the mystery of the "Book of Lore"!

so we have here "2 book of lore" (on the left) one is Full and one is Empty!
If you put the mouse on the books we have the same description (on the right).

the only way to know its empty is "double click on it" and see this:

the only way to know if there are at last one page = None
the only way to know if the book is full = None

Can you please fix this?
If you dont fix it, telling of the book is full or have 1 or more page, it is possible to scam someone easily!!

thanks and hope it'll be fixed


  • YoshiYoshi Posts: 3,322
    “I have confirmed a purchaser is unable to open the book to view any contents when on a vendor"
    Posts on this account have been pre filtered from personal comment or opinion in an effort to suppress conservative views in order to protect the reader.
  • KyronixKyronix Posts: 1,207Dev
    Once the book contains at least one page the title will be visible, otherwise it is simply, "A book of lore"

    Will see about previewing on vendors for a future publish.  In the meantime, peddlers of lore books are encouraged to sell individual pages lest caveat emptor.
  • BlackFishBlackFish Posts: 20
    edited May 2021
    Kyronix said:
    Once the book contains at least one page the title will be visible, otherwise it is simply, "A book of lore"

    Will see about previewing on vendors for a future publish.  In the meantime, peddlers of lore books are encouraged to sell individual pages lest caveat emptor.
    It would also be nice, if the free is full, make sure that it is recognized by changing the color or adding an inscription like: the book is full or the book contains xx pages

     thx a lot Kyronix :) and sorry for my english  :#
  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,645
    Kyronix said:
    Once the book contains at least one page the title will be visible, otherwise it is simply, "A book of lore"

    Will see about previewing on vendors for a future publish.  In the meantime, peddlers of lore books are encouraged to sell individual pages lest caveat emptor.
    The OP showed a picture and he said one is full. They both have the same name.
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • KyronixKyronix Posts: 1,207Dev
    Hrm, that's curious.  At one point the itemproperties of the lorebook mimic those of the individual page once a page had been inserted.  Will have a look - thanks!
  • YoshiYoshi Posts: 3,322
    edited May 2021
    "I also have a problem with my book of lore,
    I used the old 'of the three' book and my page 0 has gone (back arrow does nothing),
    this is the first page:"

    Posts on this account have been pre filtered from personal comment or opinion in an effort to suppress conservative views in order to protect the reader.
  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,645
    Kyronix said:
    Hrm, that's curious.  At one point the itemproperties of the lorebook mimic those of the individual page once a page had been inserted.  Will have a look - thanks!
    You can put these pages in the of the Three lore book. Is there a way to have all titles from the pages show, so we can use 1 book?

    Oops I wrote this before the post above and didn't send. I'll wait to add pages to that book.
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • AmberWitchAmberWitch Posts: 698
    It's my understanding that each character can get one page per day. Does the timer reset at server up or does it reset 24 hours after that character got one?
  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,645
    XAmberWitch said:
    It's my understanding that each character can get one page per day. Does the timer reset at server up or does it reset 24 hours after that character got one?
    You can get more than one a day. You can also do multiple spawns in a new day and not get a drop.

    Did none of y'all get cubes and statues from the other spawns?  It is the same mechanic.
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • ForeverFunForeverFun Posts: 935
    I've received two in a game server day (server up to server down), on the same char.  Spread out about 8-12 hours.  Don't remember receiving more than two per server day.
  • AmberWitchAmberWitch Posts: 698
    Thanks for the responses.
    Appreciate it.
  • YoshiYoshi Posts: 3,322
    edited May 2021
    “Will a Gamemaster be able to restore my page 0 from my ‘of the three’ book of lore?”
    Posts on this account have been pre filtered from personal comment or opinion in an effort to suppress conservative views in order to protect the reader.
  • YoshiYoshi Posts: 3,322
    Yoshi said:
    "I also have a problem with my book of lore,
    I used the old 'of the three' book and my page 0 has gone (back arrow does nothing),
    this is the first page:"

    "I paged a GM to assist, and immediately received the canned response to say they could not replace lost items, can anyone help me with my deleted page 0?"
    Posts on this account have been pre filtered from personal comment or opinion in an effort to suppress conservative views in order to protect the reader.
  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,645
    edited June 2021
     :D  Stop sticking things where they don't belong?  :)

    I would also like to use that book and see what happens.  But I would have to collect another set of pages....
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • dvviddvvid Posts: 849
    Should be able to get page 0 back considering being able to put it in the book with other lore pages was an oversight on the dev’s behalf, as it seems. 

    The moment a page gets added to a lore book, that book should only accept pages that pertain to the story that is in the book. 

    Additionally, the book should have the title of
    the story once a page is added instead of it remaining as “Book of Lore” which is what an empty book is titled. 
  • ChrilleChrille Posts: 220
    My book says book of lore and also the pages inside are bugged.
    book.jpg 282.6K
  • McDougleMcDougle Posts: 4,082
     my book still just says book of lore as well... but at least i got a page drop after 5 days ;)
    Acknowledgment and accountability go a long way... 
  • KyronixKyronix Posts: 1,207Dev
    @Chrille - what shard did this occur on?
  • ChrilleChrille Posts: 220
    edited June 2021
    @Kyronix it's on catskills, I had the book in a bag  inside my main backpack while filling it, might be the thing that messed it up. I have the book lockdowned in my keep at 116,53 n and 25,56 w. x,y is 956,294
  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,645
    Chrille said:
    @ Kyronix it's on catskills, I had the book in a bag  inside my main backpack while filling it, might be the thing that messed it up. I have the book lockdowned in my keep at 116,53 n and 25,56 w.
    They use x,y coords.
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • YoshiYoshi Posts: 3,322
    “Do you also require the co-ordinates of my book of lore?”
    Posts on this account have been pre filtered from personal comment or opinion in an effort to suppress conservative views in order to protect the reader.
  • KazKaz Posts: 139
    My books also bugged (maybe). 

    Have gathered all 13 pages, still says Book of Lore, and story is incomplete (as above pages only half written)

    was there a fix?
  • BlackFishBlackFish Posts: 20
    Kyronix said:
    @ Chrille - what shard did this occur on?

    we can hope to see the book with a different name when is full or when have some pages on?
    something like:
    - "Book of Lore - n° of pages" (or something similiar)
    - we'll be able to add also the "page 0"?
    - when is full "i dont know"!! Decause maybe more pages'll be added.... :)

  • CinderellaCinderella Posts: 1,794
    I have no plans of adding the first book of lore to the 2nd book of lore.
    they are two separate events.
    But I was wondering if they are going to keep doing this for the champ spawn events.
    If we get a new Book of Lore (in a different color)
    or will next time it start at page 14?

    I love how these pages tell the story of the events that we have participated in.
    And I hope that it continues.
  • BlackFishBlackFish Posts: 20
    I have no plans of adding the first book of lore to the 2nd book of lore.
    they are two separate events.
    But I was wondering if they are going to keep doing this for the champ spawn events.
    If we get a new Book of Lore (in a different color)
    or will next time it start at page 14?

    I love how these pages tell the story of the events that we have participated in.
    And I hope that it continues.
    what does the fact that they are two separate events have to do with it? If one has that page, since it is page "0" maybe it can be added. If you don't have that page it doesn't mean it can't be taken into consideration. Maybe the book can be enriched with all the pages, which I imagine from how we have seen, have and will have a progressive numbering. If there is this progressive numbering, there is a sense!
  • BlackFishBlackFish Posts: 20
    Kyronix said:
    Hrm, that's curious.  At one point the itemproperties of the lorebook mimic those of the individual page once a page had been inserted.  Will have a look - thanks!
    Hi @Kyronix ;
    will there be a fix to distinguish when a "book of lore" is full, empty or with pages?
    Pls fix it!
    Players can be scammed, thx and have a nice day :)
  • ChrilleChrille Posts: 220
    edited June 2021
    From the bug report category this was posted yesterday by Kyronix.

    "Feel free to add pages to your book, the resolution to displaying the title will come with the next publish later this season."

  • sure it's a bit strange ...
    - all pages are separate
    - we have 2 sets of 9 separate pages and one (page 0) always separate
    - we only have one book
    - if the pages, 1,2, 3 are placed, all the book always remains with the same name and color and / or shape

      ok ok Kyronix said the name will change,
    but how?

    I do not find such a long time between each fix acceptable.
    They might also release fixes more frequently, I don't see the problem.
    Once it is fixed, it is released.
  • hi @Kyronix 
    Any news on book name?
    now we have the 2nd  book  (from Wildfre) all with same name and same issue.

    Do you think we can have this fixed soon?
  • they are fixed, sorry @Kyronix 
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