Has anyone seen new "a coffin" parts in Trove chests?
I'm slowly starting to believe the "a coffin" pieces are MIA, I've been doing level 7 maps since my return to the game a few years back and I have yet to find a single new piece. I can't possibly say how many level 7 maps I did since I came back, but it must be in the high end double digits, perhaps even three digits...
Has anyone seen new "a coffin" parts in their Trove chests recently?
I did not write down what package I got them from
(I am sure they were in a Cache, because I don't do Hoard or Trove by myself)
Coffin pieces should have a chance to spawn in any Malas Mage: Cache, Hoard, or Trove. No idea what that chance is though.
I have about 5 coffin pieces from doing them.
I have done LOT of the Supply maps and haven't gotten a coffin from them.
(my treasure hunter on Atlantic did a few Cache & got one there.
but she only does Supply maps now & hasn't gotten one since.
I now start writing down when I get something
and from what package I get them from.
I am planning on starting up the cache maps again
and will keep an eye out for the coffin