Tamer Build
I'm enjoying this build so I thought I would share.
120 Animal Tame
120 Animal Lore
120 Magery
120 Eval
120 Bushido
100 Parry
95 Chivalry
*after jewelry and armor skill buffs
70 All resist
120 DI / 40 LMC / 100 LRC / 4FCR / 20 ManaRegen / 45 HCI / 30 SSI Suit using some artifacts
Basically Honor Target, Send pet out to attack (Cu trained with Heal, Chiv, Armor Ignore), Enemy of One, Consecrate Weapon, Lightning Strike, Using Slayer with Mana Leech and Mage Weapon.
Heal Pet using Greater Heal and heal myself using Confidence, spamming Heal if in trouble. Pet also heals me if I get too low.
When in trouble I just run and Invis and focus on letting Pet tank and keeping aggro.
Sometimes my pet is able to solo a mob and so am I due to tankiness.
So far I've only tried this out on Ancient Wyrms, Lord of Abyss, and some Renowned monsters and it works great. Also some Paragon during Wildfire Event.
Does anyone else have a similar build? Any suggestions as to how to make this build
120 Animal Tame
120 Animal Lore
120 Magery
120 Eval
120 Bushido
100 Parry
95 Chivalry
*after jewelry and armor skill buffs
70 All resist
120 DI / 40 LMC / 100 LRC / 4FCR / 20 ManaRegen / 45 HCI / 30 SSI Suit using some artifacts
Basically Honor Target, Send pet out to attack (Cu trained with Heal, Chiv, Armor Ignore), Enemy of One, Consecrate Weapon, Lightning Strike, Using Slayer with Mana Leech and Mage Weapon.
Heal Pet using Greater Heal and heal myself using Confidence, spamming Heal if in trouble. Pet also heals me if I get too low.
When in trouble I just run and Invis and focus on letting Pet tank and keeping aggro.
Sometimes my pet is able to solo a mob and so am I due to tankiness.
So far I've only tried this out on Ancient Wyrms, Lord of Abyss, and some Renowned monsters and it works great. Also some Paragon during Wildfire Event.
Does anyone else have a similar build? Any suggestions as to how to make this build

May be you can try ranged weapon with HLA and HLD , (fast bow with SC -1FC, mage weapon , HLA , HLD is easy to imbue or buy) it will help your pet to stay alive.
If you think are tanky - try ninjia pet (triton) . All aggro will be on you. Or try Discord pet for different mobs where Chiv pet casts Enemy of One on self and dies fast.
You have no resist and all your healing ways do depend on Mana. Mana drains leaves you empty. I dont like this. Also you have no anatomy or wrestling , so almost anything is able to hit you if you have spellbook equipped..
Try switching skills. First I advise you to try - is exchanging Parry and Chiv for Tactics and Anatomy. For both damage with weapon and defensive wrestling with Eval. If removed parry - try using shield for more stats , FC , HP regen , whatever. Then get parry back, stone Bushido, try again.
Then Eval for Necro (99 for vampiric embrace).
Then try to make treasure hunter of this char. Where you will need at least 100 (better 300) skill points .
I also don’t spell fizzle because I use reactive armor and protection spell. It does lower my faster casting, however this isn’t a build about casting fast. It’s a melee build using mage weapon and a pet for even more damage output.
thank you very much for the feedback @Gwen.
If so, 100 parry may be wasted skill points (only 9-10% chance to block at 100 parry 120 bushido). Much higher block chance at 80DEX.
If you don't want to push your DEX up closer to 80, you may want to invest in necro/SS points instead of parry.
Regarding taming skill, most people want to focus on control chance. You can hit 99% control chance with 118 taming + 108 lore.
If your control chance is too low, pet disobeys and is apt to go wild.
One of the ones I popped on the first night they were available it had 250 str. I made him into a Tank here:
Any other things I may have missed?
About taming: since taming is hard to raise, pinks and blues cost gazillions, you better keep my suggestion in mind till next time you will have Mythical token. Your game play style affects loyalty. Spamming All Kill - All Follow means lots of loyalty checks. Telling pet one time All Follow then All Guard Me and attacking mobs by yourself means only 2 checks.
I beleive you are quite efficient. But you asked for some advices- here they are. Also see DEX as @ForeverFun mentioned. There is event going in fire dungeon. Try to survive there.
For triton - you better dont waste good for first try. Crap one with 114 Wrestling will do. People are usually giving them out for free or releasing. I buy them 1M per for my silly experiments. So if you are opening statues - do it in Tokuno , and dont release weaklings. Try different builds. Ninjia + FWW , Ninjia + FWW+Conductive blast + AOE , FWW + Aura of nausea , Ninjia + FWW +CB+ Talon strike , some will suit you , some not.
Mage healing cannot heal poisoned pet. Vet can heal. Same is Mystic healing. Try ranged weapon as I mentioned above. WithHLA and HLD. Your pet will bring mobs down faster and need less healing.
The way I do my pet command playstyle is (if i can ride it) I say all kill maybe 1 to 3 times (depending on how many mobs), and then I run up next to it and hit my auto mount pet macro. I have no issue with loyalty so far. At least every time I check my loyalty its wonderfully happy. Although everything you are saying makes absolute sense.
I did change my dex to 80 as @ForeverFun stated. I seem to have even more survivability and parry chance. Much better. Thank you ForeverFun. My base stats are now 100str, 80int, and 80dex.
I absolutely am gonna try out using ranged mage weapons. If thats the case I may be able to drop some skills like you stated. Thank you for all your advice as well. So far this build has been much fun.
(you might be better off just dropping the magery and Eval and taking tact and swords, that way you could evade and use weapon specials plus your faster casting would be capped at 4 not 2 if you have no magery)”
You only have Taming and Lore left to drop.
Magery without eval int is a pretty good stand alone skill for utility and healing. Especially for pvp. Gheals, heals, cure, protection, reactive armor, recall, mark, gate, teleport, poison for interrupts, and the most needed invisibility are are extremely useful. I found though that I was trading out utility for damage output. So it’s really all personal preference. Also side note, I swapped out eval int and parry for vet and tactics. It did increase my damage output tremendously, but then I found I didn’t need Bushido as much as I wanted. So you can only change your build up so much to be disappointed and say “meh, I’m done.”
In conclusion, the build works, but it is not as strong as other builds for sure. Except for farming. It excels at farming!
I encourage all players to try and create there own unique builds, you learn so much about the game in doing so from other helpful players and meet good people along the way.
100lore/taming/parrying/resist/swords/tactics 120 bush. After gear boost = 115/115/120/120/120/110/120. Gear is still being tweaked as i'm playing.
120 Taming
120 Vet
120 Lore
120 Music
120 Peace
100 Magery
20 Med
(120 Provoke and Discord are on soulstones).
She rocks. Making Honor fighting Balrons is assembly line work as is taming Greater Dragons solo.
Animal Tame 120
Animal Lore 120
Music 120
Discord 120
Peace 120 (Peace Mastery for all the Regen for pets)
Provoke 120
Chivalry 50 (all from gear) Close Wounds 100% chance and heal is based on Karma plus benefit from 4 faster casting and 6 faster casting recovery.
Focus 40 Just for more mana regen to keep up peace mastery and heals.
With the right rings and bracelet I could get it to 60 Chiv and 50 Focus, (So still looking for those rings).
This build has been so much fun. I'm eventually going to figure out a way to work in Virtuoso set.
The only downside is rezing pet if worst case scenario happens, also you have to be within 2 tiles from pet to use close wounds on them.
Pet does all damage. Discord enemies for further damage reduction and damage done. Peace if in trouble. Provoke for multiple enemies. All added bonuses for being able to use all bard skills at max.
I’ve thought about dropping Lore and Taming to lower values, but it was a pain to get to 120 and I’d hate to ruin my 120 gains.