What is the deal with Bloodwood Boards

Hey all, just curious what the deal is with Bloodwood Boards as I cannot seem to keep them stocked lately on my vendor. What are they being used for in such quantities?


  • poppspopps Posts: 4,130
    Perhaps someone wanting to decorate their home with furniture of that particular color ?
  • OrdoviciaOrdovicia Posts: 36
    popps said:
    Perhaps someone wanting to decorate their home with furniture of that particular color ?

    Yeah I guess, but this has been 1000's of boards over the last month.
  • LarisaLarisa Posts: 1,231
    Same with the seeds of life...suddenly THOUSANDS for sale on ATL....a RARE item from monster stealing...how are ppl getting THOUSANDS all of the sudden?

    When I see things like this...one thing comes to mind...which I cannot speak of...:(

    I know that if you either make or enhance the woodland armor with bloodwood it gives HP regen....

  • CinderellaCinderella Posts: 1,795
    could be people are also using them for bulk order deeds.
    (I know I am going to try to do as much as I can between events)

    or maybe you have them listed for a low price
    and someone is buying them to resell.
    (most people don't buy them for that purpose.
    they just don't want to go out lumberjacking themselves)
  • McDougleMcDougle Posts: 4,082
    Thanks to the wonderful randomness our crafting system is you can burn through 1000s of materials trying to craft a specific piece...
    Acknowledgment and accountability go a long way... 
  • OrdoviciaOrdovicia Posts: 36
    Larisa said:
    Same with the seeds of life...suddenly THOUSANDS for sale on ATL....a RARE item from monster stealing...how are ppl getting THOUSANDS all of the sudden?

    When I see things like this...one thing comes to mind...which I cannot speak of...:(

    I know that if you either make or enhance the woodland armor with bloodwood it gives HP regen....

    Yeah I wondered about crafting and thought I was missing something important that Bloodwood applied to gear. However, the HP regen isn't that great but maybe I am wrong.
  • McDougleMcDougle Posts: 4,082
    True as when crafting you use regular maybe buying and turning in to vesper museum or brit
    Acknowledgment and accountability go a long way... 
  • OrdoviciaOrdovicia Posts: 36
    could be people are also using them for bulk order deeds.
    (I know I am going to try to do as much as I can between events)

    or maybe you have them listed for a low price
    and someone is buying them to resell.
    (most people don't buy them for that purpose.
    they just don't want to go out lumberjacking themselves)

    Yeah I was thinking BODs as well. The buying to resell is possible since I have the best price but I just cannot bring myself to price things that I don't feel are that hard to get at ridiculously high prices.That and I would rather move the product at a fair price fast than let it sit on my vendor for weeks or months. Also, the overly inflated prices take the wind out of people's sails for playing the game, especially for newer and returning players.
  • AmberWitchAmberWitch Posts: 698
    And add to this people scripting trade runs.. using moongates.. When stopped and asked why, the response was 'for the resources'. We all know you get crappy amounts of resources doing trade runs.
    I just don't get it. Something is going on.
  • McDougleMcDougle Posts: 4,082
    With pirating i don't think anyone has issues getting resources any longer 
    Acknowledgment and accountability go a long way... 
  • OrdoviciaOrdovicia Posts: 36
    McDougle said:
    With pirating i don't think anyone has issues getting resources any longer 

    You would think, but I sell most of my high end resources (and yes from pirating) very quickly (I do VS everything I put on my vendor to assure lowest price). So my thought is some people don't understand how to pirate or simply think it is annoying and time consuming sailing around the ocean looking for the merchants.
  • Larisa said:
    Same with the seeds of life...suddenly THOUSANDS for sale on ATL....a RARE item from monster stealing...how are ppl getting THOUSANDS all of the sudden?

    When I see things like this...one thing comes to mind...which I cannot speak of...:(

    You should see some of the High Seas fish stacks that were on Atlantic VS. Like 30k of a particular Fish. Getting 30k total of all the High Seas fish combined is quite the feat, let alone 30k of a single type. Even for a scripter that'd be impressive, especially considering each of his script accounts would have to be updated with High Seas to get those fish, and you'd need an army of script Fishermen to pull in that many fish. Some of those would be bound to get caught and banned. Lot of RL $ (High Seas upgrades) to sink into accounts that'd just get banned.

    Something fishy is going on... ;)
  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,658
    When Khaldun became active players were giving me 60k fish deeds to make the pet food.

    A player mined 30k sand for the bottles in one day.

    A player chopped trees for materials to make all of us new scrappers.

    You just don't understand the capabilities of resource gatherers. 
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • KirthagKirthag Posts: 541
    what Pawain said... +100
  • Pawain said:
    When Khaldun became active players were giving me 60k fish deeds to make the pet food.

    A player mined 30k sand for the bottles in one day.

    A player chopped trees for materials to make all of us new scrappers.

    You just don't understand the capabilities of resource gatherers. 

    Were those 60k of High Seas Fish, or regular Fish? I've known several players that script fished, and even they didn't accumulate 30k (let alone 60k) of any particular High Seas Fish. One player i know has a veritable army of scripted Fishermen that he uses to farm MiBs with for Fabled Fishing Nets, he'll pull in a ton of regular Fish, but not High Seas fish (no High Seas booster on his frequently banned fishing accounts).
  • poppspopps Posts: 4,130
    Larisa said:
    Same with the seeds of life...suddenly THOUSANDS for sale on ATL....a RARE item from monster stealing...how are ppl getting THOUSANDS all of the sudden?

    When I see things like this...one thing comes to mind...which I cannot speak of...:(

    You should see some of the High Seas fish stacks that were on Atlantic VS. Like 30k of a particular Fish. Getting 30k total of all the High Seas fish combined is quite the feat, let alone 30k of a single type. Even for a scripter that'd be impressive, especially considering each of his script accounts would have to be updated with High Seas to get those fish, and you'd need an army of script Fishermen to pull in that many fish. Some of those would be bound to get caught and banned. Lot of RL $ (High Seas upgrades) to sink into accounts that'd just get banned.

    Something fishy is going on... ;)
    Does anyone know whether there is going to be an update to fishing stuff which would make that stuff good to have, especially in large quantities ?
  • poppspopps Posts: 4,130
    edited March 2022
    Pawain said:
    When Khaldun became active players were giving me 60k fish deeds to make the pet food.

    A player mined 30k sand for the bottles in one day.

    A player chopped trees for materials to make all of us new scrappers.

    You just don't understand the capabilities of resource gatherers. 

    Were those 60k of High Seas Fish, or regular Fish? I've known several players that script fished, and even they didn't accumulate 30k (let alone 60k) of any particular High Seas Fish. One player i know has a veritable army of scripted Fishermen that he uses to farm MiBs with for Fabled Fishing Nets, he'll pull in a ton of regular Fish, but not High Seas fish (no High Seas booster on his frequently banned fishing accounts).
    One player i know has a veritable army of scripted Fishermen that he uses to farm MiBs with for Fabled Fishing Nets

    Is there any rewarding activity in Ultima Online that is NOT scripted by anyone because Designed and coded in a way that it simply "cannot " be scripted, just out of curiosity ?
  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,658
    edited March 2022
    Pawain said:
    When Khaldun became active players were giving me 60k fish deeds to make the pet food.

    A player mined 30k sand for the bottles in one day.

    A player chopped trees for materials to make all of us new scrappers.

    You just don't understand the capabilities of resource gatherers. 

    Were those 60k of High Seas Fish, or regular Fish? I've known several players that script fished, and even they didn't accumulate 30k (let alone 60k) of any particular High Seas Fish. One player i know has a veritable army of scripted Fishermen that he uses to farm MiBs with for Fabled Fishing Nets, he'll pull in a ton of regular Fish, but not High Seas fish (no High Seas booster on his frequently banned fishing accounts).
    You have to meet Gabby on LS she is better than a robot at doing mindless tasks. By the time we found you could use any fish for the treats as long as you also had the infused ones, she had 20k infused fish. Not all the same type.. I think we found out the second day.
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
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