Pre Feedback on Cu Sidhe Skins

PawainPawain Posts: 10,673
edited September 2021 in General Discussions
Not sure if these are set in stone yet.

We were told they will be out at the next publish.  Very excited !
We were told they will go on any color Cu including plain.
I assume we will still be able to mount them.

The Puppies at Blackthorns seemed kinda small. Will they be larger?

My only concern is how colors will be handled.

Players have Blaze Cus so they want that to still show.

Will the whole dog be colored as they started?

I would prefer a collar or something that is the color of the original Cu Sidhe. Even a bow or spot.

I have no Blaze Cu so I kinda don't care but I prefer they are not the solid color of the original.

Others may have input.

@Mesanna @Kyronix @ArtistName Levitica and Onifrk dont have tags. 
Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.


  • Lord_FrodoLord_Frodo Posts: 2,440
    @Pawain totally agree, I do not want to see a blaze dog running around, I also like the collar idea being the color of the Cu.  My concern is will these be timed, only last so long, and can we remove them.
  • CinderellaCinderella Posts: 1,796
    edited September 2021
    @ Pawain totally agree, I do not want to see a blaze dog running around, I also like the collar idea being the color of the Cu.  My concern is will these be timed, only last so long, and can we remove them.
    patch notes says that you can remove the pet costumes.
    but they are character bound.
    when you purchase the pet costume, the point goes to the Pet Groomer.
    and when you remove the pet costume from the pet, it goes back to the Pet Groomer.

    you CAN'T transfer or release the pet with a pet costume on.
  • Lord_FrodoLord_Frodo Posts: 2,440
  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,673
    Looks like I was too late. They are already finished with them.
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • Lord_FrodoLord_Frodo Posts: 2,440
    Can't wait to see what they look like
  • LarisaLarisa Posts: 1,233
    What I am curious about:

    • Cu Sidhe Pet Costumes
      • You will be able to purchase a costume credit which will allow you to groom a bonded pet into one of the following alternate styles:
        • Newfoundland
        • Malamute
        • Great Dane
        • Saint Bernard
        • Russian Terrier
        • Rottweiler
      • Costumes are pet-specific and must be applied to the corresponding pet breed and can be applied to any color corresponding pet.
      • This credit is usable ONLY by the purchasing character
      • This credit is stored on the purchasing character and can be applied to your pet at the Pet Groomer
      • Pet Groomers are located at various stables throughout the world
      • Once the credit is applied, the groomer can style your pet with any costumes you have purchased as well as the original body type and hue
      • Costumed pets may not be transferred until they are returned to their original appearance
      • Any existing costume credits will be returned to the pet owner when the pet is transferred or released
    If you read says specifically Cu Sidhe....BUT it also says costumes are pet specific and must be applied to the corresponding pet breed.

    Maybe I missed it.....but did they mention that they were thinking about skins for other kinds of pets, not just Cu's?

  • CinderellaCinderella Posts: 1,796
    Larisa said:
    What I am curious about:

      • Costumes are pet-specific and must be applied to the corresponding pet breed and can be applied to any color corresponding pet.

    If you read says specifically Cu Sidhe....BUT it also says costumes are pet specific and must be applied to the corresponding pet breed.

    Maybe I missed it.....but did they mention that they were thinking about skins for other kinds of pets, not just Cu's?

    I made a comment a few weeks ago
    about giving Giant Beetles a skin
    so maybe they are thinking about doing it for them too

    it probably depends on how well the CU pet costumes sell
    (i know I have heard several people say that they wanted a costume
    for their CU. so it is going to be very popular)
  • LarisaLarisa Posts: 1,233
    edited September 2021
    Ohh  a giant beetle skin would be awesome!

    I don't know...I like the way my Cu looks.....I guess it depends on how they test. I know when I got Lasher I was super excited but I won't ride it because it cuts off funny :(

    I'm just wondering...Cu's are easy because they closely resemble a regular dog....what other costumes could they do for a beetle? Some very interesting looking beetles out there!

    Maybe we could come up with some ideas for other pet costumes...

    Patiently waiting for TC to come up and I am hoping these skins look and work well!

  • HippoHippo Posts: 320
    I'm leaning toward the Saint Bernard sight unseen but may change my mind when TC1 opens up and I can all the skins.
  • AragornAragorn Posts: 293
    Swamp dragon should be the next, this is the 2nd most seen pet isn't it?
  • LarisaLarisa Posts: 1,233
    What kind of skins would you like to see for a Swamp Dragon? It's tricky because they have to consider both clients. I tend to like the Giant Beetle Graphic in the Classic Client, the Swampie in either client is kinda odd to me.

  • Lord_FrodoLord_Frodo Posts: 2,440
    Larisa said:
    Ohh  a giant beetle skin would be awesome!

    I don't know...I like the way my Cu looks.....I guess it depends on how they test. I know when I got Lasher I was super excited but I won't ride it because it cuts off funny :(

    I'm just wondering...Cu's are easy because they closely resemble a regular dog....what other costumes could they do for a beetle? Some very interesting looking beetles out there!

    Maybe we could come up with some ideas for other pet costumes...

    Patiently waiting for TC to come up and I am hoping these skins look and work well!
    I want my Giant Beetle to become FORD's Bigfoot and the Fire Beetle would be the Undertaker.
  • LarisaLarisa Posts: 1,233
    LOL well I am looking at images of Beetles....they are all pretty boring actually...some have little horns but they are all pretty's more the coloration that makes them unique.


    I want a pretty beetle! :) lol

  • McDougleMcDougle Posts: 4,083
    I want to ride my frost mite!
    Acknowledgment and accountability go a long way... 
  • Lord_FrodoLord_Frodo Posts: 2,440

  • TimTim Posts: 840
    I'm hoping for slug (Triton) skins. I don't care what they look like I just want to be able to tell mine from all the others. :)
  • Lord_FrodoLord_Frodo Posts: 2,440
    That would be nice @Tim
  • AragornAragorn Posts: 293
    edited September 2021
    Larisa said:
    What kind of skins would you like to see for a Swamp Dragon? It's tricky because they have to consider both clients. I tend to like the Giant Beetle Graphic in the Classic Client, the Swampie in either client is kinda odd to me.
    Yes, both look bad to me that's why I want a fresh look to the swampy. To me I have always wanted my melee fighter to ride on a war horse!

    Let me put it the other way, make dragon barding to horse barding or even llama barding then I would be happy. I just want my melee fighter to ride anything other than the boring swampy. There is absolutely no choice right now. 
  • dvviddvvid Posts: 849
    The new dogs look a little big when beside characters based on the screenshots I’ve seen.  
  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,673
    dvvid said:
    The new dogs look a little big when beside characters based on the screenshots I’ve seen.  
    I'm glad they are between the CC and EC size.  The EC Cu looks like a baby fox.
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • LarisaLarisa Posts: 1,233
    I don't know what kind of baby foxes you've seen....but they sure do not look like baby foxes in the EC.....example:

    Here is a lady holding a FULL GROWN fox...and she can still carry it around in her arms.....

    The Cu's tail, when it's standing up, it's higher then the characters head.....if you say that an average character is 5 feet tall...and yes that's short because I am 5'3 irl but for this purpose we'll say that my character is 5 feet tall....that means that my Cu is around 4 feet.....ish...I have NEVER seen a 4 foot tall baby fox.

    The Cu looks more Dog-Like in the EC...I think it's one of the few graphics for pets that I like better....Dragons and Cu's look more realistic in the EC, the rest not so least for me.

    But it still does not look like a baby fox...or any kind of fox for that matter in my most humble opinion.

  • DragoDrago Posts: 316
    I think EC Cu's looks fine.  I probably won't buy pet costume for my cu.  Maybe my swamp dragon since the thing is so damn big in EC (its annoying accessing containers in my house when riding one)
  • LarisaLarisa Posts: 1,233
    IF they sell the costumes individually then I will buy one....since you can't trade them and I do love all of them but only REALLY REALLY love one lol I won't buy it if it's a pack, just a waste of money.

    The EC Cu looks awesome, the swampy is crazy big I agree, you have to dismount to access containers lol.

    So HOPING that the costumes are sold individually.

  • CinderellaCinderella Posts: 1,796
    Larisa said:
    IF they sell the costumes individually then I will buy one....since you can't trade them and I do love all of them but only REALLY REALLY love one lol I won't buy it if it's a pack, just a waste of money.

    The EC Cu looks awesome, the swampy is crazy big I agree, you have to dismount to access containers lol.

    So HOPING that the costumes are sold individually.
    didn't I read/heard somewhere 
    that they would be adding each pet costume
    once a month to the store?
    (might have been the last Catskills meet & greet,
    but not really sure)

    I am torn between 2 of them
    definitely going to get both of them
    (I have a bronze cu on Origin, that I don't like the color
    it was the only CU on a magincia vendor when I went looking)

    I am wondering if the order that they are posted
    is the order they will be released
  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,673
    Sux we will have to wait for each one.
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,673
    edited September 2021
    Larisa said:
    I don't know what kind of baby foxes you've seen....but they sure do not look like baby foxes in the EC.....example:

    Here is a lady holding a FULL GROWN fox...and she can still carry it around in her arms.....

    The Cu's tail, when it's standing up, it's higher then the characters head.....if you say that an average character is 5 feet tall...and yes that's short because I am 5'3 irl but for this purpose we'll say that my character is 5 feet tall....that means that my Cu is around 4 feet.....ish...I have NEVER seen a 4 foot tall baby fox.

    The Cu looks more Dog-Like in the EC...I think it's one of the few graphics for pets that I like better....Dragons and Cu's look more realistic in the EC, the rest not so least for me.

    But it still does not look like a baby fox...or any kind of fox for that matter in my most humble opinion.

    Maybe you use a Different EC than I have.  They look tiny and very stressed when mounted in EC.
    Our feet almost hit the ground
    And look like the Fox pup.

    IN CC they look like they can handle a load and fight.
    Feet just below their stomach.

    temp.png 540.7K
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • LarisaLarisa Posts: 1,233
    Yeah from what Mesanna said:

    Logan: When will the Toymaker's Skins for our Cu Sides arrive?
    Mesanna: one sec
    Mesanna: Next month
    Mesanna: we can add one with the publish

    So it does look like we will get one at a I just have to wait for the one that I want lol.

    I do like them all but the Terrier suits my tamer the best because it's all black...even though it's a little cute-sy...I'd love to have a Doberman 

  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,673
    Larisa said:
    Yeah from what Mesanna said:

    Logan: When will the Toymaker's Skins for our Cu Sides arrive?
    Mesanna: one sec
    Mesanna: Next month
    Mesanna: we can add one with the publish

    So it does look like we will get one at a I just have to wait for the one that I want lol.

    I do like them all but the Terrier suits my tamer the best because it's all black...even though it's a little cute-sy...I'd love to have a Doberman 
    I was Logan.
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • OrichOrich Posts: 20
    I think the game would benefit a lot more if they allowed us to use those Skins on Any pet other than just Cu's. why limit the sales? why target Tamers only? more specific Cu's?
    why not allow us to use those skins on horses, beetles or any other pet? VVV pet?
    they would sell a lot more!!! @Mesanna ;  @Kyronix
  • Lord_FrodoLord_Frodo Posts: 2,440
    Orich said:
    I think the game would benefit a lot more if they allowed us to use those Skins on Any pet other than just Cu's. why limit the sales? why target Tamers only? more specific Cu's?
    why not allow us to use those skins on horses, beetles or any other pet? VVV pet?
    they would sell a lot more!!! @ Mesanna   @ Kyronix
    Or now that they have the process down have more skins for different types of pets.  I do not want my GD wearing a dog suit.  A lady bug for the beetles.
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