where on siege can i get the Artifacts & Equipment – Vice versus Virtue

GoldieGoldie Posts: 142
edited October 2021 in PvP / VvV
as the tittle states that is my question.  I want to experience this part of the game but would like to buy nice things. :)

Where on siege is the vendor :)

I have another question, do these work as in it will teleport you to the dungeon the tile is for? or deco
  • Vice Tile House Add-ons (10000 silver)
    • Vice Tile house add-ons that can be placed in a house.
      Wrong, Shame, Pride, Hythloth, Destard, Despise, Deceit, Covetous.


  • MariahMariah Posts: 3,399Moderator
    The tiles are deco only. They are the vice equivelant of the virtue tiles that are available from clean up.
  • GoldieGoldie Posts: 142
    edited October 2021
    ty ok not that much into deco
    , I don't like dusting.  So thats narrowing down what I can spend my silver on.
  • TjalleTjalle Posts: 86
    We don´t have the VvV artifacts/armour on Siege, Goldie.
  • GoldieGoldie Posts: 142
    ok ty

  • gaygay Posts: 406
    Siege doesn't have faction arties. The general populous of Siege is largely trammy aligned players who are against everything pvp, and they showed up in force to protest the existence of such things during a dev meet and greet. And of course their opinions were taken over all others.
  • McDougleMcDougle Posts: 4,083
    gay said:
    Siege doesn't have faction arties. The general populous of Siege is largely trammy aligned players who are against everything pvp, and they showed up in force to protest the existence of such things during a dev meet and greet. And of course their opinions were taken over all others.
    Since all the pvpers cry it's too hard all the trammies fled there for safety..
    Acknowledgment and accountability go a long way... 
  • GoldieGoldie Posts: 142
    I have for the last couple days done a few VVV battles.  I'm getting points but it seems very quiet I don't pvp but running around as a thief stealing the sigil, I think everyone's at hythloth.  I was thinking since I don't have arties to buy are the trans scrolls that I can buy for 10,000 points am I able to pick the skill I want it for?
  • McDougleMcDougle Posts: 4,083
    VvV is a joke none of the pvpers actually do it any longer than necessary to get the rewards when my not pvping self can own cities with no opposition..
    Acknowledgment and accountability go a long way... 
  • GoldieGoldie Posts: 142
    edited October 2021
    Mcdougle have you played it on siege? 
    is it just as quiet on the prodo shards also?

  • McDougleMcDougle Posts: 4,083
    Sorry not on Siege pac cats and Origin but the time i spend on Siege suggest it will be similar 
    Acknowledgment and accountability go a long way... 
  • TjalleTjalle Posts: 86
    gay said:
    Siege doesn't have faction arties. The general populous of Siege is largely trammy aligned players who are against everything pvp, and they showed up in force to protest the existence of such things during a dev meet and greet. And of course their opinions were taken over all others.
    It had to do with balance, not anti-PvP.
  • TjalleTjalle Posts: 86
    Goldie said:
    I have for the last couple days done a few VVV battles.  I'm getting points but it seems very quiet I don't pvp but running around as a thief stealing the sigil, I think everyone's at hythloth.  I was thinking since I don't have arties to buy are the trans scrolls that I can buy for 10,000 points am I able to pick the skill I want it for?
    According to UOGuide the scrolls are random when picked. And account bound so you can´t sell them.
  • GoldieGoldie Posts: 142
    thanks for the information   :)

    I guess its something to do when bored, seems only reason now
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