NPH Public Blackthorn's Event - Sunday, September 5th at 9 pm est

Greetings fellow players!  Once again NPH is hosting a public event for one and all.  We will be doing a Blackthorn's Dungeon Event in Trammel on Sunday, September 5th at 8pm central/8pm eastern.  Meet us outside Luna Gate if you wish to join us. 


  • EM RainstormerEM Rainstormer Posts: 138Event Moderator
    Keep up the good work!
  • HippoHippo Posts: 320
    Blackthorn is my favorite event!  Unlike any other event, everyone that does a small amount of damage on each Boss gets a drop into pack (1-3 Minax items).  It takes a good sized group to run through a pod relatively quick but I average 50ish drops per city pod. The reward vs. time and effort is the best ratio IMHO. If I'm awake at 9:00 EST, I'll join you all!
  • We would love to see you Hippo.  We thought we would give people who normally might not have large amounts of people to hunt with the opportunity to do Blackthorns.  Its the best bang for your buck so to speak.  If there is a good interest our guild could start doing these weekly for the shard.  We are also looking into doing some shrine battles and Scalis Net tosses.
  • Many thanks to everyone who attended our public Blackthorns Event.  Almost 15 people came.  Many died since we unfortunately ended up with a Dragon Spawn.   A good core group of 8 stayed for over two hours.  We had a pattern.  Kill the spawn surrounding the captain till he turns red and then concentrate killing him.  Then move onto the next.  Overall, most of us ended up with about 60 drops in our bags.  A great start!  We will be hosting more Blackthorn runs in the future.  Stay tuned!
  • HippoHippo Posts: 320
    Thanks again for the invite! My new Thrower (34 drops)assisted by my 2nd computer Stealth Mystic (24) got 58 drops total in 45 minutes, so I was happy :)  On ATL I usually use a a Stealth Mystic/Mage/Spellweaver  assisted by a Mystic Tamer w/fully trained Triton - that Word of Death at the end makes for swift death for any of the captains. It was fun using different characters at BT and looking forward to next time you do BT!
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