Events Input

EM RainstormerEM Rainstormer Posts: 138Event Moderator

As I was working on the latest event I was really excited about the neat story that I was putting together. Of course I always get excited and hope you all enjoy the content. With that being said I would like to hear from you all and how you feel the direction of story lines are going. Are you enjoying the story lines? Do you feel they are in depth enough to where it is not just hack and slash, reward (sometimes) and then it's over?

Point is I work for you the players! I would like to hear back from you on what you would like to see and even things you don't want to see. Any feedback would be greatly appreciated and will help ensure the quality of content.

I sincerely look forward to reading what you have to say.

EM Rainstormer


  • NorryNorry Posts: 536
    Try adding in some oracle things. Sometimes its fun to find and talk to the npcs, and helps the world feel alive. Even do these where half the event is this, then lead to hack and slash.
  • EM RainstormerEM Rainstormer Posts: 138Event Moderator
    Norry, thank you for the feedback. I appreciate you taking the time to give some feedback. I am positive I can add in some oracles in future events to liven it up. :)
  • NorryNorry Posts: 536
    not everyone enjoys it, but i do. thank you <span>:smile:</span>
  • OnixiaOnixia Posts: 91
    I always love your events and storyline.  Makes all the dying worth it.  Lol
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