Treasures of the Fey Feedback
Lots of spawn on LS.
Many are standing around the entry and going in to insta die.
Lots of fun so far. Many are helping each other.
Cossack trying to teach us what to do but no one will listen.

Many are standing around the entry and going in to insta die.
Lots of fun so far. Many are helping each other.
Cossack trying to teach us what to do but no one will listen.

Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
no lag
Mind, you'll still die a lot... so insure drops as they go in your pack. Paragons are fickle.
I applaud the thought to allow people another way to get turn-in points aside from killing stuff but when it's a way that can be endlessly scripted; the whole dungeon scripting complaint kinda goes out the window (the multiboxers are there for every event btw).
Few things to keep in mind before complaining about the dungeon:
LOL - On Chessy, I call that the paragon dump. I wouldn't recall into it. I find the back half where you fish at is clearer.
And you eventually managed to figure it out. It really wasn't that hard, was it?
3 of use were having fun on the second and 3rd levels until the 3rd level was un manageable. So we changed to 1 and 2 ramp. I only got 4 drops doing that tho...
People are getting super frustrated on ATL (including myself) that the spawn is still 75% in the front and west wall but it's just reduced AND it's still laggy. So I'm running around trying to find stuff on my sampire and it's kinda empty except for a few paragon shadow wyrms or GD people have tucked back there which I can't solo.
As it stands now, best bet if just to grab a weaver/mage with med and continue to spam (more slowly) area spells while throwing down a reaper near the entrance; you know just completely grid lock that area. You will get the same amount of drops standing in the same place essentially afk casting as you will by actually trying to go fight stuff. The paragons are a problem to handle outside of these designated kill zones so might as well just afk spam in the kill zpnes.
How many drops did you get inside the killzone yesterday in an hour versus how many did you get this afternoon after they changed it?
When talking about the killzone; I averaged 70ish an hour yesterday casually playing (I died quite a few times when something locked on to me so could have been more if I didn't die and need rezzed) compared to today getting a best of 17 in an hour (no deaths). Are you telling me that you were able to get as many today as you were yesterday because I think that's a lie.
Also keep in mind that just about every other single treasures event I have worked with my sampire my average is about 60-70/hr so it's not like I don't get drops. When they made the change and the drops totally sunk while doing AoE, I took my sampire around the whole dungeon and it's not spawning fast enough to kill anything to get more than maybe 10 an hour.
Now I'm not saying we need to get 70+ drops for just sitting in 1 spot spamming AoE but that disparity is too much compared to what it's been in other events and what it was yesterday. I feel like the change really only negatively impacts the honest player actively playing because I'm going to be bored only receiving 10-20 drops an hour running all around whereas the people running bots standing in the same location spamming AoE have no issue parking 5 accounts there all day.
Yesterday on Origin was close to 100 drops in an hour, standing meleeing w my sampire... today, being not so full a shard, we were about 12 ppl, 4 of us managed to create a grinder, and with potion only managed 40 drops in the hour... not as much fun as yesterday, and if the discouraged population dwindles even more, no-one will be able to do the spawn, cuz at some point it's only paragons, and an army is needed for that... and armies want drops and mobs to kill... it was better yesterday.
Now it makes more sense to just go and get more eggs, which is about the same return ratio as with the potion, and without having to waste money.
This currently ATL at 7:30am local time and only near the entrance.
This is currently Origin:
I can repost a pic in 3 hours when it's the same local time for Origin but we all know it won't even be close.
Please give us more stuff to kill!! Either open Fel or add spawn to tram... I'm getting very bored of 10-12 drops an hour on ATL; people can collect more eggs than that per hour. The risk vs reward here doesn't equate. I collect zero death robes collecting eggs and the drop rate is the same as collecting death robes inside the dungeon?
1. Maybe most of those people on ATL are jobless, retired etc and can be on to play a video game at 7 in the morning.
2. The people on Origin are not stupid and try to keep the entrance clear and head up the mountain west a've been there.
The spawn rate jumps up quite a bit once you get a few people in there killing things. Just gotta be on at the right time on Origin...and those ATL people need to learn to get away from the entrance lol. GO WEST MY FRIENDS..GO WEST!
But not too west, mind you, lest the cartels of the jobless end up crashing and couch-surfing in decent shards!
The one thing that I think is hilarious is that my point has been made about the initial decrease to the spawn only benefited the people scripting because if you check out that same area just 20-30min after the spawn points changed this is what you see... lots of ghost that ended up dying when everyone else moved to the spawn and a couple wraiths still spamming wither with nothing around.
Immediate changes needed.
Meanwhile if you go over to the crimson drake spawn area to the east or very back of the dungeon you will see 2 things spawned tops and you have to wait the normal respawn time of a minute or so for them to respawn.