Resist Spells Won't Raise (HELP!)

I started playing my old mage again, and I thought he had 120.0 Resist Spells, but when I logged on he only had 90.0 and I couldn't find the missing skill in a soulstone anywhere.  So, I went about raising it and his Mysticism. 

Every time I cast a Mysticism spell like Nether Storm, the first time each day, I get my .1% skill.  However, when I try casting Mana Vampire on myself (or Flamestrike), or letting monsters cast spells on me, no gains with Resist Spells.  The skill is marked to go up, and there are points available to be drained so that it can go up.  Even if I'm unlucky I should be getting .1% gain every time I cast Mana Vampire on myself that first time in a 24 hour period right?  But no, nothing happens.

I've experimented for several days, but nothing I do raising Resisting Spells above 90.0 even though my Mysticism keeps climbing like it should.

Any ideas?  Please help!


  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,674
    edited January 2022
    You have Protection on?

     Let spellbinders cast on you in Haven and it will gain if it can.
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • poppspopps Posts: 4,134
    edited January 2022
    Templar said:
    I started playing my old mage again, and I thought he had 120.0 Resist Spells, but when I logged on he only had 90.0 and I couldn't find the missing skill in a soulstone anywhere.  So, I went about raising it and his Mysticism. 

    Every time I cast a Mysticism spell like Nether Storm, the first time each day, I get my .1% skill.  However, when I try casting Mana Vampire on myself (or Flamestrike), or letting monsters cast spells on me, no gains with Resist Spells.  The skill is marked to go up, and there are points available to be drained so that it can go up.  Even if I'm unlucky I should be getting .1% gain every time I cast Mana Vampire on myself that first time in a 24 hour period right?  But no, nothing happens.

    I've experimented for several days, but nothing I do raising Resisting Spells above 90.0 even though my Mysticism keeps climbing like it should.

    Any ideas?  Please help!
    Get a Crystal Ball of Knowledge (you might be able to find in on Vendor Search or ask in General Chat and someone might sell one to you or, just do the Quest to get one ; )

    Remember to turn on the Ball (it has to be in your main backpack), and it will tell you whether you are casting the right spells or not for your skill gains.

    Good Luck.
  • McDougleMcDougle Posts: 4,083
    Go to haven attack the spectral lead them to coast get on boat take nap
    Acknowledgment and accountability go a long way... 
  • McDougleMcDougle Posts: 4,083
    I will point out that the fact that skill gain doesn't happen with normal game play but must be trained with tricks a new player might not know is kinda embarrassing..and one of the things that has driven away everyone I've invited to play 
    Acknowledgment and accountability go a long way... 
  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,674
    edited January 2022
    McDougle said:
    I will point out that the fact that skill gain doesn't happen with normal game play but must be trained with tricks a new player might not know is kinda embarrassing..and one of the things that has driven away everyone I've invited to play 
    If you don't play against casters then it will not gain. If you do then it will.

    Magic resist is the easiest skill to gain if you fight casters.
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • McDougleMcDougle Posts: 4,083
    Pawain said:
    McDougle said:
    I will point out that the fact that skill gain doesn't happen with normal game play but must be trained with tricks a new player might not know is kinda embarrassing..and one of the things that has driven away everyone I've invited to play 
    If you don't play against casters then it will not gain. If you do then it will.

    Magic resist is the easiest skill to gain if you fight casters.
    Every character i used in wildfire was 118 or better not one made 120 ...
    Acknowledgment and accountability go a long way... 
  • MerusMerus Posts: 656
    Magic resist really only gets gains against curse type spells.  You won’t get resist from ebolts or flame strikes.  Seems like it’s having protection cast.
  • Ohhh, okay, so it's been changed a lot from what I remember (you could train it with Mana Vampire and Flamestrike at high level).  So, it sounds like I need to go find monsters that cast curse-like Necro. spells?  Think that would work?  Any good place to recommend?  Malas?

  • ChrilleChrille Posts: 220
    Spectral binders in New Haven the only thing they cast is curses, so depending on shard you can hide in a house or use a boat or just run around some.
  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,674
    Pawain said:
    You have Protection on?

     Let spellbinders cast on you in Haven and it will gain if it can.
    Like I said in the very first reply.
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • Arnold7Arnold7 Posts: 1,461
    Raising some, actually I think most, skills to their highest level requires endless repetition.  Go to Old Haven and since you are a mage hit every spectre with one magic arrow spell to get its attention so that it follows you around casting spells on you.  Just keep walking and casting until you have about a half dozen of them following you.  Then just keep walking.  If you don’t start making gains fairly quickly then something is wrong.   I never tried walking to the coast but on my shard there is a player memorial building in Old Haven.  The specters can’t climb the steps.  If you lead them there and stand on the steps, you don’t have to lead them any further to make gains. 
  • McDougleMcDougle Posts: 4,083
    Yes and fight farm creatures using a dagger or any weapon not of your chosen skill and bracelet of health for parry seriously...
    Acknowledgment and accountability go a long way... 
  • You'll be amazed how "Skill Gain Systems" work on UO... better make sure you do not have high skills for gaining skills...

    You need help with simple stuff? -- Otherwise - can I has your stuff?
  • Arnold7Arnold7 Posts: 1,461
    If you are a mage you probably do have cast protection so you can reliably cast spells without your concentration being disturbed.  Having protection on lowers you resist spells level a lot.
  • If you want to raise this through normal gameplay I'd recommend fighting balrons.
  • TimStTimSt Posts: 1,916
    edited January 2022
    No need to cast a spell or stab the spellbinders with a dagger. Just turn on attack mode and agro them from a distance. They will then start attacking you.  I've gotten 12 spellbinders to follow me around Old Haven casting curses at me while I casually walk around the town.

    And of course make sure you have set the skill to increase and does not have an auto lock value. Too many times I have forgotten that I locked my skills and wondered why my skill level does not increase.
  • Alternatively you can sit in the comfort of your house and spam/macro Clumsy, Feeblemind or Weaken on yourself, will take you 0-120.
    Grab a couple of alacrity scrolls and you can easily go zero to hero within an hour.  Get guilded 'friend(s)' to spam the same on you and you can go zero to hero in maybe 30 minutes or less.

    Obviously don't do it unattended, I shouldnt need to say that of course because we are all good law abiding britannian citizens in here.
  • BenBen Posts: 262
    edited January 2022
    Alternatively you can sit in the comfort of your house and spam/macro Clumsy, Feeblemind or Weaken on yourself, will take you 0-120.
    Grab a couple of alacrity scrolls and you can easily go zero to hero within an hour.  Get guilded 'friend(s)' to spam the same on you and you can go zero to hero in maybe 30 minutes or less.

    Obviously don't do it unattended, I shouldnt need to say that of course because we are all good law abiding britannian citizens in here.
    I believe that is how I did it years ago, more than once.
    "Zero to hero..." my man said. I love that.
  • RinerRiner Posts: 379
    Protection lowers resist spells by 35% but even if that was the case it would not let him gain .1 the first cast of the day. It sounds more like he is using the wrong spells as the one's the op listed won't raise resist spells. 
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