Healing skill buff

I suggest healing needs to be looked over, anyone can bleed a person with healing non stop and cause their bandaids to heal for nothing.. from the way I understand it bleed is supposed to be treated similarly to poison but it currently only takes away the bleed effect doesn't take it away and heal for less (actually sometimes it does but not always and this is at 120 anatomy 120 healing with enhanced bandages) just nullifies bandages outright if bleed is stacked or bleed is hit with splinter.. please consider fixing this its really random how often it takes off bleed and heals (almost never) I have been testing this had someone hit me with a bleed 19 damage hit my bandage only stopped bleeding didnt heal anything at 120/120 with enhanced bandage....  


  • McDougleMcDougle Posts: 4,084
    This has always been the case 
    Acknowledgment and accountability go a long way... 
  • ezikelezikel Posts: 90
    it's always been like that.it was perfect with only bleed that comes from a special move.the problem now is that we add splintering, a free bleed with almost any special which makes healing almost useless .bleed, slow walk and damage and the only things 240 skill does is remove the slow walk.i ask this change for alsmost 2 years if not more .but look like dev dont care or just dont understand how stupid is become the situation 
  • hunter11hunter11 Posts: 223
    edited January 2022
    its broken if i were to fight anyone with healing i can non stop bleed them and they will never get a heal off with the bandage only take away the bleed and you can use a non splinter weapon and do this also and they will only stop the bleed almost 90% of the time.. and even if this is how its intended to work I believe it needs a buff 
  • hunter11hunter11 Posts: 223
    Okay... I think I have an honest solution to this... honestly think healing needs a buff yes its fast and can heal for a lot but a good player willing to bleed a lot and do over 19 damage can nerf a ton of skill very fast perhaps make it so bandages dont slip after taking only 19 damage in pvp just it up some?
  • Or have bandages cure the poison and do a lesser heal on top at higher levels 
  • gaygay Posts: 407
    edited February 2022
    tldr: guy who uses literally every single consumable in game needs better consumables because confidence, hpr, and healing potions are fine for everyone else except him. lets not even bring up playing with four mystic mages who specifically only cast cleanse winds and use a target lowest friendly "macro".

    also: when i dont go protection and take any point of damage, my spell is interrupted. i think when i am casting a greater heal that it should never be subject to interruption. this is with 120 magery and 120 eval int. and if i do go protection i can still be interrupted with the archer special "Force Arrow". please fix this. because it means literally anyone doing 1 point of damage to me can negate my spells, and being able to be outplayed by other players is NOT what i imagine when i think about pvp.

  • You say healing needs to be looked at then mention bleed six times.  Man I never thought I'd hear someone brought down to their knees from bleeding for like a decade now.
  • Del805Del805 Posts: 27
    gay said:
    tldr: guy who uses literally every single consumable in game needs better consumables because confidence, hpr, and healing potions are fine for everyone else except him. lets not even bring up playing with four mystic mages who specifically only cast cleanse winds and use a target lowest friendly "macro".

    also: when i dont go protection and take any point of damage, my spell is interrupted. i think when i am casting a greater heal that it should never be subject to interruption. this is with 120 magery and 120 eval int. and if i do go protection i can still be interrupted with the archer special "Force Arrow". please fix this. because it means literally anyone doing 1 point of damage to me can negate my spells, and being able to be outplayed by other players is NOT what i imagine when i think about pvp.

    Comparing Healing to magery or bushido is not even the same. Magery provides weapon defense, aoe, fields, damage, utility/Healing. Bushido provided you with defense and enhanced your weapon abilities. You invest pretty much the same amount of points into Healing as.. all three of them require around 200 points to be effective with their 2ndary skill; however, Healing does one thing it heals... 

    Healing like meditation is potent in a 1 vs 1 setting. So you need to be careful because it will be impossible to kill someone in a smaller number of fights if you buff it too much.

    In best-case scenario, we see a healing mastery. That does the following. 
    *Increases the amount of damage needed to cause finger slippage. (based on real skill)
    *Increase Healing from all sources by X%.(based on real skill)
    Allow Healing to count as a combat lower mana cost skill. 

  • gaygay Posts: 407
  • LynkLynk Posts: 186
    the content of del's post is pretty bad, but the one nugget there is healing mastery wouldn't be so bad.  I could see stacking the mastery with some other enhanced healing benefits that could make some fun things to play.
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