Public Davies
in Napa Valley
Always put one up when I Infest a new shard
Can use the tile for SeaHome if you need to use a Moonstone or Jawbone the ones at my personal Davies are set to anyone. Feel free to use the tele tiles to the public houses most are in useful locations for Mining/LJ/Taming/Hunting/Zoogie Farming/ Low level to high level combat skills training. The Fel Houses are private but also in useful locations and can hit the runes on the tiles for them. I have only been on Napa a couple of weeks now so still getting stuff set up, will eventually get public comod boxes set up at the mining and LJ houses. And Working on getting a full set of Z Maps with runes to them on the Tram Hag House floor. I will put a chest there if anyone wants to help out and drop maps I am missing in the chest
Tile at the tram Hag house to the Fel Hag House so you can easily run the quest in tram and finish it in fel for a fel T map
If a non fel house tile is not working let me know, I probably forgot to set its security to anyone

Enjoy or Not its there if you want to use it 
