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • Arroth_ThaielArroth_Thaiel Posts: 1,100
    edited March 2021
    Galluccio said:
    When people are talking about enchacing, I feel like they are leaving some steps out of the process which people are just "supposed to know.  Then, the articles are all of a sudden "Advanced articles" for those who already know what they are doing.
    Yes, this is a thread that started with a question about more advanced crafting.


    However, you appear new to crafting and looking for 100% Elemental Damage weapons, so here is a basic walkthrough:

    1. Creation:
    Make a weapon from iron ingots using a Smith's hammer.  Keep making the weapon until you get an exceptional version. The character will need the Blacksmithing skill. Notice the damage type is 100% Physical.

    2. Runic Reforge:
    Now use a Runic hammer on that exceptional weapon while standing beside a Soulforge. The character will need the Imbuing skill. You can only Reforge a weapon once. It will most likely take many exceptional weapons (10's) and many charges of Runic hammers (100's) to obtain the properties you are looking for. 

    2a. If you use a Shadow Runic hammer at this point and select the options from earlier in this thread, you will have a chance to Reforge your exceptional weapon to have one of the other damage types at 100% (100% Fire or 100% Poison instead of 100% Physical). If successful, this is now a 100% Elemental weapon (Fire, Cold, Poison, Energy, or Chaos). You can only Reforge each exceptional weapon once, so it will probably take many exceptional weapons and many charges from the Shadow Runic hammer to obtain a weapon with a damage type at 100%. Using a Shadow Runic hammer is the easiest method to convert your original 100% Physical Damage exceptional weapon into a 100% Elemental Damage (Fire, Cold, Poison, Energy, or Chaos) exceptional weapon. 

    2b. You may use a Dull Copper Runic hammer at this point, instead of a Shadow Runic hammer. Select the options discussed earlier in this thread and you will have a chance to Reforge your 100% Physical Damage exceptional weapon to have multiple damage types: i.e. 60% Fire, 40% Physical. If you are looking for a 100% Fire Damage weapon, keep this 60% Fire 40% Physical exceptional weapon. You will Enhance this exceptional weapon at a later point in the crafting process to have 100% Fire Damage. Again, it may take many exceptional weapons and many charges from the Dull Copper Runic hammer to obtain an acceptable weapon.

    To determine what %'s of Elemental Damage types are acceptable to keep for later Enhancing, see my notes from earlier in this thread, or the page:
    Runic Reforging for Specific Properties – Ultima Online (uo.com)

    3. Powder of Fortification:
    Once you have completed Runic Reforging (you have the % Damage type you want) and prior to Imbuing, use Powder of Fortification on the weapon if you would like. You must use Powder of Fortification at this step, prior to Imbuing, as once your Runic Reforged exceptional weapon is Imbued it cannot have Powder of Fortification applied. Conversely, if you use Powder of Fortification prior to Runic Reforging, the Durability bonus from using the Powder will be lost when the Reforging takes place, wasting the Powder of Fortification. Powder of Fortification will increase the weapons durability by 10 for each Powder of Fortification used. You may use Powder of Fortification on the weapon until it reaches 255/255 Durability.   

    4. Imbue:
    Stand beside a Soulforge and Imbue your Powdered - Runic Reforged - Exceptionally Crafted weapon with whatever properties you want. The character must have Imbuing skill.

    5. Enhance:
    The character will require a plain smith's hammer and the Blacksmithing skill. The more powerful your weapon, the more likely it will be destroyed in the Enhancing attempt. Using a +60 Ancient Smithing Hammer will increase your chances of successfully Enhancing, but you will still have a chance to fail, destroying the now expensive and time consuming weapon you just made.

    Therefore, many crafters purchase a Forged Metal of Artifacts from the UO store. Using the Forged Metal of Artifacts to Enhance your weapon will be 100% successful. Your weapon will not be destroyed.

    You can use Enhancing to add properties to your weapon beyond the Imbuing limitations. The full properties list can be found here:
    Material Bonuses – Ultima Online (uo.com)

    This is the step where you will select your colored material.

    If you used a Dull Copper Runic hammer during the Runic Reforing step, and Reforged to an exceptional weapon with 60% Fire 40% Physical damage types, you would now double click the tool (smith's hammer or Forged Metal of Artifacts), select Bronze Ingots, and Enhance. If successful (Forged Metal of Artifacts will always be successful), the weapon would be Enhanced with Bronze ingots, transferring the 40% Physical Damage to 40% Fire Damage and resulting in a 100% Fire Damage weapon (Or 100% Elemental Fire weapon, however you want to say it.)

    Again, to see what materials you need to Enhance with to obtain different % Elemental Damage results, see my notes earlier in this thread or the page:
    Runic Reforging for Specific Properties – Ultima Online (uo.com)

    6. Insure:
    Remember to Insure your Exceptionally Crafted, Runic Reforged, Powdered, Imbued, Enhanced Weapon.


    Good luck!
  • MoulinRMoulinR Posts: 7
    Hi folks,.. I'm back....
    Now I'm trying to copy a wooden chest of my friend.,,
    He got a Woodland Chest of Slaughter with +5 HCI and +10 DI...
    I`ve created a excepcional item, then used a oak runic but i`m getting only hci+4 (that would be ok),... but when I enhance with heartwood, I`m not able to get the damage increase prop....
    Is that way i`m doing wright?
  • dvviddvvid Posts: 849
    Heartwood gives a random property from a set group of properties. Are you at least getting some other property? How may tries did you take? It’s rng so it’s hard to get exactly what you want. 
  • BenBen Posts: 263
    edited June 2021
    Pawain said:
    No need to discuss, looking for the best runic tool to reforge each type weapon.






    Lots of returning players want to make their own. 
    I buy what I need to avoid the boredom.

    Shadow Runic. Exquisite of Quality. Shadow Runic hammer will produce one additional factor, usually an elemental, but sometines, but rarely, a second. Leaving you enhancements to imbue. All others will add more most of the time, leaving you less room for imbuing. Saves money, material and time.
  • YoshiYoshi Posts: 3,322
    Galluccio said:
    When people are talking about enchacing, I feel like they are leaving some steps out of the process which people are just "supposed to know.  Then, the articles are all of a sudden "Advanced articles" for those who already know what they are doing.
    Yes, this is a thread that started with a question about more advanced crafting.


    However, you appear new to crafting and looking for 100% Elemental Damage weapons, so here is a basic walkthrough:

    1. Creation:
    Make a weapon from iron ingots using a Smith's hammer.  Keep making the weapon until you get an exceptional version. The character will need the Blacksmithing skill. Notice the damage type is 100% Physical.

    2. Runic Reforge:
    Now use a Runic hammer on that exceptional weapon while standing beside a Soulforge. The character will need the Imbuing skill. You can only Reforge a weapon once. It will most likely take many exceptional weapons (10's) and many charges of Runic hammers (100's) to obtain the properties you are looking for. 

    2a. If you use a Shadow Runic hammer at this point and select the options from earlier in this thread, you will have a chance to Reforge your exceptional weapon to have one of the other damage types at 100% (100% Fire or 100% Poison instead of 100% Physical). If successful, this is now a 100% Elemental weapon (Fire, Cold, Poison, Energy, or Chaos). You can only Reforge each exceptional weapon once, so it will probably take many exceptional weapons and many charges from the Shadow Runic hammer to obtain a weapon with a damage type at 100%. Using a Shadow Runic hammer is the easiest method to convert your original 100% Physical Damage exceptional weapon into a 100% Elemental Damage (Fire, Cold, Poison, Energy, or Chaos) exceptional weapon. 

    2b. You may use a Dull Copper Runic hammer at this point, instead of a Shadow Runic hammer. Select the options discussed earlier in this thread and you will have a chance to Reforge your 100% Physical Damage exceptional weapon to have multiple damage types: i.e. 60% Fire, 40% Physical. If you are looking for a 100% Fire Damage weapon, keep this 60% Fire 40% Physical exceptional weapon. You will Enhance this exceptional weapon at a later point in the crafting process to have 100% Fire Damage. Again, it may take many exceptional weapons and many charges from the Dull Copper Runic hammer to obtain an acceptable weapon.

    To determine what %'s of Elemental Damage types are acceptable to keep for later Enhancing, see my notes from earlier in this thread, or the page:
    Runic Reforging for Specific Properties – Ultima Online (uo.com)

    3. Powder of Fortification:
    Once you have completed Runic Reforging (you have the % Damage type you want) and prior to Imbuing, use Powder of Fortification on the weapon if you would like. You must use Powder of Fortification at this step, prior to Imbuing, as once your Runic Reforged exceptional weapon is Imbued it cannot have Powder of Fortification applied. Conversely, if you use Powder of Fortification prior to Runic Reforging, the Durability bonus from using the Powder will be lost when the Reforging takes place, wasting the Powder of Fortification. Powder of Fortification will increase the weapons durability by 10 for each Powder of Fortification used. You may use Powder of Fortification on the weapon until it reaches 255/255 Durability.   

    4. Imbue:
    Stand beside a Soulforge and Imbue your Powdered - Runic Reforged - Exceptionally Crafted weapon with whatever properties you want. The character must have Imbuing skill.

    5. Enhance:
    The character will require a plain smith's hammer and the Blacksmithing skill. The more powerful your weapon, the more likely it will be destroyed in the Enhancing attempt. Using a +60 Ancient Smithing Hammer will increase your chances of successfully Enhancing, but you will still have a chance to fail, destroying the now expensive and time consuming weapon you just made.

    Therefore, many crafters purchase a Forged Metal of Artifacts from the UO store. Using the Forged Metal of Artifacts to Enhance your weapon will be 100% successful. Your weapon will not be destroyed.

    You can use Enhancing to add properties to your weapon beyond the Imbuing limitations. The full properties list can be found here:
    Material Bonuses – Ultima Online (uo.com)

    This is the step where you will select your colored material.

    If you used a Dull Copper Runic hammer during the Runic Reforing step, and Reforged to an exceptional weapon with 60% Fire 40% Physical damage types, you would now double click the tool (smith's hammer or Forged Metal of Artifacts), select Bronze Ingots, and Enhance. If successful (Forged Metal of Artifacts will always be successful), the weapon would be Enhanced with Bronze ingots, transferring the 40% Physical Damage to 40% Fire Damage and resulting in a 100% Fire Damage weapon (Or 100% Elemental Fire weapon, however you want to say it.)

    Again, to see what materials you need to Enhance with to obtain different % Elemental Damage results, see my notes earlier in this thread or the page:
    Runic Reforging for Specific Properties – Ultima Online (uo.com)

    6. Insure:
    Remember to Insure your Exceptionally Crafted, Runic Reforged, Powdered, Imbued, Enhanced Weapon.


    Good luck!
    “You actually should insure the item before you imbue it, this saves on insurance cost :p
    Posts on this account have been pre filtered from personal comment or opinion in an effort to suppress conservative views in order to protect the reader.
  • BenBen Posts: 263
    Galluccio said:
    I've been trying to follow steps here and I'm only ending in frustration.   

  • SkettSkett Posts: 1,723
    Why does crafting have to be so complicated?
    especially when it’s not as good as most legendary loot
    the recourse need the time it takes ….
    Just Why lol  
  • McDougleMcDougle Posts: 4,084
    Skett said:
    Why does crafting have to be so complicated?
    especially when it’s not as good as most legendary loot
    the recourse need the time it takes ….
    Just Why lol  
    You will accept the randomness and frustration or be ostracized...
    Acknowledgment and accountability go a long way... 
  • Lord_FrodoLord_Frodo Posts: 2,440
  • ShadeweaverShadeweaver Posts: 12
    Something has seriously changed for reforging weapons!! I burned through 15 shadow hammers and never got one 100% elemental of any kind???? Never have I gone through that many hammers without getting at least one 100% weapon. Is anyone else having this problem?
  • YoshiYoshi Posts: 3,322
    "no, what options did you select?"
    Posts on this account have been pre filtered from personal comment or opinion in an effort to suppress conservative views in order to protect the reader.
  • ShadeweaverShadeweaver Posts: 12
    Yoshi said:
    "no, what options did you select?"
    I didn't have powerful selected, think that is what I did wrong. I have now, Powerful Reforging, grand artifice and inspired artifice selcted with quality

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