Smithing BOD Question

Hey Folks, can someone that is savvy with the smithing BOD system tell me what they would do with BODs like normal Bronze, Shadow, Copper, Gold singles.
It seems as if you never change to exceptional above dull copper/iron when bribing. Above that, the bride seems to always go to the next color up and at significant price. You need 20 normal gold just to get a powder of fort that sell for 150k per jar of 10 charges. If you bribe it all the way to 20 normal verite you can get a shadow hammer that sells for ~300k.
It seems that you can still make a profit but most is eaten up during the bribe for the normal color BODs, especially if you start at, say, shadow.
Anyway, I was just curious what others are doing with these BODs because my OCD has them piling up and not tossing them in the trash when I feel like I should.


  • TimStTimSt Posts: 1,915
    edited February 2022
    I have limits on what I am willing to pay for bribes. For example for Iron and Dull Cooper I will not pay any bribe over 1000. For Shadow Iron I will not go over 1400, etc. with a max of 3000 for valorite for a small that is not going to be included in a large.

    If an NPC requests a bribe higher than one of my limits I just move onto the next NPC. Which is easy because I have runic atlas's filled with NPC shop locations.

    For some bods I just say enough is enough, fill them, then stick them into books for use during the artisan festivals.
  • Thanks TimSt. What happens during the artisan festivals that makes turning them in better?

    I just tried to experiment with what the cost would be to go from normal shadow to normal agapite and every single smith in every town was "being watched", never seen everyone out of commission before.
  • Lord_FrodoLord_Frodo Posts: 2,440
    When you factor in the cost for bribing and ingots Norm colored bods are worthless.  The only norm colored bods I keep are Plate, it is cheaper to bribe them up as norm to val then at 20N Val take it to 20X Val for Val Hammers.  I have been known to drop BOD books with norm smith colors at the bank LOL
  • If they aren't enough points to get POF i will bribe them until they are, then turn them in for POF. unless like @Lord_Frodo said, they are plate.
    A Goblin, a Gargoyle, and a Drow walk into a bar . . .

    Never be afraid to challenge the status quo

  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,658
    edited February 2022

    The gold price of PoF is crazy high compared to the past. 450 BOD points

    Use the armor pieces that are exceptional and take them to shadow. Any amount in exc shadow is 460 points.

    The ones that are not exceptional will probably take a while to get exceptional. So, those you use to make shadow hammers once they get to agapite or exceptional earlier.

    Bribing.  Have a book with all the smith locations.  Start with the highest BOD and find a smith that does it for 0.  Sometimes you may have to hold BODs for a day or two depending on how many have bribed them.  But an exceptional armor BOD will usually bribe to shadow in 2 tries.

    Hint:  Zento has a lot of all the Professions to bribe up BODs.
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • keven2002keven2002 Posts: 2,384
    Ordovicia said:
    Thanks TimSt. What happens during the artisan festivals that makes turning them in better?

    I think the thought for the artisan festival is not to turn them into smiths but rather to the elf to help grow the tree.

    When you factor in the cost for bribing and ingots Norm colored bods are worthless.  The only norm colored bods I keep are Plate, it is cheaper to bribe them up as norm to val then at 20N Val take it to 20X Val for Val Hammers.  
    Interesting that you go for Val hammers; is there a real use for them? I feel like they give way too much randomness while also not enough max properties. 

    I've done some smithing recently for just a change of pace and I'll bribe up bods until they are at least POF but over the past few days I've spent a little more to bribe them up to the gold ore maps because it seems like my stash there is lacking (agapite/verite/val all are well stocked from pirating). 

    I do take all armor BODs bc eventually you can bribe them into something good... but if I receive a weapon BOD I just leave it on the ground.
  • It's a little known secret( aka being screamed from the rooftops) that certain Bajaian Governors are already busy at work doing bods and accepting bods for the next Artisan's Festival. So if anyone is bored and doesn't know what to do with themselves until the next event one can always do some large bods and drop them in your Governor's mailbox.  Just sayin.....

    Another shameless plug for the Baja Artisan's Festival.
  • TimStTimSt Posts: 1,915
    @keven2002 the higher the bankable points of the bods you give the elf the better your chance of getting an artisan gift if the tree does not get a star. So bribe up as far as you are willing to spend.

    Fill the weapon BODs and turn them in to get more BoDs. Just remember to not turn in more than 3 weapon BODs at a time before you ask for more BoDs because you will max out at 3 again. So if you turn in 10 BODS at once you will get only 3 BODS in return. But if you turn in a BOD then get a BOD ten times you will end up with 10 unfilled BODs.
  • keven2002keven2002 Posts: 2,384
    TimSt said:
    @ keven2002 the higher the bankable points of the bods you give the elf the better your chance of getting an artisan gift if the tree does not get a star. So bribe up as far as you are willing to spend.
    Ahh that makes more sense.
  • This thread was very helpful, thanks to all that replied.

    I did some experimenting with bribing up the normal colored BODs that I was hoarding and it still seemed quite profitable to reach POFs, Shadow Runics, and even copper Runics. Most of these non-exceptional started at dull copper/shadow. I even did a few non-exceptional iron pieces that oddly seem to turn exceptional when bribed far more often than colored BODs which seem to nearly always simply bride up to the next color and stay normal. I guess they can turn exceptional but only when they get to valorite but not positive on that.

  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,658
    Ordovicia said:
    This thread was very helpful, thanks to all that replied.

    I did some experimenting with bribing up the normal colored BODs that I was hoarding and it still seemed quite profitable to reach POFs, Shadow Runics, and even copper Runics. Most of these non-exceptional started at dull copper/shadow. I even did a few non-exceptional iron pieces that oddly seem to turn exceptional when bribed far more often than colored BODs which seem to nearly always simply bride up to the next color and stay normal. I guess they can turn exceptional but only when they get to valorite but not positive on that.

    Yup I can agree with that.  If a BOD starts changing color it seems to keep changing color till max.
    UO RNG.

    That's why I said use the armor exceptionals for PoF  then the ones that just keep changing color you use for hammers.
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
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